APP - Pass Kennedy Care now!

you want to talk about drunks, drugs, murder and rape, you will be talking about the Kennedy clan..

You want to talk about drunks, drugs, helping Hitler rise to power, cheating U.S. Customs, pardoning traitors and killing thousands in an illegal, immoral war, you will be talking about the bush clan.
You want to talk about drunks, drugs, helping Hitler rise to power, cheating U.S. Customs, pardoning traitors and killing thousands in an illegal, immoral war, you will be talking about the bush clan.
There are several prominate families in America who can not hold their heads up for past crimes!

they are not suppose to be humans, just rich.
that is what you lefties try and teach our the kids, isn't it? unless of course it's one of your own..
Yeah, us lefties teach our children that anyone rich should die, preferably by going to war!
i didn't realize posting someone's picture means i don't forgive....what a shame it is that liberals take such great offense to people talking about her and posting her picture....

now thats partisan hackery....trying to erase the memory that ted killed and most likely guilty of manslaughter at a minimum a young girl....sad really

another thing....why is it ok to keep talking about bush but not kennedy?

Again, what's your point, other than sh*t-stirring? Nobody condoned Ted's actions. He got off with a slap on the wrist because he came from a wealthy, prominent family. That is absolutely reprehensible and we all agree it is. If somebody was making excuses for his actions it would be a different story.

The same thing happened with Laura Bush. She caused the death of a classmate due to reckless driving, with no consequences to her whatsoever. Life was lost in both instances. It's wrong to place a higher value on Mary Jo's life, just because you didn't like Ted. Laura caused a young boy's death when he was just beginning his future. His family grieves just as much as the Kopechne family.

IMO both Ted and Laura paid and will pay for their actions all their lives. If Laura didn't turn to alcohol to numb her memories, more power to her. Both have contributed to the good of the world after their respective tragedies. A pity you can't recognize this, in your animosity.
and some, myself included, think it would be more fitting if he were buried in a prison yard.....

Well, there you have it! He needs to be buried in a prison yard, I am sure that will bring her back! I saw a movie about that one time, bringing back the dead!
Then you should know enough to realize that the two cases hold know similarities except for the tragic and untimely death of a young person, and any comparison between the two is absolutely asinine.

Both perps got off with no consequences because of their connections, and that's the bottom line.
there have been hero's in this country, but Teddy Kennedy was not one of them..he was a leech off the taxpayers, a drunk, a defendant in a rape trial, and a commie sympathizer...

A multi-millionaire "leech(es) off the taxpayers"?

That's really lame, even for you. :rolleyes: