Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers

Amazing fact about the Jews, huh? In their entire history, they’ve been hated and rejected. Everywhere in the fucking world. You know, by the time I’ve been fired in every job I’ve had, I might start looking at myself rather than my former employers.

The Jews have no more claim on that land than the indigenous people they forced out in 1948. You want blame? Blame the Italians for destroying their temple in 70AD.
People are jealous of Jews because they on the whole, are smart and successful. They have a religion that is not popular and they do not proselytize and are clannish keeping mostly to themselves. The ignorant lowlife masses throughout the millenia found them to be good scapegoats. It's no different today.
People are jealous of Jews because they on the whole, are smart and successful. They have a religion that is not popular and they do not proselytize and are clannish keeping mostly to themselves. The ignorant lowlife masses throughout the millenia found them to be good scapegoats. It's no different today.
Yeah, they’re smart and successful. No doubt. But, apparently assholes as well.

But, I’m not referring to Jews in this Palestine issue. I reference Israel and the Zionists. There’s a difference.
Fucking lame assed idiot

Try to use logic that doesn’t fail instantaneously
Desh is demanding that another poster uses logic ffs!! That is just about the laughable post ever
You should be supporting the Palestinian state on the pre-1967 borders, along with 145 countries.
You should go fuck yourself McMoonshi'ite. Very few of those countries has any clout even s fucking moron like you knows that
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Desh is demanding that another poster uses logic ffs!! That is just about the laughable post ever

You should go fuck yourself McMoonshi'ite. Very few of those countries has any clout even s fucking moron like you knows that
You've always lacked logic, maggot. Even fewer of those countries that have not yet supported the Palestinian state have any clout- yours among them- although you like to think that it does.
Besides , your incoming government has pledged to recognize the Palestinian state. They'll be in power by Friday.
Where are you going to run to then, ya wee craven numpty ?


Haw, haw.....................................haw.
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You've always lacked logic, maggot. Even fewer of those countries that have not yet supported the Palestinian state have any clout- yours among them- although you like to think that it does.
Besides , your incoming government has pledged to recognize the Palestinian state. They'll be in power by Friday.
Where are you going to run to then, ya wee craven numpty ?

Haw, haw.....................................haw.
What a brain fuck to remember that the Brits were not that long ago a great empire.

Empire to Joke in record speed.

America will do worse.

Buckle Up.
The Brit maggot is finished. Only bile, eurotophobia and methane on the wind serve to remind us of his useless politics and potty mouth;
His last party leader was outlived by a lettuce. I kid you not.....................and he imagines that he has a voice on Palestine versus pseudo-Jewish scum


Haw, haw....................................haw.
Judaism has existed for 5700 years, and the Jewish presence in the Southern Levant has been there for 5700 years.

70% of Israelis were born in Israel.

0% of Palestinians were born in Israel.

You're saying that all the colonization that occurred prior to the 20th century is OK. That's what you're saying. That it doesn't count because it wasn't from the 20th century....never mind the fact that we are in the 21st century, so applying early 20th century standards isn't even in line with today.

BTW - the exact same argument you are making against Israel, you're defending on behalf of Russia.

So you're not principled, you're just a hypocrite.
He's sn arrogant Marxist cunt, that's all you need to know!

Yeah, they’re smart and successful. No doubt. But, apparently assholes as well.

But, I’m not referring to Jews in this Palestine issue. I reference Israel and the Zionists. There’s a difference.
I was in Israel many years ago for about a month. It was 2 years after the 6 day war. I assure you, the Israelis are not assholes. They are doing what they have to do to fend off the murderous Arab hord.
The Zionist Bastards deserve what is coming just as much as America does.

Performance matters in this particular universe.
My friend....and I do consider you a friend, because we see eye to eye on most issues.
I guarantee you that if you grew up in Israel, you'd have a whole different take on this.
I can agree with you that it is a nasty war...if it can be called a war...but it has to be done. Furthermore, I'm tired of the term Zionist....they are Jews....period.
My friend....and I do consider you a friend, because we see eye to eye on most issues.
I guarantee you that if you grew up in Israel, you'd have a whole different take on this.
I can agree with you that it is a nasty war...if it can be called a war...but it has to be done. Furthermore, I'm tired of the term Zionist....they are Jews....period.
Israel has lost the right to exist, and almost certainly wont be here much longer.

I will shed no tears.

Justice Matters.
Israel has lost the right to exist, and almost certainly wont be here much longer.

I will shed no tears.

Justice Matters.
Just watch. What you say will not come to pass. BTW what did our predecessors do to the Native Americans? Has the USA lost the right to exist?

It's a fact that 150,000 Arabs became citizens of Israel in 1948.


What isn't a fact is that Palestinians are indigenous to the region. And it isn't a fact because their ancestors came from Arabia and colonized the Southern Levant. They were such bad colonizers that they built a tacky mosque on top of the holiest site in Judaism in a city Mohammed never visited.

Palestinians have no claim to that land. NONE. They left on their own because the Arab armies told them to. Israel didn't ethnically cleanse anyone because of the 150,000 Arabs who became Israeli citizens, and are the ancestors of the 2M Arab Israelis who live as Israeli citizens today.

In order for ethnic cleansing to have happened, they would have had to be ethnically cleansed...which they weren't since there are 2M of them in Israel today.