Perseid meteor shower peaks this weekend

It is not a non-sequitur. But kudos for trying to sound like you have something of value to add.

LOL. This really upsets you. I can't wait to change it again. Just to see you lose your shit over NOTHING.


You are just a brain damaged asshole

Thanks for playing
Cypress doesn't come on here for stupid fights. Cypress comes on here to show everyone how very smart and erudite he is.. Of course it is all for show so anytime someone actually engages with his "points" he is insufficiently prepared to discuss them and he has to run to insults or run away.

Cypress is what we call a POSEUR.

Dear ass brain

Cy is a dear friend of mine on here who I have been posting with for nearly two decades

I actually quoted him by accident when I meant to quote you

So I erased that post that you quoted

You are the scrambled one dude

You suck

Fuck you very much
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Dear ass brain

Cy is a dear friend of mine on here who I have been posting with for nearly two decades

I actually quoted him by accident when I meant to quote you

So I erased that post that you quoted

You are the scrambled be dude

You suck

Fuck you very much

YOU insulted me and now you take umbrage? Funny.
I actually quoted him by accident when I meant to quote you

So I erased that post that you quoted

You are the scrambled be dude

^^^^This is actually kinda funny. YOU made a mistake which you had to fix because of your confusion and I'm the "scrambled" one. LOL.
It is not a non-sequitur. But kudos for trying to sound like you have something of value to add.

LOL. This really upsets you. I can't wait to change it again. Just to see you lose your shit over NOTHING.
Another aspect of your personality, Perry; you have a problem differentiating between what was posted and what you are seeing. Hence the non sequitur.

Why do you think your dishonesty, lies and subterfuge upsets me, Perry?
Fuck off.

No turd lips

I laugh when idiots engage a brilliant poster with insults like they are pretending to be smart

You have to be smart to be able to have people insult you that way huh

Otherwise you look more like you as you post

Angry and filled with a need to attack people who enjoy pondering things

So you can feel smart

Your feelings of inadequacy drip from your every post

You look silly as hell

Cy is out of your league

You just can’t understand his posts well enough to join the actual pondering

So you tear at it with your emotional outbursts of trash talk

As if you are getting somewhere

In fact you are shrinking every aspect of your self in doing so

Those who can’t stand that someone might feel smart (because you interpret the world as if the attainments of others shrinks you personally) live in a bubble of stupid

Enjoy your bubble

Someone must I guess

Your bubble doesn’t really lesson others

It just falsely alters your view
I love your poems. Is this an affectation you think makes you look smarter or do you not have automatic carriage return on your computer keyboard?

No turd lips


Angry and filled with a need to attack people who enjoy pondering things

All I did was ask Cypress how he knows what goes on in other animals' brains. You seem to think that is an attack.

Cy is out of your league

I know he's your buddy.

You just can’t understand his posts well enough to join the actual pondering

LOL. When you post something of technical note I'll make sure to read it.

So you tear at it with your emotional outbursts of trash talk

Ask him a question about his position is "trash talk"????
We don't need meteor showers.

We need a massive asteroid to put us out of our misery.

I think that might be easy to say for those of us who have lived six decades or more and have enjoyed a full life.

Little kids and young adults deserve a chance at a full life too.
^^^^This is actually kinda funny. YOU made a mistake which you had to fix because of your confusion and I'm the "scrambled" one. LOL.

Admitting mistakes is what sane healthy people do shit stick loser

It’s a sign of true character

Something you are incapable of understanding
I think that might be easy to say for those of us who have lived six decades or more and have enjoyed a full life.

Little kids and young adults deserve a chance at a full life too.

You're right, of course, Cypress.

However, to me, life has qualitative value, not absolute value---just like everything else.

If it's going to seriously suck, no point wishing it to be inflicted on anybody.
Dope, man.

The fact you refuse to discuss and answer questions as I have is an answer all by itself, Perry. :)

You label people as being mentally ill or "upset" yet you can't explain why you think they are. It's clear that you are simply lying again if not actually projecting your own issues upon them. A sane person who actually has a PhD would be able to do so very easily. You? Not so much and I'm curious why.
That hypothesis should be thoroughly tested within the next hundred years.

Our galaxy is a good testing ground for whether advanced civilizations are ubiquitous. There are 400 billion star systems in the Milky Way, and if we turn out to be the only civilization in this galaxy, there's no reason to be optimistic it will be found in abundance in other galaxies.

Firstly, if life is inevitable in the presence of liquid water and molecular chemistry we should find evidence of it in our own solar system, or at least in biosignatures of exoplanets

Any advanced technological civilization should leave a footprint in the radiowave frequencies of the EM spectrum. Radio and microwave energy is the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can realistically be used for communication and navigation. Radio astronomy programs like SETI should hopefully be able to make a detection if alien technology is out there.

I don't think that is necessarily true.

You use the number 400 billion as if it is some extremely large and impressive quantity, when in fact, compared to the kinds of numerical quantities that exist in the infinite totality of everything, it's almost certainly infinitesimal. Or less.

Also, the conditions required to support life happen randomly. Galaxies vary in size. Therefore, there could be entire galaxies that have one or even zero star-planet solar systems where life could potentially occur, while other galaxies could have several. Hundreds. Thousands.

As for radio waves and radio telescopes, certainly they are right now the best (and only really), tool we have for scanning space for signs of intelligent life. But it's not perfect, as we have zero idea about what kind(s) of technology other worlds might possess, and of course, the distances involved between our world and other life supporting worlds could very easily be so vast, no radio telescope we could ever produce could detect it.

The bottom line is that we live in total darkness with regards to knowledge of what exists in the distant universe and any other intelligent life that might be out there somewhere.
I love your poems. Is this an affectation you think makes you look smarter or do you not have automatic carriage return on your computer keyboard?


All I did was ask Cypress how he knows what goes on in other animals' brains. You seem to think that is an attack.

I know he's your buddy.

LOL. When you post something of technical note I'll make sure to read it.

Ask him a question about his position is "trash talk"????

Your brain is soooo fucked you can’t see your own posts clearly let alone what others post

You are hostile

Deep down you know it (or your programmer knows he programmed you that way but wants to make sure your a double asshole by programming you to deny your assholery)

I post this way so that my words are so easy to read that they fall into the head of the reader

Spacing gives the brain no distractions as the words are much easier to process

A proven fact

I also

Do this


It mimics speech patterns

It’s conversational

Get it

Ass weasel