Peanuts is dead

It was amnesty that saved his treasonous, seditious, insurrectionist Democrat ass...

Union cavalrymen arrested former Confederate president Jefferson Davis near Irwinville, Georgia, on May 10, 1865. Davis was taken into custody as a suspect in the assassination of United States president Abraham Lincoln, but his arrest and two-year imprisonment at Fort Monroe in Virginia raised significant questions about the political course of Reconstruction (1865–1877). Debate over Davis’s fate tended to divide between those who favored a severe punishment of the former Confederate political leaders and those who favored a more conciliatory approach. When investigators failed to establish a link between Davis and the Lincoln assassins, the U.S. government charged him instead with treason. U.S. president Andrew Johnson’s impeachment hearings delayed the trial, however, and in the end the government granted Davis amnesty.

I stand corrected, sir I thought we were discussing Bill mistake and thank you!!

I agree. I have always thought that Carter was the best ex-president we have ever had.

But as to being a Christian, it all depends on Era and Context.

Some Christians would claim that

Godfrey of Bouillon (1061-1100)​

was the greatest Christian ever.

But I personally am a modern Wiccan, so I don't think so highly of Christians. They tend to burn my kind at the stake.

I personally am a modern Wiccan.

YOU are one low life scumbag POS.
Have some respect for a past President.

I'm sure you'll show great respect when Dubya passes. or especially when Trump does.

The ONLY reason that Carter isn't the worst POTUS in history is because of that fucking crook Joe Biden.

Habitat for Humanity helped a few people - and yes I mean a "few." It fit nicely with Carter's dedication to Communism. I'll give him credit for that. Not much else though.
I'm sure you'll show great respect when Dubya passes. or especially when Trump does.

The ONLY reason that Carter isn't the worst POTUS in history is because of that fucking crook Joe Biden.

Habitat for Humanity helped a few people - and yes I mean a "few." It fit nicely with Carter's dedication to Communism. I'll give him credit for that. Not much else though.
I have a LOT more respect for all Presidents then that low life POS does.
I would NEVER post such shit like he has when dealing with the death of a person even if I didn't like them.
A display of ignorance... yet again.

If the Trump-GOP is to succeed, it must be a big-tent political party.

Again, your Arrogance is only exceeded by your ignorance.

Wiccans have been around 2000 years longer than Christianity.


Wiccans have been around less than a hundred years. It is a made up religion of wanna be's trying to legitimize the pagan rituals of the Druids and others. Wicca arose in the 1960's along with Anton Lavey and other fakers playing off of the fraud of Allister Crowley and Rasmussen.

Wicca is a joke, a made up religion for bored suburban housewives desperate to shock others with their rebellion against societal norms. Wicca, like Kwanza - is 100% fabricated.
I'm sure you'll show great respect when Dubya passes. or especially when Trump does.

The ONLY reason that Carter isn't the worst POTUS in history is because of that fucking crook Joe Biden.

Habitat for Humanity helped a few people - and yes I mean a "few." It fit nicely with Carter's dedication to Communism. I'll give him credit for that. Not much else though.

IMHO, Obama is the worst President in American History by a wide margin.

Biden was corrupt and evil 20 years ago, but by 2019, he wasn't really here anymore. The Chinese bought themselves a puppet.

Biden is the worst case of elder abuse I've ever seen.

Thank you for the info on the early Carter years. I have yet to look it all up, and verify, but you have given me a starting point, and much to think about.

It may be that my opinion will go down, as I learn more... sad if true.

I still think that Obama was the most destructive American President in history. With the likes of President Woodrow Wilson to compete with him, it is quite the accomplishment to be worst.

Wiccans have been around less than a hundred years. It is a made up religion of wanna be's trying to legitimize the pagan rituals of the Druids and others. Wicca arose in the 1960's along with Anton Lavey and other fakers playing off of the fraud of Allister Crowley and Rasmussen.

Wicca is a joke, a made up religion for bored suburban housewives desperate to shock others with their rebellion against societal norms. Wicca, like Kwanza - is 100% fabricated.

Maybe, just maybe, you don't know as much about Wicca as you think.

Allister Crowley was a showman, something akin to P.T. Barnum. He was also an occultist.

There was a time that the majority of Jews thought that the Jewish Rabi, Christ, was just 100% Fabricated.

Most Wiccans today, accept Christ as the son-of-God, and someone who died on the cross, to earn mankind forgiveness from God the Father.

Most Wiccans today, in their core values and beliefs, are closer to some of the native American Tribal Religions, say the Pueblo Native Americans, than anything else in any major religion. We are a people who greatly honor peace, art, trade and community.

I have a LOT more respect for all Presidents then that low life POS does.

You have respect for nothing,

You think what the party programs you to think.

I would NEVER post such shit like he has when dealing with the death of a person even if I didn't like them.

All you post is shit. You will praise any party member and shit all over anyone not of the party.

MSNBC is what you "think:." You're a joke.