Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers

Israel has had its chance. For its emulation of Nazism it has forfeited the moral right to exist.
Israel exists, Palestine does not.

You're calling Israelis Nazis after THIS SHIT:

Ask yourself why the US is only nation in the world supporting Israel.
Many nations did after the attack. They were falling away because Israel has been using the attacks to slaughter people who did not attack them . The average age in Palestine is 15. They are getting slaughtered. The survivors will not want peace with Israel. There are thousands of enemies Israel is creating. However, Netanyahoo would have no problem killing them all.
The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem meets Adolf Hitler.

Palestinians were Nazi collaborators.

Palestinians are also Arab Muslims and Arab Muslims come from Arabia.

Palestinians are not indigenous to the Southern Levant.
I see. So we can assume- by your weird logic- that any photograph of two people together indicates that they are collaborators.
Besides , the Mufti wasn't a delegate for Palestinians. He was installed by the British.

Palestinians have been indigenous to the region since the neolithic era. Judaism came fairly recently as a small tribal religion.
The Old Testament is myth.

You know nothing. Go away

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was a position created by the British Mandate authorities. The new title was intended by the British to "enhance the status of the office". When Kamil al-Husayni died in 1921, the British High Commissioner Herbert Samuel appointed Mohammad Amin al-Husayni to the position.

Besides , the Mufti wasn't a delegate for Palestinians. He was installed by the British.

As the Muslim Arab designate for the mandate of Palestine. So yes, he was the "delegate" and he turned on the British which is why he was palling around with Hitler in 1941.
Palestinians have been indigenous to the region since the neolithic era.
Then how come Palestinians don't speak any of the ancient languages, hold any of the ancient customs, or worship any of the ancient Gods?

Jews do, though.

Hebrew is spoken in the Southern Levant today as it was during antiquity.

Judaism is practiced in the Southern Levant today as it was during antiquity.

Jewish customs are still upheld in the Southern Levant today as they were during antiquity.

Jews are the indigenous ones.
You know nothing. Go away

You're a racist because you assume everyone in the middle east is Arab.

Palestinians have no ties to the Southern Levant. It's not where their language is from. It's not where their customs are from. It's not where their religion is from.

So if everything that makes up the Palestinian identity is from a place that isn't the Southern Levant, that means Palestinians are not indigenous to it.
You're a racist because you assume everyone in the middle east is Arab.

Palestinians have no ties to the Southern Levant. It's not where their language is from. It's not where their customs are from. It's not where their religion is from.

So if everything that makes up the Palestinian identity is from a place that isn't the Southern Levant, that means Palestinians are not indigenous to it.
You're a liar- as are all Zionists. Mendacity goes with the doctrine. Israel is a criminal state and there was no Israel prior to 1948. European pseudo-Jews committed atrocities against the indigenous Palestinians in order to ethnically-cleans their country. Israel became a fascist state and is now in breach of more UN resolutions that every other state combined. Zionists use Judaism as a cover for their crimes against humanity. Israel is currently charged with genocide and arrest warrants are pending for its criminal leadership.
For its emulation of Nazism Israel has forfeited the moral right to exist. The world at large wants rid of it.
Arab Muslims came out of the Arabian peninsula to colonize the Middle East and North Africa.

They built a mosque called "The Maximum" on top of the holiest site in Judaism, in a city Mohammed never visited.

Jews have been living there for 5700 years...Arabs have been living there for 1200 years.

Palestinians have no legitimate claim to the Southern Levant. Arab Muslims don't come from there, they come from Arabia as this map helpfully shows:

You're a liar- as are all Zionists. Mendacity goes with the doctrine. Israel is a criminal state and there was no Israel prior to 1948. European pseudo-Jews committed atrocities against the indigenous Palestinians in order to ethnically-cleans their country. Israel became a fascist state and is now in breach of more UN resolutions that every other state combined. Zionists use Judaism as a cover for their crimes against humanity. Israel is currently charged with genocide and arrest warrants are pending for its criminal leadership.
For its emulation of Nazism Israel has forfeited the moral right to exist. The world at large wants rid of it.

Here's a simple question: What makes someone indigenous? Speaking the language of the region. Holding the customs of the region. Practicing the religion of the region.

Palestinians have none of those. Their identity comes from Arabia. Their language comes from there. Their religion comes from there. Their customs come from there.

In the Southern Levant prior to the Arab Muslim colonization, Arabic wasn't spoken there, Islam wasn't practiced there, and the dominant culture wasn't Arab.

The fact of the matter is that your entire argument is built on a lie; the lie being that Palestinians are indigenous. They aren't. Not even close.

Palestinians are as indigenous to Israel as white Americans are indigenous to America.
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Oh, so if Palestinians are indigenous, how come they don't speak any of the ancient languages, hold any of the ancient customs, or worship any of the ancient Gods?

But you know who does? Jews.

Hebrew is spoken there today just as it was during antiquity.

Judaism is practiced there today just as it was during antiquity.

Jewish customs are still upheld there today just as they were during antiquity.

Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers who built a mosque called "The Maximum" on top of the holiest site in Judaism in a city Mohammed never visited. The Arab Muslim Caliphate did that sort of thing everywhere they went. You wouldn't believe the number of holy sites Muslim Arabs built their tacky shit on. Arabs are colonizers and Palestinians are colonizers. They don't belong there. They should go back to Arabia.
Very succinct.
Here's a simple question: What makes someone indigenous? Speaking the language of the region. Holding the customs of the region. Practicing the religion of the region.

Palestinians have none of those. Their identity comes from Arabia. Their language comes from there. Their religion comes from there. Their customs come from there.

In the Southern Levant prior to the Arab Muslim colonization, Arabic wasn't spoken there, Islam wasn't practiced there, and the dominant culture wasn't Arab.

The fact of the matter is that your entire argument is built on a lie; the lie being that Palestinians are indigenous. They aren't. Not even close.

Palestinians are as indigenous to Israel as white Americans are indigenous to America.
To borrow from another member...................." Baloney "

Haw, haw.................................................haw.
Oh, so if Palestinians are indigenous, how come they don't speak any of the ancient languages, hold any of the ancient customs, or worship any of the ancient Gods?

But you know who does? Jews.

Hebrew is spoken there today just as it was during antiquity.

Judaism is practiced there today just as it was during antiquity.

Jewish customs are still upheld there today just as they were during antiquity.

Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers who built a mosque called "The Maximum" on top of the holiest site in Judaism in a city Mohammed never visited. The Arab Muslim Caliphate did that sort of thing everywhere they went. You wouldn't believe the number of holy sites Muslim Arabs built their tacky shit on. Arabs are colonizers and Palestinians are colonizers. They don't belong there. They should go back to Arabia.