Pastor Lorenzo Sewell criticized for inauguration prayer, meme coin push

Coming up with new ways to ask for donations, using the latest technologies, etc. are all part of what folks do. The only reason you call it skeptical is because the man prayed at an inauguration for someone you do not like. I think that is weak. If you donate to a Catholic Charity you still have the same issue, even if it is cash and not some "skeptical currency" (singular "currencies" are just a way to give money, you are donating the cash, if you are donating in the hopes it will gain in value you are doing it wrong) it can be spent poorly and not deliver the "value".
Sorry, but my opinion has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with being religious and thinking about what is proper.
I just don't think that a pastor asking for money to give to others is a "shocking" thing, regardless of how he collects it. I also do not assign nefarious purpose based on things like this. To me this kind of exaggerated response is just sad.

Did you feel the same way and defend Obama when the TeaTard crazies were accusing him of hating whites because of his tenuous association with the "racist" Rev. Wright? Did any Xtian ministers sell themselves on fake money "coins" who supported Obama or Biden?
Would you have defended them as well?
There's quite a lot of that in this thread, and elsewhere on the forum. And it's not the LWers doing it.
lol. This whole thread was leftists doing it. Leftists as a whole, not necessarily you, always have difficulty with introspection. They say that others are "going to do" something they are literally doing almost constantly. If you ever want to know what leftists are actually doing, all you have to do is listen to what they predict the "MAGAs" will do in the future. From using the Justice System against their opponents down to pardoning their own family. It's like a list of things leftists are doing that the same leftists think "they'll" do too. Except they can't seem to comprehend that they are actually already doing what they think is the "worst thing the other guys may do"...
There's quite a lot of that in this thread, and elsewhere on the forum. And it's not the LWers doing it.
you people have proven yourselves completely disreputable on all fronts.

That;s why you lost.

always lying is a bad political strategy.

this is what happens when you completely reject morality and worship eugenics instead.

lol. This whole thread was leftists doing it. Leftists as a whole, not necessarily you, always have difficulty with introspection. They say that others are "going to do" something they are literally doing almost constantly. If you ever want to know what leftists are actually doing, all you have to do is listen to what they predict the "MAGAs" will do in the future. From using the Justice System against their opponents down to pardoning their own family. It's like a list of things we are doing that we think they'll do too. Except they can't seem to comprehend that they are actually already doing what they think is the "worst thing the other guys may do"...
Excellent points. But my favorite one is how the Left has been using their injustice system against their opponents (Trump & Conservatives)
for some 8 years now, while biden pardons his whole family right before Trump steps in.
Just say good morning... That irritates them beyond belief... Is catching up might be next to impossible though... they are on a mission... This morning I had a hundred more...;)

And here comes our pompous and self-righteous #SlutOfSatan now! Got any new insults and smarmy pronouncements to fling out about Bishop Budde, Episcopalians in general, and/or non-MAGATs? Or will you continue to repeat the same tired whines of the last six days? lol
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Asking about donations for a church is great. What isn't great is asking for donations for some skeptical currency that has no guarantees it will deliver the value of your donations.

Exactly. And that's why it's not a legitimate religious donation request; it's a grift. I wonder how @Damocles feels about Trump selling these things, capitalizing on his presidency, in violation of the Constitution?
Sorry, but my opinion has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with being religious and thinking about what is proper.

Same here, minus the "religious" part. It is unethical. I had no idea this clown prayed at the Trump thing; I just found his self-promoting meme coin thing disgusting and unChrist-like. Remember when He drove the vendors and money-changers out of the Temple with a whip?

I do enjoy the fact that any idiots who buy this stuff whether it's this pastor's, or the Trump Crime Family's, will sob when their hard-earned money has bought them nothing of value. And no ticket to Heaven, either.
lol. This whole thread was leftists doing it. Leftists as a whole, not necessarily you, always have difficulty with introspection. They say that others are "going to do" something they are literally doing almost constantly. If you ever want to know what leftists are actually doing, all you have to do is listen to what they predict the "MAGAs" will do in the future. From using the Justice System against their opponents down to pardoning their own family. It's like a list of things leftists are doing that the same leftists think "they'll" do too. Except they can't seem to comprehend that they are actually already doing what they think is the "worst thing the other guys may do"...

:hand: :hand: :hand: Best bit of classic projection I've seen in quite a while. Kudos! lol

Tell us, O Great Guru, which group was predicting that there would be violence, riots, arson, etc. if Harris lost? Tell us which group actually DID commit violence, assaults, property destruction when Trump lost? Which group gracefully conceded and acknowledged Trump's victory in 2024? And which group, to this day, still repeats the "stolen election" lies?
And if that particular method of asking for donations wasn't successful , then it probably won't happened again... I'm very impressed by the cathedral charging for the light show and yoga/spa sessions... that's a great way to make money...

A nice and amusingly inadvertent confession that despite your self-righteousness, you never go to church. I can't think of a single church that I've ever attended, more than once, that did not have parish activities for the members, some of which required a fee to be paid. My kids were on the parish soccer team in grade school; there was a fee to belong. A fundie church we attended 40 something years ago had a "donation" fee for Family Movie Night. Their volleyball leagues also had fees because they had to pay to use the gym at a nearby h.s.
He's on ignore because he used to follow me around tugging at my skirts for attention. So he's taken up with the psycho slut, has he? Good luck with that! Sad little incel MAGAT boys love them some subservient passive-aggressive "women," don't they? lol
He fits right in with the MAGA morons. Same low level of mentality and high level of anger, hatred and blaming others for his problems.