Paul Mooney : Analyzing White America

Uh, bigoted only contains 1 "t". Racist? Who am I racist against? I already explained to you and the board, I have way too many white acquaintances and friends to ever be considered a racist against whites. What I am is an activist, and a firm believer that folks like you rely on "white privilege" for an advantage, seeing that its' you that can't compete in a free market, where everyone is judged on their merits and skills, and not being just one of the "good ol' boys".
I know for a fact, that your dumb, no spelling ass, couldn't compete with me in any job requiring a brain or intellect...which is why you are stuck in the job you have.
What they should have told you is I never back down. And I'm still standing up to the blows and the attacks, like it was rain.

Like I said; all anyone has to do is bait the hook, cast it out, and watch Poet swallow it, hook, line, and sinker. :)
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Uh, bigoted only contains 1 "t". Racist? Who am I racist against? I already explained to you and the board, I have way too many white acquaintances and friends to ever be considered a racist against whites. What I am is an activist, and a firm believer that folks like you rely on "white privilege" for an advantage, seeing that its' you that can't compete in a free market, where everyone is judged on their merits and skills, and not being just one of the "good ol' boys".
I know for a fact, that your dumb, no spelling ass, couldn't compete with me in any job requiring a brain or intellect...which is why you are stuck in the job you have.
What they should have told you is I never back down. And I'm still standing up to the blows and the attacks, like it was rain.

People in glass houses...
unless one considers rural wisconsin or any of the sparsely populated plains state areas 'white america', everywhere i've ever lived has a broad mix and range of colors and ethnicities. so what is 'white america'?
unless one considers rural wisconsin or any of the sparsely populated plains state areas 'white america', everywhere i've ever lived has a broad mix and range of colors and ethnicities. so what is 'white america'?

White Americans are people of the United States who are considered or consider themselves White. The United States Census Bureau defines White people as those "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who reported “White” or wrote in entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish."[5] Like all official U.S. racial categories, "White" has a "Not Hispanic or Latino" and a "Hispanic or Latino" component,[5] the latter consisting mostly of White Mexican Americans and white Cuban Americans. The term "Caucasian" is often used interchangeably with "White".[6][7]

German Americans (16.5%), Irish Americans (11.9%), English Americans (9.0%), Italian Americans (5.8%), Polish Americans (3.3%), French Americans (3.1%), Scottish Americans (1.9%), Dutch Americans (1.6%), Norwegian Americans (1.5%), and Swedish Americans (1.4%) constitute the ten largest White American ancestries.[8] Sixty million Americans, one fifth of the total United States population, claim British ancestry.[9] Whites constitute the majority, with 72.4% or 223,553,265 of the population in the 2010 United States Census.

You could have looked it up yourself.
People in glass houses...

Gee, it's a shame that what you cut and pasted wasn't mine; but instead was a comment from Poet.
The reason that it appears the way it does; is because Poet fucked up the quote feature, in his stupidity.

Do try and keep up, Tom. :)
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White Americans are people of the United States who are considered or consider themselves White. The United States Census Bureau defines White people as those "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who reported “White” or wrote in entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish."[5] Like all official U.S. racial categories, "White" has a "Not Hispanic or Latino" and a "Hispanic or Latino" component,[5] the latter consisting mostly of White Mexican Americans and white Cuban Americans. The term "Caucasian" is often used interchangeably with "White".[6][7]

German Americans (16.5%), Irish Americans (11.9%), English Americans (9.0%), Italian Americans (5.8%), Polish Americans (3.3%), French Americans (3.1%), Scottish Americans (1.9%), Dutch Americans (1.6%), Norwegian Americans (1.5%), and Swedish Americans (1.4%) constitute the ten largest White American ancestries.[8] Sixty million Americans, one fifth of the total United States population, claim British ancestry.[9] Whites constitute the majority, with 72.4% or 223,553,265 of the population in the 2010 United States Census.

You could have looked it up yourself.

It was much more fun, watching you step and fetch.
You're living up to all the accolades a forum member paid you in a private message to me. So stupid. So juvenile. So unoriginal, you can't compete with the big boys...little girl.

