people who think they are better then othwers have mental issues

I dispute the election results.

but even conceding the bogus election, presidents are not tyrants. they can't just make everyone do what they say.

we're a constitutional republic. that means something to non-totalitarians.

since you're a totalitarian, you don't understand.

we'll educate you.

I dispute the election results.

but even conceding the bogus election, presidents are not tyrants. they can't just make everyone do what they say.

we're a constitutional republic. that means something to non-totalitarians.

since you're a totalitarian, you don't understand.

we'll educate you.

Thanks for sharing!

In other words- you are an example of a SORE LOSER and still BUTTHURT like Donald Trump!

We know what you mean!
Doesn't matter how tough your farm chores were when you were 13.

You have had a lifetime to improve your education, your writing skills, your ability to communicate, your verbal skills.

Self improvement does not stop even if you drop out of school at age 16.

I am a much better writter, speaker, and thinker than I was when I was 18. Because I spent a lifetime reading, writing, learning,

yet you spew stupidity all day long.
no. there was massive fraud.

Have you not learned the truth by now? How deep into rt wing sites are you? Have you carved out some kind of weird right-wing reality? That is so sad. All the info available and provided and you refused to learn facts and retained rt wing BS.
May I ask your evaluation of ex-President Trump - does he think he's not better than anyone else?

“I think it would be hard if George Washington came back from the dead and he chose Abraham Lincoln as his vice president, I think it would have been very hard for them to beat me.”

That's something anyone might say with a straight face, right?

I dont know him personally but yes I would say he suffers from thinking hes superior as joe biden and obung hole sis also
Have you not learned the truth by now? How deep into rt wing sites are you? Have you carved out some kind of weird right-wing reality? That is so sad. All the info available and provided and you refused to learn facts and retained rt wing BS.

I believe there was massive fraud.

some is even on video.

a corrupt judiciary has ignored all evidence.

we'll just have to agree to disagree. and we'll improve election security for next time.
the person or people willing to go totalitarian and enforce their opinions through coercion and force is always the sickest.

totalitarians are sick psychotic people.
people who think they are better then others are often closet racist also they tend to think their race is superior to others and often justify criminal activities related to this .

but hey all of medical science must be wrong and some people are better then others , but it sure isnt the ass hole bragging about being better.

for instance some made sandwich's for a living serving prisoners I helped send space ships maned and unmanned into space Am I better then then of course not but by their own definition I am but I dont feel better then anyone ..Its a delusional sickness that people have when they think they are better then others, its a mental illness and they are incapable of seeing it in themselves they only see others faults and shortcomings not their own. They cant due to the massive swelling in their egos and head.

Pitty the ignorant who think they better then others for they are the ones who have the real problems .
people who think they are better then others are often closet racist also they tend to think their race is superior to others and often justify criminal activities related to this .

but hey all of medical science must be wrong and some people are better then others , but it sure isnt the ass hole bragging about being better.

for instance some made sandwich's for a living serving prisoners I helped send space ships maned and unmanned into space Am I better then then of course not but by their own definition I am but I dont feel better then anyone ..Its a delusional sickness that people have when they think they are better then others, its a mental illness and they are incapable of seeing it in themselves they only see others faults and shortcomings not their own. They cant due to the massive swelling in their egos and head.

Pitty the ignorant who think they better then others for they are the ones who have the real problems .

these dems are pro segregation. they're racist eugenicist nazis.
I believe there was massive fraud.

some is even on video.

a corrupt judiciary has ignored all evidence.

we'll just have to agree to disagree. and we'll improve election security for next time.

None is on video and you believe it because you want to. Every damn request for recounts was given. The Trumpys went to court over 60 times and lost them all. There were judges installed by Reagan, Clinton, Obama, and trump. They all agreed. Some were laughed out of court for being so ridiculous. Yet you still believe. That is not the problem with the elections. It is you. Just you.
None is on video and you believe it because you want to. Every damn request for recounts was given. The Trumpys went to court over 60 times and lost them all. There were judges installed by Reagan, Clinton, Obama, and trump. They all agreed. Some were laughed out of court for being so ridiculous. Yet you still believe. That is not the problem with the elections. It is you. Just you.

some is on video. you're lying again.