people who think they are better then othwers have mental issues

Jeeze, Bob, it's not like we think highly of ourselves as much as you are just looked down on for your attitude, grammar, vulgarity, unwillingness to learn all piled on in yipping dog style. Don't try to act like you think others are stupid, mean, or wrong, etc unless you have a leg to stand on. Just get some basic grammar under your belt with this.
Jeeze, Bob, it's not like we think highly of ourselves as much as you are just looked down on for your attitude, grammar, vulgarity, unwillingness to learn all piled on in yipping dog style. Don't try to act like you think others are stupid, mean, or wrong, etc unless you have a leg to stand on. Just get some basic grammar under your belt with this.

Well said. Agree with all.




nazis also considered themselves superior better then others both mentally and physically it didnt work out so well for them.

Often you see people whos egos are so inflated by their own hot air they think they are better for what ever reason.
Its not just a inflated ego but a sickness a mental disorder and it seems may democrats here have it in a bad way.

Leftists here tend to be snotty.

I feel no need to look down or mock them, unless they do such first.

So many can't have a calm calculated debate.
Good people can be stupid & bad people can be smart.

Most of the highest ranking Nazis had high IQ scores including Adolf Hitler.

They were downright evil.
no. there was massive fraud.

And you know this how - because Trump said so?

Here are some of the occasions when Trump claimed election fraud:

- After Obama’s win in 2012, Trump declared the election a “total sham”, tweeting "We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty.”

- In the 2016 primaries, Trump claimed he did not lose the Iowa caucuses to Ted Cruz. Referring to the “fraud” committed by Cruz, he said “Ted Cruz didn't win Iowa, he stole it”.

- In the runup to the 2016 election, Trump claimed repeatedly that the election was being rigged by the “dishonest and distorted media”. When it turned out that he had won, he declared "In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote" (he got 3 million votes less than Clinton).

- Fast forward to 2020. When the media, including Fox News, started calling the election against him, Trump declared "I WON THIS ELECTION BY A LOT!"

He’s been spouting variations on that ever since. And dupes still believe him.
incel, classic case

And rightfully so. Anyone who disparages education and calls an older woman seeking it a "slut" and a "whore," is obviously inferior. He's extremely butthurt that I agreed with him last week that "you [meaning me] think your [sic] better then [sic] me." I know I am, and he can't stand it. I think this is the 10th or 31st thread he's started to whine and sob about it. Poor inferior and ignorant little psycho. :laugh:

Doesn't matter how tough your farm chores were when you were 13.

You have had a lifetime to improve your education, your writing skills, your ability to communicate, your verbal skills.

Self improvement does not stop even if you drop out of school at age 16.

I am a much better writter, speaker, and thinker than I was when I was 18. Because I spent a lifetime reading, writing, learning,

So if I think I am a better typer than Bulletbob, does that mean I have mental issues? Or am I ok because Bulletbob is not one of the othwers?

If I think I am more proficient with grammar than Bulletbob does that mean I have mental issues? Or are my mental issues simply the result of having superior mental acuity?

Or was this some sort of high IQ test conducted by Bulletbob that I failed?

So bob did you work to MIL-Q 9858?

What NASA HDBK did you work to?

This should be good! :rolleyes:

Bob, sitting there and sobbing for yourself isn't going to solve any problems, but going forward and doing something positive would be a great help in improving the situation.

Jeeze, Bob, it's not like we think highly of ourselves as much as you are just looked down on for your attitude, grammar, vulgarity, unwillingness to learn all piled on in yipping dog style. Don't try to act like you think others are stupid, mean, or wrong, etc unless you have a leg to stand on. Just get some basic grammar under your belt with this.

Well said. Agree with all.

If you're all so smart!?

Why do you all support extinction to Jewish Americans, Native Americans, African Americans & European Americans by mass Immigration & miscegenation!?

Not one user here I'm aware of anymore is Latino.

So, what kind of moron supports destruction of their own peoples!?
If you're all so smart!?

Why do you all support extinction to Jewish Americans, Native Americans, African Americans & European Americans by mass Immigration & miscegenation!?

Not one user here I'm aware of anymore is Latino.

So, what kind of moron supports destruction of their own peoples!?

Fuck off nazi. We have enough asshole racists already.
Jeeze, Bob, it's not like we think highly of ourselves as much as you are just looked down on for your attitude, grammar, vulgarity, unwillingness to learn all piled on in yipping dog style. Don't try to act like you think others are stupid, mean, or wrong, etc unless you have a leg to stand on. Just get some basic grammar under your belt with this.

so your better then others
Fuck off nazi. We have enough asshole racists already.

What a good debate point.

What makes you so different from Nazis!?

You support extinction of 6+ million Jews by miscegenation.

Nazis wanted one German people & extinction for others.

Leftists want one Race of people & all cultures to go extinct.
If you're all so smart!?

Why do you all support extinction to Jewish Americans, Native Americans, African Americans & European Americans by mass Immigration & miscegenation!?

Not one user here I'm aware of anymore is Latino.

So, what kind of moron supports destruction of their own peoples!?

Are you all there???????????