That's why he resorts to changing other's posts.

He isn't intelligent enough to come up with a witty retort, so he instead falls back on the now standard Tightie Rightie "response" that Alias made famous.
That's why he resorts to changing other's posts.

He isn't intelligent enough to come up with a witty retort, so he instead falls back on the now standard Tightie Rightie "response" that Alias made famous.

You really shouldn't talk about Dune that way; seeing as how he's Poet's "buddy". :)
Gee, it's a shame that what you cut and pasted wasn't mine; but instead was a comment from Poet.
The reason that it appears the way it does; is because Poet fucked up the quote feature, in his stupidity.

Do try and keep up, Tom. :)

It was directed to Poet and he acknowledged the spelling error gracefully.
It was directed to Poet and he acknowledged the spelling error gracefully.

It wasn't a spelling error, it was a screwed up cut and paste; because the quote feature confuses him.
Plus he only acknowldged it, 2 hours after you posted something that you thought I was responsible for; which is proof that after all the whining he does about other people not proof reading, he has failed to do the same.
So when you respond to my posts or chime in, you're essentially, "stepping and fetching", also. But somehow, your efforts, seldom measure up to a good "step and fetch"...Bowser.

Damn Mary, that really got your panties in a bunch; HUH!!
Did you not "fetch" the links? Of course you did. :)
It wasn't a spelling error, it was a screwed up cut and paste; because the quote feature confuses him.
Plus he only acknowldged it, after you posted something that you thought I was responsible for.

No bitch, it was a spelling error, which I acknowledged...unlike you. You never admit "wrongdoing", meaning, among other things, that you don't live in the real world. You see, your attitude, defensive demeanor, failure to engage honestly and coherently on any given topic, gives insight into your frailties as a poster and a human being.
You're intimidated by you're in a low level position of power, where you can simulate the illusion of being in some modicum of control over others. What? Do you steer the inmates in single file for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Do you order the pick up of trays? Do you escort inmates to the infirmary? Or do you do "head counts"?
All interesting and mind boggling displays of sheer power, wouldn't you say?
Yet here, reveals you to be impotent, uneducated, intimidated, and of such low self esteem, you utilize "pissing contests", and tit for tat, as responses, in lieu of debate.
Before the entire board and world. BMOC, right?

I didn't cut and paste the post. I don't use the quote feature, because I prefer responding directly to a quote, and highlighting my response in burnt red. Matters not when I acknowledged it, but that I did at all. When have you ever? Stupid bitch.
No bitch, it was a spelling error, which I acknowledged...unlike you. You never admit "wrongdoing", meaning, among other things, that you don't live in the real world. You see, your attitude, defensive demeanor, failure to engage honestly and coherently on any given topic, gives insight into your frailties as a poster and a human being.
You're intimidated by you're in a low level position of power, where you can simulate the illusion of being in some modicum of control over others. What? Do you steer the inmates in single file for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Do you order the pick up of trays? Do you escort inmates to the infirmary? Or do you do "head counts"?
All interesting and mind boggling displays of sheer power, wouldn't you say?
Yet here, reveals you to be impotent, uneducated, intimidated, and of such low self esteem, you utilize "pissing contests", and tit for tat, as responses, in lieu of debate.
Before the entire board and world. BMOC, right?

I didn't cut and paste the post. I don't use the quote feature, because I prefer responding directly to a quote, and highlighting my response in burnt red. Matters not when I acknowledged it, but that I did at all. When have you ever? Stupid bitch.

Now-now, Mary.
There really is no reason for you to get yourself all in a lather over this, unless it makes you feel better; in that case, lather away. :)
It has become apparent that your lack of respect for individuals in the Corrections field, comes from your experiances while yourself was incarcerated.
Unfortunetly; you've been unable to move past your delinquent behavior and instead, have decided to make it a personal issue with others.
So sad
To bad

I would have thought though, that you would have figured out by now; that just maybe the spelling errors are done, in an attempt to allow you a venue where you can vent.
I'm glad to see it's working.
