Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers

Give unto Zionism nothing whatsoever. It is a foul doctrine of ethnic cleansing and murder.

The only ethnic cleansing that happened in 1948 was this:

The law states that the illegal Jewish occupiers must withdraw from Palestine.

The law also states that terrorism is illegal, so Hamas needs to be removed permanently if you truly want a Palestine to exist....which I'm not entirely convinced you do.

I don't believe you actually want a Palestine to exist so much as you want to destroy Israel because you hate Jews.
That's what Netanyahu and his filthy cabal are aiming for.

Well, I oppose Bibi for the same reason I oppose Hamas...neither want peace, only genocide.

You don't want peace want genocide. That's what antizionism is...genocide.

So again...everything you accuse Israel of doing are things you want to actually do to Israel.

That also makes you a hypocrite, along with the Russia stuff.
You lie. You are a prosemitic cretin.
If the Palestinian people were the real Levantines (people of the Levant), why then do they speak Arabic, which is a language not indigenous to any part of the Levant, and don’t maintain any of the original Levantine languages? How come they don’t speak Edomite, Moabite, Ammonite, Aramaic or Phoenician?

Oh, never mind. When all else fails, not-antisemites will claim the Palestinians are the “real” Hebrews, and that Jesus was a Palestinian or whatever. So let me rephrase the question once again:

If the Palestinian people were the real Hebrews, why then do they speak Arabic, a language which was never spoken by Hebrews? How come they don’t maintain the original Hebrew?
What was the ' holiest site in Judaism ' built on ?
Nothing. Dirt. That's what it was built on. And it was rebuilt at least three times because antisemites kept destroying it.

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Judaism's holiest site, has been the location of two Jewish temples that were rebuilt several times in antiquity:

View attachment 27540
First Temple
Built by King Solomon around 957 BCE, according to Jewish tradition and scripture. The Neo-Babylonian Empire destroyed the First Temple and Jerusalem in 587 BCE.

View attachment 27542
Second Temple
Built by Zerubbabel around 516 BCE after the Achaemenid Persian Empire conquered the Neo-Babylonian Empire. King Herod later renovated the Second Temple, but the Roman Empire destroyed it in 70 CE during the Roman siege of Jerusalem.

So just like I've been saying, you don't know anything about this topic. You just run your mouth because you hate Jews.
If the Palestinian people were the real Levantines (people of the Levant), why then do they speak Arabic, which is a language not indigenous to any part of the Levant, and don’t maintain any of the original Levantine languages? How come they don’t speak Edomite, Moabite, Ammonite, Aramaic or Phoenician?

Oh, never mind. When all else fails, not-antisemites will claim the Palestinians are the “real” Hebrews, and that Jesus was a Palestinian or whatever. So let me rephrase the question once again:

If the Palestinian people were the real Hebrews, why then do they speak Arabic, a language which was never spoken by Hebrews? How come they don’t maintain the original Hebrew?

And if they are indigenous, then why do they pray at a mosque that was built on top of the Temple Mount, which is the holiest site in Judaism?
I was in Israel many years ago for about a month. It was 2 years after the 6 day war. I assure you, the Israelis are not assholes. They are doing what they have to do to fend off the murderous Arab hord.

They didn't ethnically cleanse them!

Those losers left because the Arab nations told them to.

And since they left on their own, expecting another Holocaust, why the fuck should they get ANYTHING after making the worst possible choice they could make? <--- That isn't a rhetorical question, either, I expect an answer.
Just another fucking lie. You have plenty of them.
The law states that the illegal Jewish occupiers must withdraw from Palestine. That's all you need to know.
Abide by the law .
There was no Israel prior to 1948. Now most of the world - considering the genocidal Jews' atrocities- don't want it to reach 77.
Zionism will destroy itself. All we have to do is help it along.
The law states that the illegal Jewish occupiers must withdraw from Palestine.
Which I wholly support 100%. Despite the Palestinians' proclivities, I still believe a 2SS is the only one that doesn't end in genocide.

Antizionists can't support a 2SS because they think one of those states, Israel, should be destroyed.

Why? Probably because it's the only Jewish country in the world and is home to half of the world's Jews.