
Yeah I suppose I was an asshole for the water. But like I said, dumb kid fun.

Try reading the other story again, he did not JUST ask for change. I ignored when he asked and then he yelled "Thanks for ignoring us you fucking asshole", then he got up and started talking more shit, his 2 buddies joining in and laughing. Finally when I got to the end of the block I had enough, yelled "You're fucking dead" and yeah I brought a hammer.
What was I going to do the next day they were there, take on 2 guys at once? I fight but I've only done that once before and it didn't end up well for me. The hammer was to knock the main loser out and then his buddy would probably run like hell but if not I would just fight him with fists.

Whooped-de-shit, I wasn't looking to kill him or something, just beat him to teach him a lesson not to be a fuck who thinks he can just insult people like that when they ignore him.

And by the way, they didn't just ask others for money. The next time I saw them it was just buddy and the girl across the street. They were yelling and intimidating at people who went by and didn't give them anything and one guy had enough and said something back and I remember the girl yelling back at him about her being his boyfriend and they live on welfare (probably because they guy said they were on welfare but couldn't hear that from across the street).
They were beyond assholes, most homeless are nothing close to that.

Oh you're so right. I should have seen it. You ignore him (which you are entitled to do)... he calls you an asshole for doing so (which he is entitled to do).... and you think a good beating is what he deserves... gotta teach him to be rude in response to your being rude. Yeah, that makes it better.
Oh you're so right. I should have seen it. You ignore him (which you are entitled to do)... he calls you an asshole for doing so (which he is entitled to do).... and you think a good beating is what he deserves... gotta teach him to be rude in response to your being rude. Yeah, that makes it better.

You sound like Lorax, cutting out pieces of the story to make it sound simple. He kept going after the asshole comment, yelling after me with insults and his chickenshit friends joining in when I walked far enough away.

And you call me rude for ignoring a guy who asks for change ( I should add he was sitting down when he asked)? WTF? Tons of people ignore panhandlers - are they all rude?

You get to read people, sometimes you can tell the type that after you say no, that will just egg them on. Maybe I guessed wrong with those losers but I doubt it.
Let me give you a great example - you've been to a travelling fair I'm sure? There are a bunch of guys sitting behind their game of chance booth trying to get you to play. MOST people walk by and ignore their calls, but if you do say to them "No thanks", then they'll respond to that and keep at you trying to say "C'mon" and keep at you trying to get you to come and spend your money.
Not really, I was young, it was with a buddy. Just some stupid fun that young people do. And yes she was definetely smiling, she was likely drunk, possibly stoned. The only reason I was able to do it was she was rambling around with her homeless man friend or whatever their relationship was and arguing with him in front of the store.

I have another story with that same couple, they were arguing again one time and somehow something ended up in the street, buddy goes to get it without any clue to even bother to look for traffic and gets hit by a van that managed to stop most of the way. Then the moron gets up and hits the van and starts yelling at the driver.

I'm surprised at the reaction on here, like how much interaction have people on here had with the homeless? Plenty of them piss in the back lot of the store or rabble around stores and scare off customers or fuck with you. They are not like some innocent crowd of poor people or whatever you are imagining.

Living in the Five Points for most of my life, I've had a lot of interaction with the homeless. There are characters there that run the gamut from scammers to robbers to good honest people. I was surprised that you chose to dump water on her for apparently no reason at all. If you had past experience with her that would be different, but you didn't mention that you did.

I'm not trying to be Mother Theresa here, but it's pretty strange to do something like that without provocation.
If this is in fact true, I applaud you. There is nothing wrong with starting out at the bottom and working your way upward. I did. A few years back, I never would have envisioned starting my own company, but here I am. Most kids nowadays don't recognize the value of hard work Watermark. They think they are entitled to everything. Do well at your job, regardless of what it is, and you will be rewarded for it.

Assuming you are in college, what is your major?

Engineering and english.

1) You are a complete asshole for dumping water on a homeless woman for no reason

2) You are a complete psycho for getting so pissed that someone would ask you for change that you in turn scream 'you're fucking dead' and THEN follow that up by bringing a hammer with you to work the next day with the intent of bashing their head in.

3) You are an arrogant moron for getting upset that those same people would dare to ask others for money.

I gave you positive rep points for this post. It'll most likely be the only time you'll ever get them from me, so don't start hanging around me trying to grub more.
OK so three things we learned about dano today:

1. He likes pouring water on homeless women who've done nothing to provoke him.

2. He tried to murder a random teenager because they insulted him.

Of course, I really have no idea whether or not either of these people were homeless. It's just a good excuse for dano to go psycho on people. 'AH YOU LIBRUL I'M GONNA KILL YA~!!!!"
Living in the Five Points for most of my life, I've had a lot of interaction with the homeless. There are characters there that run the gamut from scammers to robbers to good honest people. I was surprised that you chose to dump water on her for apparently no reason at all. If you had past experience with her that would be different, but you didn't mention that you did.

