APP - Pass Kennedy Care now!

so it is ok to bring up laura bush, who is out of the political spotlight and never really put herself in it.....but it is bad to talk about kennedy's probable manslaughter....


Laura Bush was in the spotlight whether she wanted it or not, by virtue of her husband's political career.
Again, what's your point, other than sh*t-stirring? Nobody condoned Ted's actions. He got off with a slap on the wrist because he came from a wealthy, prominent family. That is absolutely reprehensible and we all agree it is. If somebody was making excuses for his actions it would be a different story.

The same thing happened with Laura Bush. She caused the death of a classmate due to reckless driving, with no consequences to her whatsoever. Life was lost in both instances. It's wrong to place a higher value on Mary Jo's life, just because you didn't like Ted. Laura caused a young boy's death when he was just beginning his future. His family grieves just as much as the Kopechne family.

IMO both Ted and Laura paid and will pay for their actions all their lives. If Laura didn't turn to alcohol to numb her memories, more power to her. Both have contributed to the good of the world after their respective tragedies. A pity you can't recognize this, in your animosity.

another liberal he did it too post.....(yawn)

you want to talk about laura, start your own thread....this is about kennedy and laura has nothing, nada, zip to do with kennedy's actions that night

simple really....but libs just have to defend other pointing out the fault of a conservative woman who NEVER was involved in politics....why doin't you mention manson....he killed to
Right, like you respected Bush for turning his life around after spending a "youth" (into his thirties) being a drunk.


You "respect" the D by his name.

IMO, you aren't really feeling the guilt of killing a young woman in a lake when you name your dog Splash... seriously, the guy had respect for power not people.

He cemented a place in history and for that he gets a measure of my respect, but not much of it.

For God's sake, it was a Portuguese Water Dog! "Splash" is perfectly fitting, or are you now going to say he should have gotten a spaniel instead to show his respect?
No, but the sound the car made was? Seriously you are being deliberately obtuse here.

How do you know it made a splash, maybe it just went kerplunk? or swish?

I would have to see evidence of a splash before I could make a further call on this issue!
Yes, liberals are the stupidest people on the planet and we all should be buried in prison yards, or incarcerated until we die! Evil poor stupid liberals!

yes and no.....yes to the stupidest people on earth, no to burying you all in prison yards.....we can't afford to build that many prisons.....
yes and no.....yes to the stupidest people on earth, no to burying you all in prison yards.....we can't afford to build that many prisons.....
Oh, that's right and you are conservative fiscally, thanks, I think? oh, that's right, I don't think, I am a liberal! thanks for thinking for me!-
another liberal he did it too post.....(yawn)

you want to talk about laura, start your own thread....this is about kennedy and laura has nothing, nada, zip to do with kennedy's actions that night

simple really....but libs just have to defend other pointing out the fault of a conservative woman who NEVER was involved in politics....why doin't you mention manson....he killed to

Yet the thread was about passing the health care bill and you highjacked it with your repeated posts about MJ.

Nobody defended Kennedy's actions in the death. How many times do I have to type that? It's clear your reasons for the repeated MJ posts are because Kennedy had a "D" after his name, not because anybody condoned his behaviour at Chappaquidick.
Yet the thread was about passing the health care bill and you highjacked it with your repeated posts about MJ.

Nobody defended Kennedy's actions in the death. How many times do I have to type that? It's clear your reasons for the repeated MJ posts are because Kennedy had a "D" after his name, not because anybody condoned his behaviour at Chappaquidick.
Hey, Yurt, I think she got you! That's my girl!
Yet the thread was about passing the health care bill and you highjacked it with your repeated posts about MJ.

Nobody defended Kennedy's actions in the death. How many times do I have to type that? It's clear your reasons for the repeated MJ posts are because Kennedy had a "D" after his name, not because anybody condoned his behaviour at Chappaquidick.

how can you talk about healthcare and not about mary jo's health? that is not hijacking libs would like everyone to forget about mary jo....and mary jo is salient expecially when talking about NAMING a health bill after someone like ted....wake up and stop being so partisan

he killed her and now some are calling him a hero....amazing what a D next to your name does to you froth at the mouth to defend the person....
What, exactly, is your point? Nobody's forgotten Mary Jo and not a single person here has condoned Ted's actions that night.

good....then you shouldn't be having the hissy fit you are for bringing her up....why does it upset you? why do you want so desperately for people to forget and stop talking about mary jo?
good....then you shouldn't be having the hissy fit you are for bringing her up....why does it upset you? why do you want so desperately for people to forget and stop talking about mary jo?

Hissy fit? LOL.

I've probably remembered and talked about Mary Jo longer than you have.

You're trying to tie Mary Jo's death 40 years ago to a health care bill that wasn't even on the radar screen until decades later.

I guess you don't believe people can rise above their sins and try to redeem themselves through their works afterward.
how can you talk about healthcare and not about mary jo's health? that is not hijacking libs would like everyone to forget about mary jo....and mary jo is salient expecially when talking about NAMING a health bill after someone like ted....wake up and stop being so partisan

he killed her and now some are calling him a hero....amazing what a D next to your name does to you froth at the mouth to defend the person....

Your comment that libs want people to forget about MJ is just silly. Are you saying that passing a health care bill and naming it after the person who pushed for it so many years is somehow disrespecting MJ's memory? I don't follow your logic on that.

I'm not going to say this again: NOBODY is defending Kennedy for his actions that night. If you persist in thinking that, it's more a reflection on you than on those you're criticizing.
Your comment that libs want people to forget about MJ is just silly. Are you saying that passing a health care bill and naming it after the person who pushed for it so many years is somehow disrespecting MJ's memory? I don't follow your logic on that.

I'm not going to say this again: NOBODY is defending Kennedy for his actions that night. If you persist in thinking that, it's more a reflection on you than on those you're criticizing.
She why she is the one I want to be like when I grow up!