Paul Mooney : Analyzing White America


First of all, if you don't know who Paul Mooney is, he was one of the head writers for Richard Pryor.
He is brilliant, and I love him.

The liberals will love this...the conservatives will feel the fire. I know....the truth "hurts".
Oh, my...the conservatards are avoiding this thread like the plague. Ball-less. LOL

Yes, I am surprised more people haven't spent an hour of their Saturday watching the video and commenting. They must all be very afraid.
This message is hidden because Yurt is on your ignore list.

you're such a sissy little troll. you constantly claim i'm on ignore, then you reply to my post and when i ask a question you can't handle, you claim to put me back on ignore.

why are you so afraid of people smarter than you? some advice, if you're such a chickenshit, don't reply to any of my posts.
Fixed that for you. :)

Usually, you're so have nothing to say about the video of Paul Mooney, going off on folks like you? LOL.
Yogurt can't manage his own wing wang, let alone pwn anyone. I know you suffer from delusions and illusions of grandeur, but it's just fever. It'll pass.
Usually, you're so have nothing to say about the video of Paul Mooney, going off on folks like you? LOL.
Yogurt can't manage his own wing wang, let alone pwn anyone. I know you suffer from delusions and illusions of grandeur, but it's just fever. It'll pass.

dune says i pwn you. are you calling dune a liar?
Usually, I'm so stupic....I have nothing to say about the video of Paul Mooney, going off on whites; because I'm a racist also? LOL.
Yurt waves his wing wang and I get all weak in the knees. I know I suffer from delusions and illusions of grandeur, but it's just fever. It'll pass.

Thanks for sharing.
You're living up to all the accolades a forum member paid you in a private message to me. So stupid. So juvenile. So unoriginal, you can't compete with the big boys...little girl.

And that would go hand in hand with the information I received on you; from a current poster, who recognized your from another board.
So I guess Mary, that we're both known by the company we keep. :)
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You're living up to all the accolades a forum member paid you in a private message to me. So stupid. So juvenile. So unoriginal, you can't compete with the big boys...little girl.

And that would go hand in hand with the information I received on you; from a current poster, who recognized your from another board.
So I guess Mary, that we're both known by the company we keep. :)

Really? What did they say? That I have a rep for handing racists and bigots their asses? Or, that I don't take no shit? Especially from low level, uneducated, blue collar workers, one paycheck away from food stamps.
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Still don't have the cojones to watch the video, eh? You couldn't take'd be on the floor, whimpering like a girl.
Really? What did they say? That I have a rep for handing racists and bigots their asses? Or, that I don't take no shit? Especially from low level, uneducated, blue collar workers, one paycheck away from food stamps.

Something about you the reason you get the same reception on other boards, is because you acted like an bigotted racist idiot on them also.
Didn't mention what boards; but said it's happened on at least two.
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Something about you the reason you get the same reception on other boards, is because you acted like an bigotted racist idiot on them also.
Didn't mention what boards; but said it's happened on at least two.

Uh, bigoted only contains 1 "t". Racist? Who am I racist against? I already explained to you and the board, I have way too many white acquaintances and friends to ever be considered a racist against whites. What I am is an activist, and a firm believer that folks like you rely on "white privilege" for an advantage, seeing that its' you that can't compete in a free market, where everyone is judged on their merits and skills, and not being just one of the "good ol' boys".
I know for a fact, that your dumb, no spelling ass, couldn't compete with me in any job requiring a brain or intellect...which is why you are stuck in the job you have.
What they should have told you is I never back down. And I'm still standing up to the blows and the attacks, like it was rain.
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