Perseid meteor shower peaks this weekend

You're right, of course, Cypress.

However, to me, life has qualitative value, not absolute value---just like everything else.

If it's going to seriously suck, no point wishing it to be inflicted on anybody.

There are many living today that are living in joy

Why would you wish them dead?

It’s called a shrunken view of the world
The 2023 Perseid meteor shower peaks this weekend
Here's what you need to know.

The Perseid meteor shower will peak this weekend as Earth makes a yearly dive through debris left behind by a Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle.

The peak activity of the Perseid meteor shower will occur around 04:00 EDT (0800 GMT) on Sunday. Aug. 13.

The Perseids are a yearly highlight for meteor hunters who, in the right conditions, could see as many as 100 fireballs and light trails per hour from the meteor shower, according to the Royal Museums Greenwich, with even more potentially visible at the shower's peak.

Forbes has dubbed Swift-Tuttle "the most dangerous object known to humanity," the publication notes there's still less than a 1-in-a-million chance of any impact every time it passes by Earth.

The pieces of debris that interact with the Earth's atmosphere to create August's Perseids meteor shower originates from Swift-Tuttle.

Comet Swift-Tuttle takes 133 years to orbit the sun once.

It is a large comet, with a nucleus about 16 miles across
Where did I do that?

Lying about what, sweetie?

Don't you have some Taschen books to paw through this afternoon?
Multiple posts, Perry. If you were what you claim to be, then you'd understand a conversation is a two-way street; I answer your questions and you answer mine. Something you frequently fail to do as just proved in the last few minutes.

Another factor you don't seem to grasp is that your non-answers, querky posts and other eccentric behavior is a reply all by itself. :)
I don't think that is necessarily true.

You use the number 400 billion as if it is some extremely large and impressive quantity, when in fact, compared to the kinds of numerical quantities that exist in the infinite totality of everything, it's almost certainly infinitesimal. Or less.

Also, the conditions required to support life happen randomly. Galaxies vary in size. Therefore, there could be entire galaxies that have one or even zero star-planet solar systems where life could potentially occur, while other galaxies could have several. Hundreds. Thousands.

As for radio waves and radio telescopes, certainly they are right now the best (and only really), tool we have for scanning space for signs of intelligent life. But it's not perfect, as we have zero idea about what kind(s) of technology other worlds might possess, and of course, the distances involved between our world and other life supporting worlds could very easily be so vast, no radio telescope we could ever produce could detect it.

The bottom line is that we live in total darkness with regards to knowledge of what exists in the distant universe and any other intelligent life that might be out there somewhere.

In my opinion, the universe is probably finite.

I'm not even sure if infinity is a physical reality that can literally exist, or if it is only a theoretical mathmatical concept.

The fact that infinity can come in different sizes strikes me as a clue it is merely an abstract concept that exists in sentient conciousness.

There are certain geometries of spacetime that would result in a finite universe, hence a finite number of galaxies.

By galactic standards, the Milky Way is a very large galaxy. If we don't find evidence of advanced life in our galaxy, I really don't think optimism is warranted it will be found in the finite number of galaxies elsewhere.

We understand the EM spectrum very well. It would be quite surprising that alien civilizations would not leave any footprints at all in the radio spectrum if they have communication and navigation abilities.

Posters merely here to ruin the experience of people discussing things

A big goal of foreign disinformation bot holes

Make Americans give up on each other and the process
It's great to hear that, vinny.
I hope that your perception is the accurate one, even if I have my doubts,

You need to stop ignoring the joy in life

Rage against the dying of the light dude

Drink in the joy of others

Fill your cup

Over and over with the joy of others until your belly is full enough with that joy that it finds it’s way into your brain and becomes part of you

Find the joy

It will make your eyes see again

Posters merely here to ruin the experience of people discussing things

A big goal of foreign disinformation bot holes

Make Americans give up on each other and the process

Funny thing is, though, that if you were smarter you'd see I actually DID make many, many, many points that were philosophically rich for discussion. You and Cypress are simply too ignorant to have understood that part of a philosophical discussion is the "dealing with disagreement" part. Cypress made various positive claims about the mental status of animals compared to humans and I merely pushed back on his position. The fact that you think it is an "attack" just shows how little education you actually have.

All you are doing on this thread is attacking me. I hope you don't think YOU are adding something of value. You are, however, showing yourself to be a massive hypocrite.
You need to stop ignoring the joy in life

Rage against the dying of the light dude

Drink in the joy of others

Fill your cup

Over and over with the joy of others until your belly is full enough with that joy that it finds it’s way into your brain and becomes part of you

Find the joy

It will make your eyes see again

Why a disingenuous hypocrite you are.
Funny thing is, though, that if you were smarter you'd see I actually DID make many, many, many points that were philosophically rich for discussion. You and Cypress are simply too ignorant to have understood that part of a philosophical discussion is the "dealing with disagreement" part. Cypress made various positive claims about the mental status of animals compared to humans and I merely pushed back on his position. The fact that you think it is an "attack" just shows how little education you actually have.

All you are doing on this thread is attacking me. I hope you don't think YOU are adding something of value. You are, however, showing yourself to be a massive hypocrite.

Debating hostile liars is not a good use of my time. You have posted under sock puppet accounts, lied about it, invented different biographies for yourself, and relentlessly changed your screen name with bizarre frequency.
Debating hostile liars is not a good use of my time. You have posted under sock puppet accounts, lied about it, invented different biographies for yourself, and relentlessly changed your screen name with bizarre frequency.

You can't even engage with the TECHNICAL POINTS I raise so you OBSESS on my name changes.

That's called an "argumentum ad hominem" and it shows you don't know much philosophy or logic or discussion.

You are a prissy, imprerious little poseur.