people who think they are better then othwers have mental issues


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nazis also considered themselves superior better then others both mentally and physically it didnt work out so well for them.

Often you see people whos egos are so inflated by their own hot air they think they are better for what ever reason.
Its not just a inflated ego but a sickness a mental disorder and it seems may democrats here have it in a bad way.




nazis also considered themselves superior better then others both mentally and physically it didnt work out so well for them.

Often you see people whos egos are so inflated by their own hot air they think they are better for what ever reason.
Its not just a inflated ego but a sickness a mental disorder and it seems may democrats here have it in a bad way.

So, you are better than Democrats.

you see I learned from this passage decades ago. Im open about my poor past lack of education and yes humble upbringing on a small family farm being poor when young. Im rash vulgar at times and judgemental , lustful and have all the faults other humans have be they good or bad people.

Yep I have worked on manned sce ships and unmanned satellites and worked for a chemical company mixing up experimental chemicals and medicines Ive also dug graves and dug up sewers shoveled shit helped countless amount of students beat the shit out of people. but im not better then anyone .
Ill tell a story about a man who I know who was dyslexic and couldn't read or right .to better prove my point.
I want ever democrat or republican black man white man and every thing in-between to know your not better then me and im not not better then you
people who think they are better then othwers have mental issues

So if I think I am a better typer than Bulletbob, does that mean I have mental issues? Or am I ok because Bulletbob is not one of the othwers?

If I think I am more proficient with grammar than Bulletbob does that mean I have mental issues? Or are my mental issues simply the result of having superior mental acuity?

Or was this some sort of high IQ test conducted by Bulletbob that I failed?
Poor bob, everyone points and laughs at him

And rightfully so. Anyone who disparages education and calls an older woman seeking it a "slut" and a "whore," is obviously inferior. He's extremely butthurt that I agreed with him last week that "you [meaning me] think your [sic] better then [sic] me." I know I am, and he can't stand it. I think this is the 10th or 31st thread he's started to whine and sob about it. Poor inferior and ignorant little psycho. :laugh:

you see I learned from this passage decades ago. Im open about my poor past lack of education and yes humble upbringing on a small family farm being poor when young. Im rash vulgar at times and judgemental , lustful and have all the faults other humans have be they good or bad people.

Yep I have worked on manned sce ships and unmanned satellites and worked for a chemical company mixing up experimental chemicals and medicines Ive also dug graves and dug up sewers shoveled shit helped countless amount of students beat the shit out of people. but im not better then anyone .
Ill tell a story about a man who I know who was dyslexic and couldn't read or right .to better prove my point.
I want ever democrat or republican black man white man and every thing in-between to know your not better then me and im not not better then you

Yep I have worked on manned sce ships

Yea as if they would let a 9th grade illiterate drop our anywhere near hardware for aerospace, even as a sub contractor

You were more like the porter crew subcontracted out to clean NASA offices

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you see I learned from this passage decades ago. Im open about my poor past lack of education and yes humble upbringing on a small family farm being poor when young. Im rash vulgar at times and judgemental , lustful and have all the faults other humans have be they good or bad people.

Yep I have worked on manned sce ships and unmanned satellites and worked for a chemical company mixing up experimental chemicals and medicines Ive also dug graves and dug up sewers shoveled shit helped countless amount of students beat the shit out of people. but im not better then anyone .
Ill tell a story about a man who I know who was dyslexic and couldn't read or right .to better prove my point.
I want ever democrat or republican black man white man and every thing in-between to know your not better then me and im not not better then you

Doesn't matter how tough your farm chores were when you were 13.

You have had a lifetime to improve your education, your writing skills, your ability to communicate, your verbal skills.

Self improvement does not stop even if you drop out of school at age 16.

I am a much better writter, speaker, and thinker than I was when I was 18. Because I spent a lifetime reading, writing, learning,
And rightfully so. Anyone who disparages education and calls an older woman seeking it a "slut" and a "whore," is obviously inferior. He's extremely butthurt that I agreed with him last week that "you [meaning me] think your [sic] better then [sic] me." I know I am, and he can't stand it. I think this is the 10th or 31st thread he's started to whine and sob about it. Poor inferior and ignorant little psycho. :laugh:

Poor foulthing thinks shes better then others a clear sign she has mental and emotional issue illusions of grandeur and a super inflated ego. Pretty important lunch lady in prison.I bet she went to school to learn how to be a lunch lady. But you didnt need to go to school to be a slut you learned how to do that on the corner.
You still cryinv aboutit. No one made you read the thread or post on it. You being a attention whore and having such a huge ego you should enjoy it.
You contribution to society is cheap sex and making a bologna and cheese wonder shes better them all 9f us. If you dont like my post foul thing dont read them . dont comment on them.or get over it foul thing.
Really? Wasn't it the will of the people to elect Joe Biden?

And isn't Trump and his cultists trying to overturn the election- and force their will on the people?

I dispute the election results.

but even conceding the bogus election, presidents are not tyrants. they can't just make everyone do what they say.

we're a constitutional republic. that means something to non-totalitarians.

since you're a totalitarian, you don't understand.

we'll educate you.




nazis also considered themselves superior better then others both mentally and physically it didnt work out so well for them.

Often you see people whos egos are so inflated by their own hot air they think they are better for what ever reason.
Its not just a inflated ego but a sickness a mental disorder and it seems may democrats here have it in a bad way.

Bob, sitting there and sobbing for yourself isn't going to solve any problems, but going forward and doing something positive would be a great help in improving the situation.
im not better then anyone .

May I ask your evaluation of ex-President Trump - does he think he's not better than anyone else?

“I think it would be hard if George Washington came back from the dead and he chose Abraham Lincoln as his vice president, I think it would have been very hard for them to beat me.”

That's something anyone might say with a straight face, right?