Perseid meteor shower peaks this weekend

You're right, of course, Cypress.

However, to me, life has qualitative value, not absolute value---just like everything else.

If it's going to seriously suck, no point wishing it to be inflicted on anybody.

If you're going to die, an asteroid strike might be an okay way to do it. In that movie Don't Look Up, the protagonists had the foreknowledge and time to make things right with the people they had harmed, and their final act as human beings was to get together for a family dinner just prior to getting vaporized in the blink of an eye.
You can't even engage with the TECHNICAL POINTS I raise so you OBSESS on my name changes.

That's called an "argumentum ad hominem" and it shows you don't know much philosophy or logic or discussion.

You are a prissy, imprerious little poseur.

Debating hostile liars is a waste of time, and when posters are frantically googling tidbits of technical info and dashing back here to paraphrase it, I don't consider that real 'debate'.
Are you just taking the naughtiest words you know and sticking them together like everyone did back in elementary school?


Now you are getting it

My insults are comedy dude

Understand foreskin lips?

I give liars what they need

Insults in exchange for the insults they puke into life

Lies are not needed in this world

They are useless much like yourself

A silly tool that doesn’t really serve much purpose but a chuckle

I once started a pledge in line after Gabby Giffords was shot in the head

I said I would not insult anyone no matter what they said to me for one full year

I did that

I can’t remember which site I did it on

But I wasn’t posting here at the time

I asked any who were willing to join me in the pledge

I answered all questioned asked me without one insult

I of course had to keep my pms edge alone as no one joined it

I was constantly insulted at a higher level than I had ever been

It’s how the right these days operates

It was interesting

The insults were lame and uncreative

It didn’t take long and I was passing them right over as superfluous and answering their lame assed questions with rapid speed

Six questions answered by one person and the like while cons flailed to think of something meaningful to ask and using mundane insults that made them look more and more desperate to make me break my year pledge

After the years was up I started a new pledge

I promised to answer all questions and add an insult to the answer


I at first would often forget to insult them and would apologize and ad an insult

My insults of course were much more creative than theirs
Debating hostile liars is a waste of time, and when posters are frantically googling tidbits of technical info and dashing back here to paraphrase it, I don't consider that real 'debate'.

I love how you need everyone to be dumber than you. Meanwhile anyone with actual education sees you for the autodidact who overestimates his own abilities just because he bought a bunch of books and opened them.

You are a poseur.

Oh yeah and all your talk about ethics and morality: it's all shit. You are a pretty awful human being. :). You can't accept an apology. All you do is attack. I've given up being nice to you because being nice to FUCK WITS WHO ARE NASTY PIECES OF SHIT is not a good use of my time.
If you're going to die, an asteroid strike might be an okay way to do it. In that movie Don't Look Up, the protagonists had the foreknowledge and time to make things right with the people they had harmed, and their final act as human beings was to get together for a family dinner just prior to getting vaporized in the blink of an eye.

I'd be fine going out with some good Chinese food and a few of those fruity umbrella drinks that they serve with it.
Others I know would prefer to be "in the act" when the asteroid struck, but at this point, I'm an old fart who'll go with the dinner.
Now you are getting it

My insults are comedy dude

Understand foreskin lips?

I give liars what they need

Insults in exchange for the insults they puke into life

Lies are not needed in this world

They are useless much like yourself

A silly tool that doesn’t really serve much purpose but a chuckle

I once started a pledge in line after Gabby Giffords was shot in the head

I said I would not insult anyone no matter what they said to me for one full year

I did that

I can’t remember which site I did it on

But I wasn’t posting here at the time

I asked any who were willing to join me in the pledge

I answered all questioned asked me without one insult

I of course had to keep my pms edge alone as no one joined it

I was constantly insulted at a higher level than I had ever been

It’s how the right these days operates

It was interesting

The insults were lame and uncreative

It didn’t take long and I was passing them right over as superfluous and answering their lame assed questions with rapid speed

Six questions answered by one person and the like while cons flailed to think of something meaningful to ask and using mundane insults that made them look more and more desperate to make me break my year pledge

After the years was up I started a new pledge

I promised to answer all questions and add an insult to the answer


I at first would often forget to insult them and would apologize and ad an insult

My insults of course were much more creative than theirs

So much wasted screenspace.
I love how you need everyone to be dumber than you. Meanwhile anyone with actual education sees you for the autodidact who overestimates his own abilities just because he bought a bunch of books and opened them.

