people who think they are better then othwers have mental issues

And you know this how - because Trump said so?

Here are some of the occasions when Trump claimed election fraud:

- After Obama’s win in 2012, Trump declared the election a “total sham”, tweeting "We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty.”

- In the 2016 primaries, Trump claimed he did not lose the Iowa caucuses to Ted Cruz. Referring to the “fraud” committed by Cruz, he said “Ted Cruz didn't win Iowa, he stole it”.

- In the runup to the 2016 election, Trump claimed repeatedly that the election was being rigged by the “dishonest and distorted media”. When it turned out that he had won, he declared "In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote" (he got 3 million votes less than Clinton).

- Fast forward to 2020. When the media, including Fox News, started calling the election against him, Trump declared "I WON THIS ELECTION BY A LOT!"

He’s been spouting variations on that ever since. And dupes still believe him.

usual safeguards were ignored due to lockdown. lax security happened. ballot harvesting. chain of custody issues. counting mystery ballots multiple times during the supposed "pause".

all kinds of fucked upedness.

get over it.
Good people can be stupid & bad people can be smart.

Most of the highest ranking Nazis had high IQ scores including Adolf Hitler.

They were downright evil.

indeed the nazis had a lot of well educated people that didn't make them better then others no matter how well educated they were , yet we still have people today that think they are better then others .they are delusional

you see I learned from this passage decades ago. Im open about my poor past lack of education and yes humble upbringing on a small family farm being poor when young. Im rash vulgar at times and judgemental , lustful and have all the faults other humans have be they good or bad people.

Yep I have worked on manned sce ships and unmanned satellites and worked for a chemical company mixing up experimental chemicals and medicines Ive also dug graves and dug up sewers shoveled shit helped countless amount of students beat the shit out of people. but im not better then anyone .
Ill tell a story about a man who I know who was dyslexic and couldn't read or right .to better prove my point.
I want ever democrat or republican black man white man and every thing in-between to know your not better then me and im not not better then you

The point is, mate, that nobody is inherently better[/B than anyone else, but that they may, for instance, know more, or act more admirably. I feel (because I was brought up to it) that people who like rugby are better than people who like soccer, but I'd be a total clown if I supposed I knew more about that game. Similarly, I think that Mother Theresa believed in some silly things, but that she was a better person than I am. The problem with those who supported President Trump so keenly is that they do seem so very ignorant about the nature of the world and the political systems by which it works. It might strike you, for instance, that outside 'Israel' almost nobody in the outside world seemed to think well of Mr Trump. Does that mean that Americans with little education (as the evidence suggests they are) somehow know more than the rest of the world? That the rest of the world knows little of the lives of those people I can believe, just as it knows little and cares less about what's been done to 'Welsh' mining communities, but does that somehow make Trump supporters 'right'? I'd be genuinely interested in an honest comment here.
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The point is, mate, that nobody is inherently better[/B than anyone else, but that they may, for instance, know more, or act more admirably. I feel (because I was brought up to it) that people who like rugby are better than people who like soccer, but I'd be a total clown if I supposed I knew more about that game. Similarly, I think that Mother Theresa believed in some silly things, but that she was a better person than I am. The problem with those who supported President Trump so keenly is that they do seem so very ignorant about the nature of the world and the political systems by which it works. It might strike you, for instance, that outside 'Israel' almost nobody in the outside world seemed to think well of Mr Trump. Does that mean that Americans with little education (as the evidence suggests they are) somehow know more than the rest of the world? That the rest of the world knows little of the lives of those people I can believe, just as it knows little and cares less about what's been done to 'Welsh' mining communities, but does that somehow make Trump supporters 'right'? I'd be genuinely interested in an honest comment here.

Trump has nothing to do with it. And no one is better then another hunan on the planet.
Every person has some skill or trait that others may not. Im physically strong a great shot and have technical and mechanical skills that others dont have. That dont make me better then anyone.
And rightfully so. Anyone who disparages education and calls an older woman seeking it a "slut" and a "whore," is obviously inferior. He's extremely butthurt that I agreed with him last week that "you [meaning me] think your [sic] better then [sic] me." I know I am, and he can't stand it. I think this is the 10th or 31st thread he's started to whine and sob about it. Poor inferior and ignorant little psycho. :laugh:

ianyone.if you dont like being called a slut then stop being one age has nothing to do with it or education your a attention whore with a inflated ego thst needs deflated . you and dich head dutch and hunter biden are all one in the same to me. No if you dont like my threads dont comment 9n them you were not mentioned untill you posted and ran your nasty foil mouth .