Perseid meteor shower peaks this weekend

Nope. But I understand that weak-minded fools such as yourself who need EVERYTHING to be about them would want it that way.

The funniest part is You can never address the technical points I raise. Instead you go into attack mode every single time.

I know you for what you are. A poseur.

Like with your color theory bullshit you tried to pull on Bidenpresident, it's just highly technical tidbits you frantically googled five minutes before posting, without disclosing the source.
Nope. But I understand that weak-minded fools such as yourself who need EVERYTHING to be about them would want it that way.

The funniest part is You can never address the technical points I raise. Instead you go into attack mode every single time.

I know you for what you are. A poseur.

You are not winning

If you think that is your purpose

All who post seriously in Cys threads like this see your efforts as useful as a puff of ass wind

Being useless and annoying is not success to many humans

You bots like it a lot
LOL. You are an autodidact who has only learned HALF of what a real education involved. I can tell that because you can't engage with any technical points that don't agree with you 100%. That's the best part of actually taking a philosophy class and USING PHILOSOPHY.

Instead all you do is parade around your wheelbarrow full of books as if your ownership of said books makes you smart.

It doesn't. You're a POSEUR.

And anyone with even a MODEST education can see through you. Which is why you have to constantly tell everyone how many books you've read and how many authors names you know. All while not seeming to actually understand any of it.

You should talk to your shrink about your petty grievances and stewing resentments. I'm not interested.
I love a post or thread that makes me search for information

I have learned so much about the world by someone merely saying something that makes me search to see wether it has any validity

The right has made this a pure joy for me for a couple of decades now

They lie non stop

So every time I search their claims I find even more angles that proved them to be liars who are wrong about what they said

It’s the beauty of embracing verifiable facts to build your ideas for positions on

Facts are the road to winning

Lies are for the losers who are doomed to utter failure

It’s a beautiful part of life

So reassuring

Yes liars can fool lots of people at times

But those lies have a short lifespan

At some point it becomes clear to nearly everyone who the liars are

And what those lies and liars have delivered to mankind
LOL. You are an autodidact who has only learned HALF of what a real education involved. I can tell that because you can't engage with any technical points that don't agree with you 100%. That's the best part of actually taking a philosophy class and USING PHILOSOPHY.

Instead all you do is parade around your wheelbarrow full of books as if your ownership of said books makes you smart.

It doesn't. You're a POSEUR.

And anyone with even a MODEST education can see through you. Which is why you have to constantly tell everyone how many books you've read and how many authors names you know. All while not seeming to actually understand any of it.

No one is buying that tirade

Even your programmer is embarrassed by your failures
You should talk to your shrink about your petty grievances and stewing resentments. I'm not interested.

Stop mocking mentally ill people by trying to score points on people you don't like by leveraging mental illness.

What kind of unethical FUCK mocks the mentally ill just to score points on people?????
LOL. Hypocrite.

You were shown. :)

That is that point I was convinced you lied when you boasted about being awarded a glorious Geochem PhD.

No geochem PhD would have thought the concept of entropy was so exotic, that no one on a message board would possibly be aware of it's significance.

Entropy is the fundamental principle underlying and explaining the thermal properties and organization of matter. That knowledge is widely available to anyone who had undergraduate chemistry and physics classes, or to a well read layperson interested in science.
Thanks, Perry.

The more you post, the more easily it will be to lead you to that cliff. :)

What cliff is that? The one you keep FANTASIZING I'll fall off of? LOL. You are SUCH A BIG TALKER. Why just last week you reported me because you were so mad and you stamped you widdle feets.

Yet nothing seems to have happened.
Perry seems to be stewing is some kind of toxic resentment....
Perry is not a normal person just playing games. I'm guessing he's in his thirties but has the mind and maturity of a teenager. Not his fault, just the way it is. People don't choose to be mentally ill, retarded or have other detrimental cognitive issues.

Both my step-mom and ex were home health care nurses who dealt with a variety of patients, many of them cognitively impaired either by birth or accident. My step-mom once had a patient who was a teenager but with mind of a 5 year old after drowning, being under icy water for about 30 minutes and resuscitated. Although cognitively impaired he still had teenage hormones and would get "frisky" with her when she was trying to bathe him.

There's no way to know for sure what Perry's exact issues are, but clearly he does not have an adult mind much less that of someone who earned a PhD...or BA for that matter.

He has only limited control over his behavior, IMO. I never take anything such a person says personally. They can't help themselves being the way they are. While it's sad, it's mainly a point of curiosity for me since empathy would have no effect upon him across the internet.
That is that point I was convinced you lied when you boasted about being awarded a glorious Geochem PhD.

God damn. How many times do I have to correct you on my degree????? Do you EVER listen?

No geochem PhD would have thought the concept of entropy was so exotic, that no one on a message board would possibly be aware of it's significance.

LOL. See? That's where you are wrong. I never said entropy was exotic. I said someone like yourself who claimed only high school chemistry would NOT have characterized freezing point depression as an entropic effect unless he had frantically googled it. I even showed you how high school and early college level text books taught you this topic.

Entropy is the fundamental principle underlying and explaining the thermal properties and organization of matter. That knowledge is widely available to anyone who had undergraduate chemistry and physics classes, or to a well read layperson interested in science.

