
I wouldn't have done it on my own, I dunno, just a couple of bored young kids with a funny idea to cool down some rambling arguing idiots.
Come on, you've never egged a strangers house at Halloween? Or doused someone with some water who wouldn't shut up or was annoying? Nothing like that?

And I wouldn't say there was zero provocation, the fools were drunken arguing in front of the store and annoying people going in and out and me.

I've done some truly fucked up shit in my life. The kind of shit that keeps me awake at night wondering if there is a God because I will go straight to Hell if there is. Like I said, I'm in no position to judge you for anything.

But one of my personal principles, through which I justify my sometimes violent actions, is that I never do harm to anyone who hasn't done it to me first.

If it was a practical joke or something whatever. I'm really not trying to lecture because I've done some wild shit myself. I just thought it was strange.
Yes, to the homeless guy it was rude that you ignore him. You could have simply said no. Side note... his sitting down has NOTHING to do with this.
Yes it is a critical point actually. When people are standing and more in your face begging you feel a need to respond to them. When they are sitting, MOST people walk by without saying anything and ignoring them.

To you it was rude that he make comments to you about your being rude.

I didnt ignore or cut out any of your story. Both aspects were in my response. The part that makes you an idiot is wanting to beat up the guy for what he said. Who cares if a homeless guy says you are an asshole.

As I said, you were entitled to ignore him, he was entitled to say you were an asshole for doing so. Its called freedom of speech. The fact that you wanted to get violent over something so trivial is very telling.

I tell you what Dano.... you are an asshole. You are an asshole for ignoring him. You are an even bigger asshole for wanting to beat him up for it.

There.... I called you an asshole several times asshole. Are you going to break out your wrench?

think long and hard before you answer that asshole.
You are just stupid, I said several times that he said more than just calling me an asshole. He kept at it with calling after me and his 2 little friends joined in with laughing and worse insults, it was at that point I had enough.

You know what Super, you have been in this mode lately since I came back where you feel some need to be an ass to everyone, maybe that's your little thing you need to do to prove you are a real independent or earn your Darla points or something.

Oh and next time you are on the street, go ahead and "exercise" your right to free speech calling everyone you meet an asshole. Let me know how many people you get to before someone decides to kick your ass.
I would have hit those kids right then and I might have even gone all nutso on them with the hammer, but the woman story is different to me.
Yes it is a critical point actually. When people are standing and more in your face begging you feel a need to respond to them. When they are sitting, MOST people walk by without saying anything and ignoring them.

You are just stupid, I said several times that he said more than just calling me an asshole. He kept at it with calling after me and his 2 little friends joined in with laughing and worse insults, it was at that point I had enough.

You know what Super, you have been in this mode lately since I came back where you feel some need to be an ass to everyone, maybe that's your little thing you need to do to prove you are a real independent or earn your Darla points or something.

Oh and next time you are on the street, go ahead and "exercise" your right to free speech calling everyone you meet an asshole. Let me know how many people you get to before someone decides to kick your ass.

LMAO.... you are so full of shit. You are projecting your personal habits onto 'most people'. I don't ignore them whether they are sitting or standing... so that must mean 'most people don't ignore them'.

I could care less what he said. The point is that he said stuff that you found insulting and rude. He found what you did rude. You are both entitled to think the other was wrong in how they behaved or in what they said.

What makes you a complete asshole is not having the thought of violence, but in the actions you took to pack your little hammer in the hopes of beating the hell out of him should you see him again. You took action on those thoughts. Thats what makes you an asshole in that situation.

No matter what he SAYS.... its just words.... it doesn't provide you with ANY justification for beating him with a hammer.

Now you try to spin up some new comparison? It is not the same to randomly walk down the street calling people an asshole. He addressed you, you ignored him. There is a difference dano. Even so, even if you were to walk down the street calling people an asshole, while you are correct that eventually some psycho will hit you for doing so, it doesn't make the psycho's actions justified.

Got it... asshole?
I would have hit those kids right then and I might have even gone all nutso on them with the hammer, but the woman story is different to me.

A rather violent response to mere words. Now if they were blocking your path or throwing crap at you, fine... but mere words?

I think what this whole situation tells us is that Dano suffers from little mans disease. He got mad because the teenager was bigger than him and mocking him, so he had to go find a weapon in order to be a 'man'.
A rather violent response to mere words. Now if they were blocking your path or throwing crap at you, fine... but mere words?

I think what this whole situation tells us is that Dano suffers from little mans disease. He got mad because the teenager was bigger than him and mocking him, so he had to go find a weapon in order to be a 'man'.