I'm not trying to be Mother Theresa here, but it's pretty strange to do something like that without provocation.
I wouldn't have done it on my own, I dunno, just a couple of bored young kids with a funny idea to cool down some rambling arguing idiots.
Come on, you've never egged a strangers house at Halloween? Or doused someone with some water who wouldn't shut up or was annoying? Nothing like that?

And I wouldn't say there was zero provocation, the fools were drunken arguing in front of the store and annoying people going in and out and me.
Dano, before now I only thought you were the most biased person I had ever met, now I know you're certifiable. You need help.
This coming from the guy who puts out daily obsessive posts about new ways to mass murder conservatives he doesn't even know.

I mean shit Waterdork, I'm just some guy with a bad temper when provoked enough, it takes a lot less than that from what I've seen to set you off into emo wilderness.
I'm sure I've mentioned all these stories before at least once each and I can't remember anyone really caring. Funny how some days reactions are different.
Why do you oppose freedom?

Personally, I'm a lot more disgusted by conservatives than by panhandlers. And tales of panhandling fraud are mostly urban myths designed to ease the conservative mind into thinking that it's alright not to give money to a starving person on the street because he's DEFINITELY a fraud and EVERYONE does that, when no one does it as a method of fraud because it produces so little cash and requires you to get kicked at and harrassed by conservative parasites constantly.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you never experienced anything you just described, and just transcribed it from Rush or one of your other conservative idols.

I repeat my request to execute all conservatives.

LOL.. to funny.. Come on are you serious? they ALWAYS got some wacky story. Just other day i had a girl who was clearly either drunk or on drugs with eyes totally dilated and swaggering telling me she needs a couple dollars because she needs to get her car out of the impound.. This after about 10other people approached me all on the same 5block stretch. Sometimes I give money out if they give me a really elaborate and well thought up story but never when they half ass it.
This coming from the guy who puts out daily obsessive posts about new ways to mass murder conservatives he doesn't even know.

I mean shit Waterdork, I'm just some guy with a bad temper when provoked enough, it takes a lot less than that from what I've seen to set you off into emo wilderness.

Yeah, but I'm not serious.
I remember the good ole days in New York city when there was a peepshow on every corner and the panhandlers were EVERYWHERE. then Guliani came in and billy clubed then outside of a perimeter. Now its all commercial Disney land near time square.
In Austin there was a movement by the police to have them removed, but there was so much public outcry that it never happened. Downtown is now a mix of college kids, hippies, business people, and panhandlers all intermingling. The panhandlers can get annoying at times, but for the most part are very peaceful here.
In Austin there was a movement by the police to have them removed, but there was so much public outcry that it never happened. Downtown is now a mix of college kids, hippies, business people, and panhandlers all intermingling. The panhandlers can get annoying at times, but for the most part are very peaceful here.

Yeah I should add that just about all homeless people I've seen are not a problem at all. But if you live and work downtown all the time as I used to, you are going to run into some bad ones.
You sound like Lorax, cutting out pieces of the story to make it sound simple. He kept going after the asshole comment, yelling after me with insults and his chickenshit friends joining in when I walked far enough away.

And you call me rude for ignoring a guy who asks for change ( I should add he was sitting down when he asked)? WTF? Tons of people ignore panhandlers - are they all rude?

You get to read people, sometimes you can tell the type that after you say no, that will just egg them on. Maybe I guessed wrong with those losers but I doubt it.
Let me give you a great example - you've been to a travelling fair I'm sure? There are a bunch of guys sitting behind their game of chance booth trying to get you to play. MOST people walk by and ignore their calls, but if you do say to them "No thanks", then they'll respond to that and keep at you trying to say "C'mon" and keep at you trying to get you to come and spend your money.

Yes, to the homeless guy it was rude that you ignore him. You could have simply said no. Side note... his sitting down has NOTHING to do with this.

To you it was rude that he make comments to you about your being rude.

I didnt ignore or cut out any of your story. Both aspects were in my response. The part that makes you an idiot is wanting to beat up the guy for what he said. Who cares if a homeless guy says you are an asshole.

As I said, you were entitled to ignore him, he was entitled to say you were an asshole for doing so. Its called freedom of speech. The fact that you wanted to get violent over something so trivial is very telling.

I tell you what Dano.... you are an asshole. You are an asshole for ignoring him. You are an even bigger asshole for wanting to beat him up for it.

There.... I called you an asshole several times asshole. Are you going to break out your wrench?

think long and hard before you answer that asshole.