
Dano, I'm not going to repeat what everyone else has already said about this, but you do realize that not one single person has come out in your defense, don't you? Could that be because you are completely in the wrong?

I'll further point out that the moment you touched anyone with that hammer, you'd have been guilty of assault with a deadly weapon and you could do some serious time for that. I doubt that there'd have been much if any leniency for a first offence (assuming that that was so).

I'm astounded that you've come out here and admitted to these actions, proudly, as if they were in any way justifiable. If this is true, then you need some serious counselling in the area of conflict resolution. This is not the way to handle annoyances.
I read what you wrote dipshit.... it doesn't matter what excuse you try to use. The point is you let words drive you to want to hit a guy with a hammer. Who gives a fuck if you only wanted to hit him with a hammer because there were two of them?

I'll tell you what... I wouldn't have fought the two of them at all, because words do not provoke me into a fight. Never have, never will. I have been in one fight in my life that wasnt a result of bouncing or security at an event. That is it Dano. Once.

Wait, what kind of event were you security at? Was it midget wrestling?
Well where I'm from, if you let somebody call you out like that and you sit there and take it, you're a bitch. So I kind of see where he's coming from. The one that blows my mind is dumping the water on the woman.

It's not always the better solution to fight, but it is usually the more 'honorable' one if your manhood has been challenged.

Of course if you're not from that sort of society, you probably won't feel any need to respond at all and you will most likely just leave quickly.

That is a bad mentality Epi. You want to show them how much of a man you are turn around and laugh at them. They likely will either take a swing or keep talking trash. If they swing, at least you didnt start it. If they keep talking, you know all you need to know.

I grew up in a small town and that was the mentality. You are correct, people may perceive it as weakness if you don't defend your 'honor'. The thing is, it never bothered me. Because it didnt hurt me.... and I knew it was because they wanted to make themselves feel bigger. I had no problem with that. They gave me shit for a couple years.... right up until one of the 'bad asses' decided to go after my sister.

Everyone has a line that cannot be crossed, it differs for everyone. Regardless of where you live only you can decide where that line is.
I read what you wrote dipshit.... it doesn't matter what excuse you try to use. The point is you let words drive you to want to hit a guy with a hammer. Who gives a fuck if you only wanted to hit him with a hammer because there were two of them?

I'll tell you what... I wouldn't have fought the two of them at all, because words do not provoke me into a fight. Never have, never will. I have been in one fight in my life that wasnt a result of bouncing or security at an event. That is it Dano. Once.
You used to be a bouncer? That's surprising.
And I haven't been in a huge amount of fights, like probably 15 or something, almost all of those were not initiated by me.

Let me ask you something then. As I said I worked there most nights. Suppose you left work the next day and the guy sees you and knows that he can pull the same shit. You're telling me honestly, you are just going to take it day after day after day?
I'll add he was begging in an out of business storefront on the same street I walk down and it would be out of the way to go around him.

I really don't care what you think anymore, I used to, used to have huge respect for you believe it or not, but you have been some alpha asshole since I came back. No idea why, but nobody else seems to have this problem so I really do think it's you that feels the need to thump his chest and beat me in a debate.
You increasingly just sound like an ass and not even in a fun way.
Dano, I'm not going to repeat what everyone else has already said about this, but you do realize that not one single person has come out in your defense, don't you? Could that be because you are completely in the wrong?

I'll further point out that the moment you touched anyone with that hammer, you'd have been guilty of assault with a deadly weapon and you could do some serious time for that. I doubt that there'd have been much if any leniency for a first offence (assuming that that was so).

I'm astounded that you've come out here and admitted to these actions, proudly, as if they were in any way justifiable. If this is true, then you need some serious counselling in the area of conflict resolution. This is not the way to handle annoyances.

You know I think about it, what if the guy was there the next night, what would have happened from it? Of course it's against the law, but would he have reported it, I doubt it, most of the young beggars on the street use the money for drugs so I seriously doubt he would've bothered with the police.

I don't know, I've never really had that urge with anyone before or since so I don't really see it as a problem. As Superfreak wisely says, everyone has a line that can be crossed, for me that was it.
That is a bad mentality Epi. You want to show them how much of a man you are turn around and laugh at them. They likely will either take a swing or keep talking trash. If they swing, at least you didnt start it. If they keep talking, you know all you need to know.

I grew up in a small town and that was the mentality. You are correct, people may perceive it as weakness if you don't defend your 'honor'. The thing is, it never bothered me. Because it didnt hurt me.... and I knew it was because they wanted to make themselves feel bigger. I had no problem with that. They gave me shit for a couple years.... right up until one of the 'bad asses' decided to go after my sister.

Everyone has a line that cannot be crossed, it differs for everyone. Regardless of where you live only you can decide where that line is.

Well you have to judge each situation indvidually too. A violent response might be fine for some wannabe thugs on the street, but I would hardly use the same level of violence if one of my sheltered, middle-class college peers talked some shit. They would be infinitely more likely to call the police and get law enforcement involved than a goon who would just be like "Damn guess it wasn't my day" and move on.

A violent response is fine if you're in a society where that will be noted and respected, but it is less helpful in more litigious and cowardly sectors of society where they would involve law enforcement.
Well you have to judge each situation indvidually too. A violent response might be fine for some wannabe thugs on the street, but I would hardly use the same level of violence if one of my sheltered, middle-class college peers talked some shit. They would be infinitely more likely to call the police and get law enforcement involved than a goon who would just be like "Damn guess it wasn't my day" and move on.

