people who think they are better then othwers have mental issues

Trump has nothing to do with it. And no one is better then another hunan on the planet.
Every person has some skill or trait that others may not. Im physically strong a great shot and have technical and mechanical skills that others dont have. That dont make me better then anyone.

No, it doesn't. My point is that it doesn't make you more or less ignorant, which seems to me to be what we are arguing about. The United States, similarly, is very strong financially and militarily, which allows it to interfere all over the world. It is also deeply concerned about itself and profoundly ignorant about other cultures. Very few Americans, for instance, have the faintest idea about how the UK political system works, which doesn't say much about the alleged 'special relationship' between the two countries. As a result, most American interventions result in more-or-less total disasters, like Iran, Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iran, and the American populist Right seems similarly ignorant about politics and economics at home. This says nothing about elites of deep states: it is just not a good basis for political discussion, that's all.
Oh bullshit.

yes we have people who think they were better , the stalins maos Obung holes bidens trumps Hitlers the dick uncles and foul things Osama and thwe ever popular putin and Saddam and family and never forget the biden boys are the peoples who think they are better then you , why because they say so
ianyone.if you dont like being called a slut then stop being one age has nothing to do with it or education your a attention whore with a inflated ego thst needs deflated . you and dich head dutch and hunter biden are all one in the same to me. No if you dont like my threads dont comment 9n them you were not mentioned untill you posted and ran your nasty foil mouth .

Poor thing her no like the truth o yes calling top names is a great way to improve your relationship. Ill just call you what dutch calls her cunt that should make you feel better
It is absolutely illogical to imagine that some people aren't better than others.

Some Chinese restaurants are better than others.

Some golf club models are better than others.

Some cinematic films are better than others.

And far, far beyond those things, far more obvious than any of them,
some people are definitely better than others.

And as with humans and trumpanzees, some species are even better than others.
Humans are just a few step down the evolutionary ladder from dogs.
Trumpanzees would fall somewhere closer to the Covid virus that they so enjoy spreading.
Actually your not very well educated on the subject it seems. Humans and chimps share 98 percent of the same dna other great apes go from 95 percent such as gorillas who by the way have less in common with a chimp them you would think.
All humans have similar dna .
There is one exception that may have been found.
Recently a expedition into the remote Himalayas of Bhutan tracks were found that were belong to a large goat like species that dont exist there expecially at 17000 feet.
That just showed a species could be hidden it the high mountain valley that people dont know about. The next part is the interesting part. Dna was found in in a high mountain stream that was 99 percent human.
You see dumb ass humans are humans dna isnt what makes us who we are but like experiences .all humans have more or less by a fraction of a point human dna .
The fact that our dna is so simular to other creatures on earth is not amazing . loke developed here so its only logical to think all like here is related to some degree. Your not the usual liberal idiot and know better