You really don't get it do you? LOL. I never said anything questioning entropy. I just know how you frantic google liars work!
I love a post or thread that makes me search for information

I have learned so much about the world by someone merely saying something that makes me search to see wether it has any validity

The right has made this a pure joy for me for a couple of decades now

They lie non stop

So every time I search their claims I find even more angles that proved them to be liars who are wrong about what they said

It’s the beauty of embracing verifiable facts to build your ideas for positions on

Facts are the road to winning

Lies are for the losers who are doomed to utter failure

It’s a beautiful part of life

So reassuring

Yes liars can fool lots of people at times

But those lies have a short lifespan

At some point it becomes clear to nearly everyone who the liars are

And what those lies and liars have delivered to mankind

You are open and transparent about your Google research, as is Dutch Uncle. That is perfectly good message board etiquette.
Perry is not a normal person just playing games. I'm guessing he's in his thirties but has the mind and maturity of a teenager. Not his fault, just the way it is. People don't choose to be mentally ill, retarded or have other detrimental cognitive issues.

Both my step-mom and ex were home health care nurses who dealt with a variety of patients, many of them cognitively impaired either by birth or accident. My step-mom once had a patient who was a teenager but with mind of a 5 year old after drowning, being under icy water for about 30 minutes and resuscitated. Although cognitively impaired he still had teenage hormones and would get "frisky" with her when she was trying to bathe him.

There's no way to know for sure what Perry's exact issues are, but clearly he does not have an adult mind much less that of someone who earned a PhD...or BA for that matter.

He has only limited control over his behavior, IMO. I never take anything such a person says personally. They can't help themselves being the way they are. While it's sad, it's mainly a point of curiosity for me since empathy would have no effect upon him across the internet.

HILARIOUS! What is this attempt numer 6734? First I was a woman. Then I was a trans. Then I was a gay man. Then I was in my early 20's.

You are ALWAYS WRONG. But given how many times you GUESS I"m sure at some point you might accidentally be right. I mean there's only so many ages I can be.

Try again, gramps.
Stop mocking mentally ill people by trying to score points on people you don't like by leveraging mental illness.

What kind of unethical FUCK mocks the mentally ill just to score points on people?????
Your anger at people you perceive to be mocking the mentally ill is a clue, Perry. As posted previously, I don't know if your problems are genetic or accident, but your reactions indicate it wasn't by accident such as drowning or a car accident.

You are a repulsive human being.
Clearly you are an angry person, Perry.
HILARIOUS! What is this attempt numer 6734? First I was a woman. Then I was a trans. Then I was a gay man. Then I was in my early 20's.

You are ALWAYS WRONG. But given how many times you GUESS I"m sure at some point you might accidentally be right. I mean there's only so many ages I can be.

Try again, gramps.

Thanks for the clues, Perry. :thup:

Yes sir, I'll keep trying. :)

LOL. You are an autodidact....

What is wrong with autodidactism, Perry?
Self-Taught Person: How to Become an Autodidact Learner
learning isn’t about earning a degree; it’s about a philosophy, a natural curiosity, and a drive that will change the way you look at the world. When you become an autodidact learner, your focus moves from a “why me?” thinking paradigm to a “what can I learn from this?” way of thinking.

Are you a life-long learner? Keep reading to find out how to become an autodidact and why you should embrace life-long learning.
God damn. How many times do I have to correct you on my degree????? Do you EVER listen?

LOL. See? That's where you are wrong. I never said entropy was exotic. I said someone like yourself who claimed only high school chemistry would NOT have characterized freezing point depression as an entropic effect unless he had frantically googled it. I even showed you how high school and early college level text books taught you this topic.

You really don't get it do you? LOL. I never said anything questioning entropy. I just know how you frantic google liars work!

I challenge you to find any post by stating my only exposure to chemistry was a high school class.

Your lack of attempting to find one and post the original link here will be taken as an admission you lied.

Incorrect. The fact that you thought the principles of entropy were so exotic, so esoteric that only an alleged geochem PhD would know about it was convincing evidence you are a science neophyte who is reduced to frantic googling.
In my opinion, the universe is probably finite.

I'm not even sure if infinity is a physical reality that can literally exist, or if it is only a theoretical mathmatical concept.

The fact that infinity can come in different sizes strikes me as a clue it is merely an abstract concept that exists in sentient conciousness.

There are certain geometries of spacetime that would result in a finite universe, hence a finite number of galaxies.

Until someone comes up with a hypothesis about what could possibly lie outside of or beyond the ends of the universe, infinity is the only possible explanation that humans have even the most rudimentary concept of.

One could simply respond with "nothingness", but what is nothingness and how far does it continue?


Well then we're right back where we started.

By galactic standards, the Milky Way is a very large galaxy. If we don't find evidence of advanced life in our galaxy, I really don't think optimism is warranted it will be found in the finite number of galaxies elsewhere.

Correction: by KNOWN galactic standards.

We have no idea how big the biggest galaxies are in the universe beyond our ability to observe.

We understand the EM spectrum very well. It would be quite surprising that alien civilizations would not leave any footprints at all in the radio spectrum if they have communication and navigation abilities.

We may understand it, but we don't know if any of the radio signals we're sending can travel far enough in our lifetimes to reach some other listeners that might be out there, or if any signals possibly sent by some other race of intelligent beings, will come within the range in which our equipment can detect them and do so in our lifetimes or within the lifespan of humanity.

It sounds like you're creating hypotheses to conform to your pre-drawn conclusions.
What is wrong with autodidactism, Perry?
Self-Taught Person: How to Become an Autodidact Learner
learning isn’t about earning a degree; it’s about a philosophy, a natural curiosity, and a drive that will change the way you look at the world. When you become an autodidact learner, your focus moves from a “why me?” thinking paradigm to a “what can I learn from this?” way of thinking.

Are you a life-long learner? Keep reading to find out how to become an autodidact and why you should embrace life-long learning.

I didn't even really know what that word means.

In my experience, people who didn't go to college just assume education stops after you graduate from university.