You are a poseur.

Oh yeah and all your talk about ethics and morality: it's all shit. You are a pretty awful human being. :). You can't accept an apology. All you do is attack. I've given up being nice to you because being nice to FUCK WITS WHO ARE NASTY PIECES OF SHIT is not a good use of my time.

Between all your lies, sock puppets, and name changes, I've never seen you post technical information you hadn't frantically googled five minutes before posting

Anyone who is familiar with me knows that if I don't know something I admit it, and when I use Google or external experts I cite the source.
You can't even engage with the TECHNICAL POINTS I raise so you OBSESS on my name changes.

That's called an "argumentum ad hominem" and it shows you don't know much philosophy or logic or discussion.

You are a prissy, imprerious little poseur.

And your bubble makes you incapable of realizing how the world sees your efforts

You look utterly pathetic

Your whole point in existing here is pathetic

You are not “getting to people”

You are displaying pettiness , lies and stupidity

What you think is happening isn’t happening

Bubble boy
Then that'll make it so much easier for you to find!

It is. And it's mostly for my utter enjoyment at your expense.
Yes. It's easy for me to find as I've proved in the past, Perry.

A true statement, Perry. I have no doubt you obtain much glee in attacking people better educated, more successful and more mature than yourself. You can do it with impunity, to an extent. This is why, like Jack, I enjoy leading people like you to the edge of the Ban Cliff then watch you step off; you can't help yourself because you, like Jack, Steven and Mason, you are mentally ill. I suspect Bipolarism, but you could also be autistic, BPD or some other personality disorder.

And your bubble makes you incapable of realizing how the world sees your efforts

You look utterly pathetic

Your whole point in existing here is pathetic

You are not “getting to people”

You are displaying pettiness , lies and stupidity

What you think is happening isn’t happening

Bubble boy

This is one of those posters who are essentially saying:

"Why can't everyone hate Cypress like I do!?" :mad:
This is one of those posters who are essentially saying:

"Why can't everyone hate Cypress like I do!?" :mad:

Nope. But I understand that weak-minded fools such as yourself who need EVERYTHING to be about them would want it that way.

The funniest part is You can never address the technical points I raise. Instead you go into attack mode every single time.

I know you for what you are. A poseur.
He doesn't, Perry PhD, but you clearly have a problem with people who are better educated, more successful and more mature than yourself.

Perry seems to be stewing is some kind of toxic resentment.

I have said on numerous occasions I don't know jack shit about the stock market, macroeconomics, social sciences, artificial intelligence, etc. I usually keep my mouth shut on topics I am ignorant of.

Anything I do know is available to anyone who had a STEM undergraduate education, paid attention, and spent the next four decades reading National Geographic, science journalism, history books, and Ted talks. Nothing remarkable about that.
Anything I do know is available to anyone who had a STEM undergraduate education, paid attention, and spent the next four decades reading National Geographic, science journalism, history books, and Ted talks. Nothing remarkable about that.

LOL. You are an autodidact who has only learned HALF of what a real education involved. I can tell that because you can't engage with any technical points that don't agree with you 100%. That's the best part of actually taking a philosophy class and USING PHILOSOPHY.

Instead all you do is parade around your wheelbarrow full of books as if your ownership of said books makes you smart.

It doesn't. You're a POSEUR.

And anyone with even a MODEST education can see through you. Which is why you have to constantly tell everyone how many books you've read and how many authors names you know. All while not seeming to actually understand any of it.