
I would not take it over and over again, nor would I hit him with a hammer. People dont tend to start shit with me. If he did I would confront him. Like I said to Epi, face them, mock them... let them know their insults are meaningless. They will either swing... or keep talking trash. If they keep talking, you know that is all they have.
You are just stubbornly dumb. I've already said countless times that I would be fighting at least 2 at once.

As for my attitude... I am sick of the partisan bullshit, I get pissed when I hear stories like yours... whether you were just a kid or not, dumping water on a homeless woman without provocation.... that pisses me off. It is inexcusable. Your hammer story was psychotic. When I see shit like that I am going to make sure you are aware just how psychotic it is.
I already said I was an asshole for the water, but let's get real, it did not hurt her anymore than some rain would and by her lifestyle she likely endures far worse with abusing substance each day. And again she was so wasted she smiled up in the sky probably thinking it was raining or something.

And you aren't trying to make me aware of anything, no shit I lost it on that, everyone has a dark day, you just saw an opening to vent some pent up hate towards me as you may have noticed no one else went off on me that bad for this.
The only thing I am curious about is what the fuck exactly is your problem since I came back, but I think you are too chickenshit to come out and say it.
Let me know when you figure it out short stuff.
We come from very different places, Thorn. From the time we are born, it is hammered into our heads that we do not call the police if an incident occurs, we do not talk to them if they ask questions, and we do not use the police on someone else even if they legally "deserve" it. Respect comes from handling your conflicts yourself, whether through discussion or violence, instead of running to the police like a tattle-tale child.

The police are seen as corrupt criminals who hide behind badges. You are no more likely to get justice from them than you are from yourself. You cannot and should not rely on them for protection. Someone who calls the cops on one of his enemies is considered a weakling who was too afraid to be a man and discuss the issue or have it out clean and honestly with his adversary.

You're quite right, we do come from different places. The selection and training of police in Canadian cities is quite rigorous, and few yahoos get past any screening. There are strict rules of conduct that are not overlooked. This applies both to local police forces (e.g. Toronto, Ottawa) and the provincial and national police. My cousin was an RCMP officer, squeaky clean and we'd have expected nothing other. As a teen I gymmed in a police youth club and met several officers who earned all our respect simply by the way that they conducted themselves and treated us kids.

We also learn that taking the law into your own hands is most likely to get you into trouble, far more, perhaps, than the other person. I saw that repeatedly firsthand when I worked in the prison system (put myself through school that way). Part of my responsibility was counselling, and part of that was effective conflict resolution.

I must admit that even in Canada we heard stories about lax oversight and police corruption in the US. Some was funny; some was downright scary. There undoubtedly are some fine police here, and I've met a couple, but some of the others give me the willies. I do understand the wish of people to take care of their own problems, so long as it doesn't come back to bite you. On the other hand, if we're going to do that then we have to gain some wisdom and deal with these things in a mature and thoughtful manner, not irrational and impulsive acts such as dumping water on an innocent woman or going after some jerk with a hammer simply because he shouted insults at you.
As an elementary student, we always had the DARE officers to pal around with. And we'd ask them stupid questions about their guns and if they'd ever killed anyone. The officer would usually help officiate the annual Sock Hop, and throw frisbees and t-shirts and stuff into the crowd.
You're quite right, we do come from different places. The selection and training of police in Canadian cities is quite rigorous, and few yahoos get past any screening. There are strict rules of conduct that are not overlooked. This applies both to local police forces (e.g. Toronto, Ottawa) and the provincial and national police. My cousin was an RCMP officer, squeaky clean and we'd have expected nothing other. As a teen I gymmed in a police youth club and met several officers who earned all our respect simply by the way that they conducted themselves and treated us kids.

We also learn that taking the law into your own hands is most likely to get you into trouble, far more, perhaps, than the other person. I saw that repeatedly firsthand when I worked in the prison system (put myself through school that way). Part of my responsibility was counselling, and part of that was effective conflict resolution.

I must admit that even in Canada we heard stories about lax oversight and police corruption in the US. Some was funny; some was downright scary. There undoubtedly are some fine police here, and I've met a couple, but some of the others give me the willies. I do understand the wish of people to take care of their own problems, so long as it doesn't come back to bite you. On the other hand, if we're going to do that then we have to gain some wisdom and deal with these things in a mature and thoughtful manner, not irrational and impulsive acts such as dumping water on an innocent woman or going after some jerk with a hammer simply because he shouted insults at you.

Well that's what I did, I gained wisdom, I'm sure if the same thing happened today, I wouldn't try and do what I did.
And again it wasn't just because he shouted insults, I did it because he thought he had some right to have my earned money or else, then with his cowardly buddy joining in, his girl and kept yelling it and worse all the way up the block I was walking, I had enough.

In all likelihood with the way this moron was going, he probably continued what he did with others and eventually pissed off someone who acted worse than I did. It's astonishing that Super would actually think he was justified to say what he did just because I ignored him - like most people ignore homeless, especially when they are sitting down begging. Ridiculous.

Lastly, I do trust the police but what are they going to do really? The guy would probably laugh and feel more emboldened knowing that's the worst that's gonna happen.
Dano just to be clear, you dumped water on some homeless woman for no reason at all?

She needed a bath. He was just being kind.

Some people I know would have pissed on her.
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