A violent response is fine if you're in a society where that will be noted and respected, but it is less helpful in more litigious and cowardly sectors of society where they would involve law enforcement.

????? It's cowardly to invoke the public resources that are in place to deal with violence? What SF and I, too, are saying is that this is the mature, responsible approach to dealing with such conflicts.
????? It's cowardly to invoke the public resources that are in place to deal with violence? What SF and I, too, are saying is that this is the mature, responsible approach to dealing with such conflicts.

We come from very different places, Thorn. From the time we are born, it is hammered into our heads that we do not call the police if an incident occurs, we do not talk to them if they ask questions, and we do not use the police on someone else even if they legally "deserve" it. Respect comes from handling your conflicts yourself, whether through discussion or violence, instead of running to the police like a tattle-tale child.

The police are seen as corrupt criminals who hide behind badges. You are no more likely to get justice from them than you are from yourself. You cannot and should not rely on them for protection. Someone who calls the cops on one of his enemies is considered a weakling who was too afraid to be a man and discuss the issue or have it out clean and honestly with his adversary.
Just look at the way snitches are handled in urban communities if you need any proof. If it is revealed that someone ratted out a local dealer or testified in some investigation, the reprisals from the rest of the community are severe; ranging from smashed mailboxes to threatening notes to violence.

Personally I don't understand why anyone would want to involve the police anyway. It is like starting a fire in your house to kill a cockroach. It might kill the cockroach, but it's going to cause many more problems for you in the long run. I'm sure a lot of it is affected by how and where I was raised, but it just blows my mind that people don't see it as cowardly to run to the police. Of course it is cowardly.
I think you would if you could get away with it and fall back on the "I'm not really serious" defence when you can't. We can all tell when you are trolling and when you are in hardcore emoland where you mean the shit you say.

You mean kill conservatives?

No, I don't seriously want to kill conservatives. I'd be the first person fighting to have you freed if anyone seriously tried to do it, just like you'd be the first person at my gallows.
You mean kill conservatives?

No, I don't seriously want to kill conservatives. I'd be the first person fighting to have you freed if anyone seriously tried to do it, just like you'd be the first person at my gallows.

No, I would be, because I would have in my hands a serum to temporarily treat your condition of gun phobia, whilst my band of brothers rushed in with the catche of firearms and casually lobbed one of them to each of us.
You used to be a bouncer? That's surprising.
And I haven't been in a huge amount of fights, like probably 15 or something, almost all of those were not initiated by me.

Let me ask you something then. As I said I worked there most nights. Suppose you left work the next day and the guy sees you and knows that he can pull the same shit. You're telling me honestly, you are just going to take it day after day after day?
I'll add he was begging in an out of business storefront on the same street I walk down and it would be out of the way to go around him.

I really don't care what you think anymore, I used to, used to have huge respect for you believe it or not, but you have been some alpha asshole since I came back. No idea why, but nobody else seems to have this problem so I really do think it's you that feels the need to thump his chest and beat me in a debate.
You increasingly just sound like an ass and not even in a fun way.

I would not take it over and over again, nor would I hit him with a hammer. People dont tend to start shit with me. If he did I would confront him. Like I said to Epi, face them, mock them... let them know their insults are meaningless. They will either swing... or keep talking trash. If they keep talking, you know that is all they have.

As for my attitude... I am sick of the partisan bullshit, I get pissed when I hear stories like yours... whether you were just a kid or not, dumping water on a homeless woman without provocation.... that pisses me off. It is inexcusable. Your hammer story was psychotic. When I see shit like that I am going to make sure you are aware just how psychotic it is.
You know I think about it, what if the guy was there the next night, what would have happened from it? Of course it's against the law, but would he have reported it, I doubt it, most of the young beggars on the street use the money for drugs so I seriously doubt he would've bothered with the police.

I don't know, I've never really had that urge with anyone before or since so I don't really see it as a problem. As Superfreak wisely says, everyone has a line that can be crossed, for me that was it.

The difference moron is how you respond to someone crossing the line. Hitting them with a hammer and you think it wont be reported? Are you seriously that retarded? You hit someone with a hammer, you are either going to kill him or put him in the hospital. It will get reported. Your problem is that you see him as subhuman. 'well he was just a street person, probably a drug addict, probably a drunk, just a begger' blah blah blah....
If I told the story might it go like this?

I was a kid just getting off working at the Pizza Place, blah, blah.

So, I let my temper get the better of me because I was young and stupid, I turned and I shouted, "You're dead!"

When I got home I realized that I would probably see the guy the next night, and he'd have friends. I should have just let well enough alone, crap. So, I grabbed a hammer and put it into my bag, hoping that if he and his friends came after me I'd have a chance to knock him out and scare the others away before something serious happened and I wound up with a gaping a-hole and no money.
If I told the story might it go like this?

I was a kid just getting off working at the Pizza Place, blah, blah.

So, I let my temper get the better of me because I was young and stupid, I turned and I shouted, "You're dead!"

When I got home I realized that I would probably see the guy the next night, and he'd have friends. I should have just let well enough alone, crap. So, I grabbed a hammer and put it into my bag, hoping that if he and his friends came after me I'd have a chance to knock him out and scare the others away before something serious happened and I wound up with a gaping a-hole and no money.

Damo the moderate, justifying everything the crazy right does.