Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Are you agreeing that both parties are better at representing themselves than the nation? That both parties are engaged in the division and destruction of our Republic, Damo?It's not an excuse it is an observation, a constant. As I said, a Law of Political Nature, an Axiom. A simple truth.
Listen to them. If they say Trump is planning on doing this and he hasn't said he was (as you said Trump tells you what he's going to do), it is because they plan on doing it. I believe that next time the left has the White House this is something they will try to do, because when I see them say things like this with no evidence or even a hint that Trump is actually thinking of such a thing, it is because it is central to their minds.
In any moment, listen to what they "predict" and you will know what they plan.
Results count. Trump says a lot of shit. He pardoned the 1/6 traitors in a day. Where are the Pedo files? The JFK files? Why the distraction with the Fort Knox conspiracy theory when all he has to do is send a flunky to go count the gold bars?
Whenever Trump says something outlandish or kooky, his defenders say he is joking. I think the man is so demented that he's speaking his mind and, if he can do it, he will do it. So far he's moving in the direction of being a "strong man" of the United States, claiming he's above the law and doing whatever he pleases.