

Independent Thinker
Nothing pisses me off like a phony panhandler.

This evening I went into Office Depot to purchase some supplies for work. Upon exiting my car, I was instantly approached by a young white male asking for money. I'd seen the guy before; he has the same stupid line every time: his car ran out of gas, he's been stranded for hours, etc. He even carries around a gas can, as if to add credibility to his story.

I told him that I never carry cash (and outright lie), and he immediately walked away. Unfortunately, this wasn't an isolated incident, and many of the panhandlers have been intimidating and even hostile. It seems to be happening quite a bit lately, especially in this particular town where I do my shopping.

I have notified the managers of the office supply store, and they don't give a rat's ass. Therefore, I will be taking my business elsewhere.

Anyone else sick and tired of dealing with these parasites?
Why do you oppose freedom?

Personally, I'm a lot more disgusted by conservatives than by panhandlers. And tales of panhandling fraud are mostly urban myths designed to ease the conservative mind into thinking that it's alright not to give money to a starving person on the street because he's DEFINITELY a fraud and EVERYONE does that, when no one does it as a method of fraud because it produces so little cash and requires you to get kicked at and harrassed by conservative parasites constantly.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you never experienced anything you just described, and just transcribed it from Rush or one of your other conservative idols.

I repeat my request to execute all conservatives.
Why do you oppose freedom?

Unlike you, I believe people should be free to do as they please, so long as they do not encroach upon the rights of others, i.e. intimidation, fraud, etc. Is that clear enough for your simple mind?

Personally, I'm a lot more disgusted by conservatives than by panhandlers. And tales of panhandling fraud are mostly urban myths designed to ease the conservative mind into thinking that it's alright not to give money to a starving person on the street because he's DEFINITELY a fraud and EVERYONE does that, when no one does it as a method of fraud because it produces so little cash and requires you to get kicked at and harrassed by conservative parasites constantly.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you never experienced anything you just described, and just transcribed it from Rush or one of your other conservative idols.

And there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you have experienced very little of the real world. In all likelihood you live in mommy's basement, have no job, and spend most of your time playing World of Warcraft.

So don't lecture me about real life.
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And there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you have experienced very little of the real world. In all likelihood you live in mommy's basement, have no job, and spend most of your time playing World of Warcraft.

Close. In fact, I live in the same room I've lived in since I was 10 (we don't have basements in this area of Mississippi, they'd be flooded to oblivion), I have a shitty ass near minimum wage job that no one would be proud of, and I spend most of my time studying.
For all Waterdork complains about Conservative Mississippi, one great thing about the state is there is next to no panhandlers. San Fran has the most per capita and it's fairly obvious why, lots of Liberals giving money for them to get high and plenty of government support to take care of the essentials.
Of all the comments you made Waterdork, nothing has made you look like you have less life experience than that.

I have a bunch of beggar stories, one guy I knew used to cross his eyes to look crazy but then when a couple of his buddies came by all of a sudden he looks and talks sane.

LOL, one time this drunk woman and her drunk homeless boyfriend were wondering around on the street in front of the pizzeria I worked at, they were arguing about something or that's what it looked like from the window, anyway I got up with my friend on the roof and dumped some water on her and the dumb lady looks up smiling like it's raining or something.

The worst story I had was this fucking punk ass teen with his girl and buddy. Anyway I was done my shift at the pizzeria and walking home at 2 in the morning. I walk by the guy and he's like "Do you have a quarter?", I just ignore him and keep walking and he goes "Thanks for ignoring us you fucking asshole", then the other 2 join in.
I hate the young fucking homeless to begin with, so I was pretty enraged, I turned around and screamed "You are fucking dead!".
The next day I put a hammer in my bag and next night planned to fucking nail that fucker in the head and then I can deal with the other 2 easily, but they were gone. I saw them once a couple of months later while I was working across the street and sure enough they were doing it to some other guy.
I hope they'd stick around but never happened, probably good nothing came of that.
Close. In fact, I live in the same room I've lived in since I was 10 (we don't have basements in this area of Mississippi, they'd be flooded to oblivion), I have a shitty ass near minimum wage job that no one would be proud of, and I spend most of my time studying.

If this is in fact true, I applaud you. There is nothing wrong with starting out at the bottom and working your way upward. I did. A few years back, I never would have envisioned starting my own company, but here I am. Most kids nowadays don't recognize the value of hard work Watermark. They think they are entitled to everything. Do well at your job, regardless of what it is, and you will be rewarded for it.

Assuming you are in college, what is your major?
Dano just to be clear, you dumped water on some homeless woman for no reason at all?
The hammer story is the one that makes me grit my teeth a bit.

BTW - The homeless woman wasn't smiling Dano, she was squinting. She needed glasses and was trying to see who would do that to her.
For all Waterdork complains about Conservative Mississippi, one great thing about the state is there is next to no panhandlers. San Fran has the most per capita and it's fairly obvious why, lots of Liberals giving money for them to get high and plenty of government support to take care of the essentials.
Of all the comments you made Waterdork, nothing has made you look like you have less life experience than that.

