Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers

Why didn't they let the three-quarters of a million that they ethnically cleansed back in

They didn't ethnically cleanse them!

Those losers left because the Arab nations told them to.

And since they left on their own, expecting another Holocaust, why the fuck should they get ANYTHING after making the worst possible choice they could make? <--- That isn't a rhetorical question, either, I expect an answer.
And what about the thousands that they murdered.

Did they? Did they really? So now you're just throwing whatever shit up against the wall that you can.

The Arabs killed 6,300 Jews, 2/3 of whom were civilians.

The Arabs expelled 900,000 Jews from the Arab nations, when they weren't threatening their lives.

That's the REAL Nakba.

You are a liar. All Zionists are. Fuck off.
Every accusation is a projection with you people.

You're also a hypocrite because you oppose Israel occupying and annexing territory, but you defend it when Russia does it.

So that makes you a hypocrite, and it completely discredits your argument.

Now will come the point in this thread where you start to stall, just like Domer.
Every accusation is a projection with you people.

You're also a hypocrite because you oppose Israel occupying and annexing territory, but you defend it when Russia does it.

So that makes you a hypocrite, and it completely discredits your argument and JPP character.
Give unto Russia that which is Russia's. Give unto Palestine that which is Palestine's.
Give unto Zionism nothing whatsoever. It is a foul doctrine of ethnic cleansing and murder.

You can fuck off now. You've been exposed as a prosemitic dumbass.
I am prosemitic dumbass intolerant.
More countries have recognized their statehood.

Yeah, in the WB and Gaza. Most people support that. But you don't because you're anti-zionist.

You can't be anti-zionist AND support a 2SS.

Being antizionist means you're pro-genocide because you want to destroy the world's only Jewish country and ethnically cleanse and/or genocide half the world's Jews.

Everything you accuse Israel of doing are actually things YOU WANT TO DO.
The law states that the illegal Jewish occupiers must withdraw from Palestine. That's all you need to know, half-wit.

I am half-wit intolerant.
It is up to every decent , law-abiding, person on earth to ensure that Israel never recovers from this display of inhuman Zionist brutality. Sever all ties. Exclude each and every Israel-friendly politician. Re-forge democracy as a force for good over evil.
Zionism has engendered a world-wide righteous antisemitism born of rage.
We know what your goal destroy the world's only Jewish country and ethnically cleanse and/or genocide half of the world's Jews.
There wasn't much Jewish history to erase, was there. Your lies have been found out.

Ah, so now you're admitting that the Arab Muslims DID erase Jewish history, you're just trying to argue that there wasn't much history there, despite the fact that the Al-Aqsa mosque stands directly on top of the holiest site in Judaism.

That's from Arab Muslim colonization, and all colonization is bad, right?
When you get right down to it- the history doesn't matter .

I jsut want everyone to recognize the goalpost shift that occurred here. What started as an (a)historical argument has now devolved into having no relevance at all.

So you've just totally erased everything you've been arguing this entire time.

"The history doesn't matter" suddenly to people who made arguments supposedly based on history.

This is why the Palestinians will never have a state...they and their supporters are such fucking CRYBABIES.
Ah, so now you're admitting that the Arab Muslims DID erase Jewish history, you're just trying to argue that there wasn't much history there, despite the fact that the Al-Aqsa mosque stands directly on top of the holiest site in Judaism.

That's from Arab Muslim colonization, and all colonization is bad, right?
What was the ' holiest site in Judaism ' built on ?

Haw, haw.....................................................................................haw.

The Old Testament is myth.

You are a scurrilous fool. Begone.
I am scurrilous fool intolerant.
I jsut want everyone to recognize the goalpost shift that occurred here. What started as an (a)historical argument has now devolved into having no relevance at all.

So you've just totally erased everything you've been arguing this entire time.

"The history doesn't matter" suddenly to people who made arguments supposedly based on history.

This is why the Palestinians will never have a state...they and their supporters are such fucking CRYBABIES.
Naughty Jews are going to jail.