I agree, this is a very violent response to words. I just don't understand it. It should be a last resort, and no, that doesn't make you a coward. It makes you confident and smart.
LMAO.... you are so full of shit. You are projecting your personal habits onto 'most people'. I don't ignore them whether they are sitting or standing... so that must mean 'most people don't ignore them'.
Try observing more, it's not really that hard to understand that people are seen and more easily ignored when they are sitting down. There isn't as much body language to feel a need to respond to. It is almost certainly most people who ignore sitting down beggars, it certainly is MORE people who ignore them then ones that stand up.

I could care less what he said. The point is that he said stuff that you found insulting and rude. He found what you did rude. You are both entitled to think the other was wrong in how they behaved or in what they said.
What a fucking joke, you make the loser out to be some sensitive offended guy. He was just some loud stupid kid looking to impress his crew. I seriously doubt he would be truly offended by anyone ignoring his begging as most beggars are not. He just saw an oppurtunity to be a cocky fucker in front of his girl and buddy and took it.

What makes you a complete asshole is not having the thought of violence, but in the actions you took to pack your little hammer in the hopes of beating the hell out of him should you see him again. You took action on those thoughts. Thats what makes you an asshole in that situation.
Nope, didn't read the story did you? The hammer was to hit the fucker once and hopefully have him out because I didn't want to fight 2 at once.

No matter what he SAYS.... its just words.... it doesn't provide you with ANY justification for beating him with a hammer.
Now you try to spin up some new comparison? It is not the same to randomly walk down the street calling people an asshole. He addressed you, you ignored him. There is a difference dano. Even so, even if you were to walk down the street calling people an asshole, while you are correct that eventually some psycho will hit you for doing so, it doesn't make the psycho's actions justified.
Got it... asshole?
Well duh, I never argued it was justified. I worked late 5 or 6 out of 7 nights (after college), and a lot of homeless are regulars. If I was going to see this fucker again (as I thought I might), I am not going to put up with that shit and he has to know it.

And I'm sure Darla thinks your real cool for calling me asshole, which I think has been done only a few thousand times on here.
A rather violent response to mere words. Now if they were blocking your path or throwing crap at you, fine... but mere words?

I think what this whole situation tells us is that Dano suffers from little mans disease. He got mad because the teenager was bigger than him and mocking him, so he had to go find a weapon in order to be a 'man'.
LOL, didn't you say you were really short? Don't apply your theories about yourself to me.

I probably could have taken the fuck one on one, but as I said (if you bothered to read and not continue to be an ignorant illiterate fuck) the guy was had his buddy there, the same kind of buddy who would try and get his hits in at the same time. I'm tough but I wouldn't fight me against 2 if I can avoid it, nor do I feel any loss of manhood for admitting that.
LOL SF doesnt' care what I think.

Come on Darla, out of all the guys on here who try and get attention from you, he's number one - you and Tiana needled him about it a few times. I'm sure you noticed.

The sad part is he probably wishes I'd shut up because the fool thinks he actually has some kind of chance with you.
Come on Darla, out of all the guys on here who try and get attention from you, he's number one - you and Tiana needled him about it a few times. I'm sure you noticed.

The sad part is he probably wishes I'd shut up because the fool thinks he actually has some kind of chance with you.

No, Tiana needled him about it, but she just does that. She was just kidding. You are totally wrong here. I like SF, though he is infuriating and annoying, he's basically okay. We have a friendly relationship. He's totally not doing what you think he's doing seriously.
"Try observing more, it's not really that hard to understand that people are seen and more easily ignored when they are sitting down. There isn't as much body language to feel a need to respond to. It is almost certainly most people who ignore sitting down beggars, it certainly is MORE people who ignore them then ones that stand up."

Again you project how YOU react. If a person is sitting down they will be less noticable than someone standing right in front of you IF they dont say anything. But if someone says excuse me sir to the point that I can hear them, then I am going to answer them regardless of whether or not they are sitting. Bottom line, not everyone reacts like I do, nor do they react like you do. For either of us to say that 'most people respond just like me' is equivalent to pulling shit out of our ass.

"What a fucking joke, you make the loser out to be some sensitive offended guy. He was just some loud stupid kid looking to impress his crew. I seriously doubt he would be truly offended by anyone ignoring his begging as most beggars are not. He just saw an oppurtunity to be a cocky fucker in front of his girl and buddy and took it."

Yeah, because he reacted the way he did just because he was a loser... that must be it... because Dano said so. It couldn't possibly be that someone ignoring his presence and treating him in a sub human manner would seem rude to him. Again... even if what you say is the case... it STILL doesn't justify your psychotic actions. Period.

"Nope, didn't read the story did you? The hammer was to hit the fucker once and hopefully have him out because I didn't want to fight 2 at once."