I have a bunch of beggar stories, one guy I knew used to cross his eyes to look crazy but then when a couple of his buddies came by all of a sudden he looks and talks sane.

LOL, one time this drunk woman and her drunk homeless boyfriend were wondering around on the street in front of the pizzeria I worked at, they were arguing about something or that's what it looked like from the window, anyway I got up with my friend on the roof and dumped some water on her and the dumb lady looks up smiling like it's raining or something.

The worst story I had was this fucking punk ass teen with his girl and buddy. Anyway I was done my shift at the pizzeria and walking home at 2 in the morning. I walk by the guy and he's like "Do you have a quarter?", I just ignore him and keep walking and he goes "Thanks for ignoring us you fucking asshole", then the other 2 join in.
I hate the young fucking homeless to begin with, so I was pretty enraged, I turned around and screamed "You are fucking dead!".
The next day I put a hammer in my bag and next night planned to fucking nail that fucker in the head and then I can deal with the other 2 easily, but they were gone.
I saw them once a couple of months later while I was working across the street and sure enough they were doing it to some other guy.
I hope they'd stick around but never happened, probably good nothing came of that.


1) You are a complete asshole for dumping water on a homeless woman for no reason

2) You are a complete psycho for getting so pissed that someone would ask you for change that you in turn scream 'you're fucking dead' and THEN follow that up by bringing a hammer with you to work the next day with the intent of bashing their head in.

3) You are an arrogant moron for getting upset that those same people would dare to ask others for money.
Dano just to be clear, you dumped water on some homeless woman for no reason at all?

Not really, I was young, it was with a buddy. Just some stupid fun that young people do. And yes she was definetely smiling, she was likely drunk, possibly stoned. The only reason I was able to do it was she was rambling around with her homeless man friend or whatever their relationship was and arguing with him in front of the store.

I have another story with that same couple, they were arguing again one time and somehow something ended up in the street, buddy goes to get it without any clue to even bother to look for traffic and gets hit by a van that managed to stop most of the way. Then the moron gets up and hits the van and starts yelling at the driver.

I'm surprised at the reaction on here, like how much interaction have people on here had with the homeless? Plenty of them piss in the back lot of the store or rabble around stores and scare off customers or fuck with you. They are not like some innocent crowd of poor people or whatever you are imagining.
The hammer story is the one that makes me grit my teeth a bit.

You had to be there. To be honest I have some sympathy for the older homeless who tend to be drunk and hopeless, but the younger ones, a few are cool, but a lot are real in your face assholes.
The way the guy said it, when I'm busting my ass for long hours and I have to hear him fucking insult me like that just for ignoring him, and he wouldn't let it go with his 2 little pussy friends joining in. They were laughing and saying chickenshit and I can't remember but you know they were goading as bad as they could.
I lost it, I have a temper, never denied that and were it not for his buddy with him, I would have just fought the guy, but I couldn't let it go even the next night and was going to take him out first quick and then kick the other little shit's ass.

1) You are a complete asshole for dumping water on a homeless woman for no reason

2) You are a complete psycho for getting so pissed that someone would ask you for change that you in turn scream 'you're fucking dead' and THEN follow that up by bringing a hammer with you to work the next day with the intent of bashing their head in.

3) You are an arrogant moron for getting upset that those same people would dare to ask others for money.
Yeah I suppose I was an asshole for the water. But like I said, dumb kid fun.

Try reading the other story again, he did not JUST ask for change. I ignored when he asked and then he yelled "Thanks for ignoring us you fucking asshole", then he got up and started talking more shit, his 2 buddies joining in and laughing. Finally when I got to the end of the block I had enough, yelled "You're fucking dead" and yeah I brought a hammer.
What was I going to do the next day they were there, take on 2 guys at once? I fight but I've only done that once before and it didn't end up well for me. The hammer was to knock the main loser out and then his buddy would probably run like hell but if not I would just fight him with fists.

Whooped-de-shit, I wasn't looking to kill him or something, just beat him to teach him a lesson not to be a fuck who thinks he can just insult people like that when they ignore him.

And by the way, they didn't just ask others for money. The next time I saw them it was just buddy and the girl across the street. They were yelling and intimidating at people who went by and didn't give them anything and one guy had enough and said something back and I remember the girl yelling back at him about her being his boyfriend and they live on welfare (probably because they guy said they were on welfare but couldn't hear that from across the street).
They were beyond assholes, most homeless are nothing close to that.
Kinda like Abugrabass just childish pranks?
No that would be humiliation/hazing. Like I said, she was so wasted she had a big smile on looking up and probably thought it was raining.
Maybe I'd feel bad in retrospect if she got pissed about it, but she didn't care and if she didn't, then neither should anyone here.

My boss every now and then would try and get the regular homeless to move on including the pair of them but they are pricks who just swear back at you if you ask them to do anything.

I was thinking about this more, I think a lot of you just see homeless during the day, work hours, when they are out and begging. Nighttime, there aren't as many people walking around and certainly not wealthier or even much middle class, so then they get what they got for the day and get wasted. They don't give a shit about too much else.