Pew- the more ppl know about religion, the less they like Evangelicals why???

Other than advertisements of where, most churches who feed people free of charge rarely project their denominations. Our church has both youth and adult groups, anyone is welcome to participate, no questions are asked about any of the attendees. We donate to the local homeless shelter and have free dinners for anyone who wishes to attend on holidays. Why are we singled out as being "bad"?


I don't hear bad...... I hear other things though~which seem to be kinda the opposite of that compassion to the homeless there..

I don't hear bad...... I hear other things though~which seem to be kinda the opposite of that compassion to the homeless there..

Could it be that many of us are against abortion? Is that why we are so "bad"?
yes, that is a very serious problem in the Catholic church, & it has been going on for way way to long... There was even a "Bull" issued in the Church about it, but it obviously didn't do much good.. There have been problems in other churches as well, but they seemed more isolated than the institutional rapes of children going on in the Catholic church

I have nothing against Catholics, it's not the congregation who is to blame for the actions of a few priests.
Could it be that many of us are against abortion? Is that why we are so "bad"?

Well it could be for some, but IMHO that really isn't it.. I don't think there is one issue, I mean look @ the scandals in the Catholic church & in this pew study they did better..... They are against pretty much the same stuff, do many of the same things etc..
Any thoughts or feelings as to why this is??

have you ever known a Baptist?.......I worked for one during summers while I was in college.......used to nag me about smoking every day......then he fired me because I told him I wouldn't work on Sunday......
It shows the left's hatred and despise of Evangelicals has influenced the ignorant.

In 2016, 81% of white born-again Christians voted for Trump.

That's because he's such a shining example of a good Christian man! Did he ever repent serial (or parallel) adultery, kneejerk lying, cheating small-time contractors, bearing false witness, or anything else? No, because he never did it!

John 8:44
In 2016, 81% of white born-again Christians voted for Trump.

That's because he's such a shining example of a good Christian man! Did he ever repent serial (or parallel) adultery, kneejerk lying, cheating small-time contractors, bearing false witness, or anything else? No, because he never did it!

John 8:44
The 81% were NeverHillary;) Simple explanation:)