You do realize what will happen if you hit someone in the head with a hammer dont you? Once is all it takes to kill him dipshit. Bottom line, you are a fucking coward. A psychotic one at that.... asshole.

Well duh, I never argued it was justified. I worked late 5 or 6 out of 7 nights (after college), and a lot of homeless are regulars. If I was going to see this fucker again (as I thought I might), I am not going to put up with that shit and he has to know it.

And I'm sure Darla thinks your real cool for calling me asshole, which I think has been done only a few thousand times on here.

Like I said... you suffer from little mans disease. Feeling the need to 'get respect' by beating the shit out of someone with a weapon.
LOL, didn't you say you were really short? Don't apply your theories about yourself to me.

I probably could have taken the fuck one on one, but as I said (if you bothered to read and not continue to be an ignorant illiterate fuck) the guy was had his buddy there, the same kind of buddy who would try and get his hits in at the same time. I'm tough but I wouldn't fight me against 2 if I can avoid it, nor do I feel any loss of manhood for admitting that.

LMAO.... I read your psychotic story douchebag.... yes I saw that there were two... that said, you are still a friggin coward for wanting to hit him with a hammer. Period. Because it is worse to do that than for them to go at you two on one. You bring a weapon into the mix, that makes you the loser. Regardless of the outcome.
Come on Darla, out of all the guys on here who try and get attention from you, he's number one - you and Tiana needled him about it a few times. I'm sure you noticed.

The sad part is he probably wishes I'd shut up because the fool thinks he actually has some kind of chance with you.

lol.... wow you really have me figured out Dano... now maybe you can wow us with another of your manly 'I'm a psycho' stories. Such quality stories...

me big man, me get mad, get hammer, hit guy, pound chest, look to fight his friend fair, no fuck that, just use hammer again, pound chest
Like I said... you suffer from little mans disease. Feeling the need to 'get respect' by beating the shit out of someone with a weapon.
I've already told you over and over that I would fight him one on one. But he's got his buddies. I'm not Rambo, I don't take on groups of people in a fight, do you?

Unless you have something new to add or you want to stop being stubborn and actually read what I wrote then we are done here.
LMAO.... I read your psychotic story douchebag.... yes I saw that there were two... that said, you are still a friggin coward for wanting to hit him with a hammer. Period. Because it is worse to do that than for them to go at you two on one. You bring a weapon into the mix, that makes you the loser. Regardless of the outcome.
No one cares anymore, you are dragging this out because you are just stubborn as all hell.
I agree, this is a very violent response to words. I just don't understand it. It should be a last resort, and no, that doesn't make you a coward. It makes you confident and smart.

Well where I'm from, if you let somebody call you out like that and you sit there and take it, you're a bitch. So I kind of see where he's coming from. The one that blows my mind is dumping the water on the woman.

It's not always the better solution to fight, but it is usually the more 'honorable' one if your manhood has been challenged.

Of course if you're not from that sort of society, you probably won't feel any need to respond at all and you will most likely just leave quickly.
I've already told you over and over that I would fight him one on one. But he's got his buddies. I'm not Rambo, I don't take on groups of people in a fight, do you?

Unless you have something new to add or you want to stop being stubborn and actually read what I wrote then we are done here.

I read what you wrote dipshit.... it doesn't matter what excuse you try to use. The point is you let words drive you to want to hit a guy with a hammer. Who gives a fuck if you only wanted to hit him with a hammer because there were two of them?

I'll tell you what... I wouldn't have fought the two of them at all, because words do not provoke me into a fight. Never have, never will. I have been in one fight in my life that wasnt a result of bouncing or security at an event. That is it Dano. Once.
Well where I'm from, if you let somebody call you out like that and you sit there and take it, you're a bitch. So I kind of see where he's coming from. The one that blows my mind is dumping the water on the woman.

It's not always the better solution to fight, but it is usually the more 'honorable' one if your manhood has been challenged.

Of course if you're not from that sort of society, you probably won't feel any need to respond at all and you will most likely just leave quickly.

It's more than that though. You know I'm trying to remember back and I think what really set me off more than anything was his little weasel friend trying to act tough and join in and laugh and saying I'm running away. It's hard to explain, I think sometimes in the wrong moment with certain circumstances, a lot more people would flip than you'd think.
Well where I'm from, if you let somebody call you out like that and you sit there and take it, you're a bitch. So I kind of see where he's coming from. The one that blows my mind is dumping the water on the woman.

It's not always the better solution to fight, but it is usually the more 'honorable' one if your manhood has been challenged.

Of course if you're not from that sort of society, you probably won't feel any need to respond at all and you will most likely just leave quickly.

You know what, I smile at everyone Epic, even homeless people, and you'd be amazed how few problems I run into.