Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers

You are not of sound mind.

It doesn't. It's not real. It's never been real. They had a chance at a real nation but they chose jihad instead.

The reason is because they don't actually have an historical claim to the land because they're NOT FROM THERE.
Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers

This is a true statement.

A proven nonsense, disseminated by prosemitic liars.

If Palestinians are supposedly indigenous to the Southern Levant, how come they don't speak any of the ancient languages, hold any of the ancient customs, or worship any of the ancient Gods?

Because the Jews there do.
What democracies do you know of that don't hold elections for 18 years?
Which other democracies have a fascist boot on their necks which will not permit large percentages of their populations to vote ? Palestine has voted to be free- so fuck off.
It doesn't. It's not real. It's never been real. They had a chance at a real nation but they chose jihad instead.

The reason is because they don't actually have an historical claim to the land because they're NOT FROM THERE.
You are not well. Go punch your rabbi.
Not all all. 145 countries specify the pre 1967 borders in their rtecognition of the sovereign Palestinian state. You illegals are going to have to keep your bags packed.
So reverting to pre WW II business contracts brokered by the Catholic Church between Islam oil & Nazi Germany to prove Mohammed flaming flying chariot pseudoscience more perfect union to human reproduction medical pseudoscience immaculate virgin Mary son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception will be recognized as suicidal super ego homicidal human farming pyramid scheme economics......or so it goes with that Islam Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom more perfect union with "serve the Pope or die" McHeil's Navy Christiananality pedophilia supreme swastika up Uranus from womb to tomb demogoguery.......
Not all all. 145 countries specify the pre 1967 borders in their rtecognition of the sovereign Palestinian state. You illegals are going to have to keep your bags packed.
No. They don't. Palestine has never existed, so there are no borders to recognize.

Palestinians REJECTED the partition, remember?
Which other democracies have a fascist boot on their necks which will not permit large percentages of their populations to vote ?
No one has prevented the Palestinians from holding elections in the last 18 years.

Well, that's maybe not accurate...HAMAS has prevented elections from being held in Gaza because they know they would lose those elections.
No. They don't. Palestine has never existed, so there are no borders to recognize.

Palestinians REJECTED the partition, remember?
I told you this before- RESOLUTION 181 PASSED DESPITE ARAB OBJECTIONS. The Palestinian borders were designated along with the territory of Palestine shamefully given to the European Zionists.
You are becoming repetitive again- so fuck off, I've no time for prosemitic trolls.
OK, so what? Arabs didn't agree to it, this is you saying that they were the people who didn't want the partition! AND why didn't they want it? Probably something to do with these two assholes:


NOW they want the partition?????? You gotta be fucking kidding me with this shit. What happened to "from the river to the sea"?

After losing constantly for 80 years, now they're like..."oh we'll accept what was offered in 1948."

Well, you're about 80 years too late. Tough titties. They should be thankful for ANYTHING offered their way at this point.
The Palestinian borders were designated along with the territory of Palestine shamefully given to the European Zionists.

The Arabs rejected that for 80's too late to ask for that now.

Now, they should consider themselves lucky anyone is even entertaining the idea of a 2SS.

They should be ridding themselves of Hamas in order to prove that they can live in peace with Israel.
Israel has had its chance. For its emulation of Nazism it has forfeited the moral right to exist.
Arab Muslims came out of the Arabian peninsula to colonize the Middle East and North Africa.

They built a mosque called "The Maximum" on top of the holiest site in Judaism, in a city Mohammed never visited.

Jews have been living there for 5700 years...Arabs have been living there for 1200 years.

Palestinians have no legitimate claim to the Southern Levant. Arab Muslims don't come from there, they come from Arabia as this map helpfully shows:

Corruption of giving Israel weapons to slaughter innocent people. If you cannot understand this, then you are stupid.
To be clear: I do not give a fuck about anyone's ethnic identity. So fuck off with your half assed moral righteousness.
Every Arab killed by Israel is directly a consequence of Hamas actions and tactics.

You're and insufferably ignorant fool if you believe otherwise. :palm: