"People who believe in God are more likely to be leftwing, according to a new study."

believe in God are more likely to be leftwing, according to a new study."

this is certainly SP's type of thread....a whole playground in which to proclaim that those on the left are better Christians than those on the right......

We are.....if you worship the rich, you can't worship the Lord. If you think that the poor are unworthy....if you don't think that they deserve anything more than the man who reaps where he does not sow gives them...you're on the wrong side of right and wrong.

People make choices out of desperation fear and suffering....most of those choices are bad.....drugs, alcohol, prostitution, stealing, violence. Choices that, could be drastically reduced by removing the source of that desperation.....poverty.
who believe in God are more likely to be leftwing, according to a new study."

but he capped taxes at ten percent......

No he didn't. Another lie from the "Christian" with the forked tongue. He said "pay unto Caesar(government) that which is Caesar's. Pay unto the Lord, that which is the Lord's"
I know you don't like to read much, so let me recap for you kid.

Left Wing holds values more like Christianity than people like YOU.

So the LIES the left wingers have been spreading for decades about Christians being right wing Republicans and anti-science and war-mongering and racists is just
so much bullshit.....

In that case, Left Wingers are liars and therefore can't possibly hold Christian like values....
How much charity would you give a crack whore?

That's not charity. It's called anniversary gifts.

Originally Posted by I Love America View Post

Have you met all the self proclaimed left wing atheists on JPP?


lol...since when am I atheist? Because I don't believe in fundamentalist Christian malarkey?

Sweetie. I'm Jewish. The Chosen People.
e who believe in God are more likely to be leftwing, according to a new study."

interesting......offering a living sacrifice of the first child for personal gain and you accuse others of worshiping greed....

Wow....take one out of left field, did we? Who said it was the first born? Perhaps it was her third born and she just can't swing it? Oh that's right...it's all her fault to opening up her slutty legs. The sperm do or means nothing.g.....he's just "doing what guys do".

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, does it?
believe in God are more likely to be leftwing, according to a new study."

actually, statistics show its the first AND second, since the majority of women having an abortion now have already had one before.....

Statistics? How come you guys are all into statistics when some Guttenmacher institute throws them out....but deny 97% of climatologists when they say Global climate change is directly influenced by man's reliance on Fossil fuels?

I guess you only like the stats that please you.

Lastly....what are you doing to prevent those abortions? I've counseled four young women that were between a rock and a hard place. And I got all four to carry the pregnancy. I've also helped to raise THREE kids that I had nothing to do with the manufacturing. Process.....I helped to send TWO of the three to college.

So, C'mon.....what have you done?
but deny 97% of climatologists when they say Global climate change is directly influenced by man's reliance on Fossil fuels?

probably because the statistics show that global climate change mirrors that which occurred prior to man's reliance of fossil fuels....

by the way, I wonder if our readers will notice the subtle change in the way you phrased that.....ten years ago the left wouldn't have thought twice about saying that global climate change was CAUSED by man's reliance on fossil fuels......despite yourselves, you at least have been educated by statistics......hopefully the same will be true if we continue to have a sane discussion about killing our unborn children.....
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The op posts the false statement hoping it comes true?

Jesus's christianity is a far cry from what the modern day slave religion has become.

Im not really lefty either, but the profit religion of the right and the libertarians is repulsive to me.

Aware people see that organized religion is perpetuated as a control mechanism, and is mostly used to promulagate the Protestant slave ethic. The idea that productivity is the highest good. Only a completely brainwashed slave would internalize that fascist value.
Lastly....what are you doing to prevent those abortions?

well, we could have capital punishment for abortion providers.....but perhaps we should just start by raising children to believe it is wrong to kill their unborn children instead of telling them it is their constitutional right to do so.....

So, C'mon.....what have you done?

you want personal antidotal evidence?.....I raised two children who's mothers believed it wrong to kill their unborn children......children who learned to pray thanks to God on a regular basis that their birth mothers did not believe in abortion......one of them, when she was a sophomore in high school talked a friend into telling her parents about her pregnancy instead of having an abortion using her own life as an example.....

do you think in honor of those two women I should keep my mouth shut?........
you want personal antidotal evidence?.....I raised two children who's mothers believed it wrong to kill their unborn children......children who learned to pray thanks to God..

A. I note two women and two marriages spoken of. Is one of these children of a divorce involving you? If you can't honor the sanctity of marriage why would you expect her to believe you on anything else?

B. if praying to God prevents abortion or the wisdom to not abort, we wouldn't have abortions would we?

I'm more inclined to believe that every woman who undergoes the procedure prays a lot beforehand, asking for the Lord's guidance. Therefore, would it be reasonable to say abortion is God's will?
A. I note two women and two marriages spoken of. Is one of these children of a divorce involving you? If you can't honor the sanctity of marriage why would you expect her to believe you on anything else?

seriously....are you that fucking stupid?......neither of the children I adopted were children of a divorce.....I had my 37th anniversary this week.....what do you think of my marriage vows?.....

Therefore, would it be reasonable to say abortion is God's will?

perhaps....if you want to argue that when Jesus said "suffer the little children to be brought unto me" he was saying "kill the little fuckers and send them to heaven"......

and tekkychick, screw you for "thanking" that mindless insult.....
seriously....are you that fucking stupid?......neither of the children I adopted were children of a divorce.....I had my 37th anniversary this week.....what do you think of my marriage vows?.....

perhaps....if you want to argue that when Jesus said "suffer the little children to be brought unto me" he was saying "kill the little fuckers and send them to heaven"......

and tekkychick, screw you for "thanking" that mindless insult.....

Thanks for answering. Congrats on the long term marriage. I feel for the pain you wife must have endured.

btw...you forgot to answer this question:

B. if praying to God prevents abortion or the wisdom to not abort, we wouldn't have abortions would we?