Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers

You're the liar here.

You lied about ethnic cleansing.

You lied about supporting Russia.

You're a liar. And a hypocrite. And a total fucking fraud.
You sound like a loser AND a liar. Why would that be ?

Haw, haw...................................haw.
I'm not the one crying gEnOcIDe here because Israel responded how it always responds to attacks on its sovereignty and citizens.
Israel doesn't have any sovereignty over Palestine- yet it's been attacking it, squatting on it and murdering its citizens for decades. Too long. Jews, go home- while you still have a home to go to.
Israel doesn't have any sovereignty over Palestine
Palestine doesn't exist.

An independent nation of Palestine has never existed.

Many Muslim Arabs made a choice to leave Israel in 1948 because they hated Jews and thought the Arab armies would wipe the Jews out.

However, many Muslim Arabs stayed in Israel and became citizens. 150,000 in 1948...2,000,000 today.

You still can't explain how it's ethnic cleansing when there's MORE today them there was in 1948. Almost 10x as many.
yet it's been attacking it, squatting on it and murdering its citizens for decades.
There has never been an independent nation of Palestine, and every single time it is proposed the Palestinians reject it because they believe that one day Israel will be destroyed.

That's a lie.

Israel is not going to be destroyed. So when you tell the Palestinians that it will, you are lying to them and using them to advance your antisemitic goals because you're a fucking hypocrite and fraud and you know it.
Palestine has never existed as an independent Muslim state.
The Palestinian state is recognized by the UN and 145 countries. It is a democratic state , unlike the Israeli state which declares itself ' Jewish ' to the detriment of its 25% non-Jews.
You know nothing- you are as simple-minded nuisance. Go away.
Let's revisit the mendacious thread title;

Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers​

This is incorrect. The region known as Palestine has existed since antiquity. It was recorded by the ancient Greeks.
The region has been inhabited since the Neolithic era - the stone age- and there are human remains dating back 1.5 million years. Certainly, none of these early people were Jewish nor Muslim. As they developed the indigenous people formed tribal cultures which followed diverse religious paths. Migrants from surrounding regions mixed with the local populations to produce the Canaanite culture of the Bronze Age. This has been proven by DNA analysis published in May, 2020- so we are talking FACT here, not wishful myth.
Judaism did not appear until later- and Islam later still- the point being that BOTH religions stemmed from the tribes that already inhabited Palestine , mixed along with its later immigrants. So the thread title is a reversal of fact. Both Jews and Muslims are descendants of the indigenous people of Palestine who have existed since the dawn of Man.
The Palestinian state is recognized by the UN and 145 countries.

Not exactly. They're recognizing the representation at the UN as official, but not as far as any actual state is concerned.

It is a democratic state , unlike the Israeli state which declares itself ' Jewish ' to the detriment of its 25% non-Jews.

It is not a democratic state since it hasn't had any democratic elections in about 18 years.
Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers


This is incorrect. The region known as Palestine has existed since antiquity.

So then why do Palestinians speak Arabic and worship Allah? If they've supposedly been there since antiquity, how come they don't speak any of the languages from that time, NOR do they worship any of the deities from that time either?

Those things aren't indigenous to the Southern Levant, they're indigenous to the Arabian peninsula which is very much NOT inclusive of the Southern Levant.

But Hebrew and Judaism are both still practiced in the Southern Levant today just as they were during antiquity.

It was recorded by the ancient Greeks.

OK, but that doesn't mean Palestinians are from there. They're Muslim Arabs and Muslim Arabs come from Arabia. That's why they're called Arabs. Are you so racist as to think everyone in the Middle East is Arab and has always been Arab?

he region has been inhabited since the Neolithic era
Sure, but not by Arabs or Muslims until around 700 AD.

Palestinians are Arab Muslims are they not? If not, they should probably stop speaking Arabic and worshipping Allah.
Certainly, none of these early people were Jewish nor Muslim.

NO! WRONG! They were and are Jewish. Jews have been there for about 5000 years.

Judaism is still practiced there, and Hebrew is still spoken there.

If Palestinians have supposedly been there this whole time, how come they don't speak any of the languages going back to antiquity, and how come they don't worship any of the antiquity Gods?


As they developed the indigenous people formed tribal cultures which followed diverse religious paths. Migrants from surrounding regions mixed with the local populations to produce the Canaanite culture of the Bronze Age. This has been proven by DNA analysis published in May, 2020- so we are talking FACT here, not wishful myth.
Judaism did not appear until later- and Islam later still- the point being that BOTH religions stemmed from the tribes that already inhabited Palestine , mixed along with its later immigrants. So the thread title is a reversal of fact. Both Jews and Muslims are descendants of the indigenous people of Palestine who have existed since the dawn of Man.

That DNA study was retracted because it was bullshit.

Judaism appeared in the region about 5000 years ago, when the Israelites left Egypt in the Exodus.

Of all the ancient languages, customs, and religions...only Judaism has been there the entire time. Judaism is practiced in the region the same way it was during antiquity. Hebrew is spoken there just as it was during antiquity.

If you are saying Palestinians are indigenous to that place, then why don't they speak any of the ancient languages, hold any of the ancient customs, or worship any of the ancient Gods?

Because Jews speak the ancient language, hold the same ancient customs, and worship their ancient God.
Not exactly. They're recognizing the representation at the UN as official, but not as far as any actual state is concerned.

It is not a democratic state since it hasn't had any democratic elections in about 18 years.
The recognition of the Palestinian state entails its physical borders- recognized by 145 countries - along with its UN statehood rights.

Of course it's democratic. You are grasping at prosemitic straws.
' Yet the ICJ has demolished Israel’s claim that the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip are not occupied, merely “disputed”. The Israeli government has long stressed that there was no “Palestine” whose land it could occupy because, until the six-day war of June 1967, the West Bank and East Jerusalem had been held by Jordan, which has since relinquished any claims to them, and the Gaza Strip was administered by Egypt, which certainly doesn’t want it back.

But the court held that for legal purposes, occupation is the product of a military takeover of land, regardless of its status. Even Gaza has long been occupied, the court found, despite Israel’s 2005 disengagement, because Israel maintained authority over various aspects of life in Gaza that could be exercised when it wished.

That occupation brings into force the fourth geneva convention of 1949 on military occupation, which Israel has ratified. Article 49 renders it illegal – a war crime – for an occupying power to transfer its population to occupied territory, as the court found that Israel has done with its settlements.

Did Palestinian leaders waive these rights with the Oslo accords, which recognized certain Israeli powers in the occupied territory as negotiations were supposed to proceed toward a Palestinian state? No, said the court, citing article 47 of the fourth Geneva convention, which says negotiations between occupier and occupied cannot deprive people of rights under the convention – a wise precaution given inherent power imbalances.

The court’s ruling is thus more than a legal setback for Israel. It is a virtual invitation for Karim Khan, chief prosecutor for the international criminal court (ICC), to prosecute the officials behind the settlements. He should start with the members of the current government who are authorizing their rapid expansion. '


Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers​

A proven nonsense, disseminated by prosemitic liars.