Pew- the more ppl know about religion, the less they like Evangelicals why???

I suppose the key point about how we see American Evangelicals is that most of us have a background in Christianity and are rather horrified to see anti-Christian capitalists using it as a label for their evil behaviour.
Were the sermons political if you've gone? None of ours were ever political.

There have been many attacks on those Catholic priests who were found out to be pedophiles (and rightly so if they were, I'd prefer just shooting ANY pedophile) and no one attacks Catholics in general, and they shouldn't be attacked. Yet, Evangelicals are attacked far more than any other Christian denomination. Why is that?

My opinion only.... Because evangelicals tend to take harder stances on things like abortion, homosexuality which became ‘causes’ the left got behind, politically. As a result the evangelicals sided with the right, which in this country, at that time, (on a national level anyway) was the Republican Party.
The 81% were NeverHillary;) Simple explanation:)

They won't have that to fall back on next time.

The moral consequences of being a loyal part of Trump's political coalition come into ever-sharper focus. During the 2016 presidential election, evangelicals could comfort themselves that it was possible — just possible — for Trump to grow in office and become something greater than the sum of his tweets. Doesn't someone whom James Dobson called a "baby Christian" deserve a chance to grow up? Isn't that the essence of grace?

This argument was a small fig leaf when it was made. Now evangelicals are naked before the world. Trump's cruelty (see the treatment of migrant children), his bigotry (see Charlottesville), his vanity (see any time he speaks in public), his serial deception (also see any time he speaks in public) have become more pronounced and unrepentant over time. Can there be any question that reelection would result in Trump unbound?

At the same time, some evangelical leaders have become more effusive in their praise of the president. More willing to defend the indefensible on his behalf. More dismissive of the importance of character in public life.

In the process, evangelical leaders have placed themselves — uncritically, with open eyes — into a political coalition that is inspired by ethnic nationalism. Such are the occupational hazards of calling good evil, and evil good.
They won't have that to fall back on next time.

The moral consequences of being a loyal part of Trump's political coalition come into ever-sharper focus. During the 2016 presidential election, evangelicals could comfort themselves that it was possible — just possible — for Trump to grow in office and become something greater than the sum of his tweets. Doesn't someone whom James Dobson called a "baby Christian" deserve a chance to grow up? Isn't that the essence of grace?

This argument was a small fig leaf when it was made. Now evangelicals are naked before the world. Trump's cruelty (see the treatment of migrant children), his bigotry (see Charlottesville), his vanity (see any time he speaks in public), his serial deception (also see any time he speaks in public) have become more pronounced and unrepentant over time. Can there be any question that reelection would result in Trump unbound?

At the same time, some evangelical leaders have become more effusive in their praise of the president. More willing to defend the indefensible on his behalf. More dismissive of the importance of character in public life.

In the process, evangelical leaders have placed themselves — uncritically, with open eyes — into a political coalition that is inspired by ethnic nationalism. Such are the occupational hazards of calling good evil, and evil good.
We'll see...this time "Never.............." Just fill in the blank...Maybe only 79%;)
Any thoughts or feelings as to why this is??

I will add my 2cents off the top: Politics.. I believe other knowledgeable "Religious folks" see the politics much more than the "Religion"..

Was listening to NPR & wasn't real surprised to learn this..

By those that are knowledgeable about religion most found Buddhist & Jewish religions most favorably & Evangelicals the least..

New Poll Shows Young Americans Are Not Especially Knowledgeable About Religion (AUDIO LAST 20 Secs)


Here is the PEW study

I suspect this is due to the left's constant and unrelenting mischaracterization of "evangelicals". ALL Christians are "evangelicals", the Bible instructs EVERY believer to "evangelize". So, this grotesque misunderstanding of "evangelicals" is due to a very effective propaganda campaign by leftist lunatics.
Any thoughts or feelings as to why this is??

I will add my 2cents off the top: Politics.. I believe other knowledgeable "Religious folks" see the politics much more than the "Religion"..

Was listening to NPR & wasn't real surprised to learn this..

By those that are knowledgeable about religion most found Buddhist & Jewish religions most favorably & Evangelicals the least..

New Poll Shows Young Americans Are Not Especially Knowledgeable About Religion (AUDIO LAST 20 Secs)


Here is the PEW study

Evangelicals can get a bad rap, because I do not think most people are clear on what is meant by Evangelicalism. It is a trans-denominational movement that includes many Protestant sects. Probably most people conflate Pentacostals and conservative southern Baptists with Evangelicalism, but the movement itself can include Prebsybetarians, Methodists, Anglicans, and non-denominational Protestants.

Not all Evangelicals are even neccessarily super conservative.

I think a distinction has to be made between conservative, bible-thumping, fundamentalist Protestants bent on carrying out a rightwing Jihad - and Evangelicalism more broadly. The former have a lot more in common with fundamentalist Muslims than they realize.
It shows the left's hatred and despise of Evangelicals has influenced the ignorant.
They claim everything is political about us, but that is far from the truth. None of
our sermons or classes promote politics in any way, we don't question those we help.
Maybe we should quit helping people, quit donating to local homeless shelters and
actually earn the "reputation" the left has bestowed upon us. But we won't.

Jews, agnostics and atheists score higher because they are “more highly educated.” No shit.
Read the posts on this forum. It's those on the left who criticize Christians of any denomination.

Yeah, it’s tough to ignore discrimination of gays, against the freedom to marry who you want, denial of civil rights.

Yeah, it’s tough to ignore claims of a big boat with all the animals in the world on it, walking on water, virgin births and resurrecting the dead.
Domer, guno, Fowl, and Ox the hypocrite (who claims to be a Christian) for 4, and I don't follow the religion topics.

Keep your fucking religion in your church and we’re all fine. When you “Christians” seek to deny civil rights to certain groups of people, you have a problem with me and many others who believe in equal treatment under the law.

You fucking idiots continue to misquote and misunderstand the law and are basically unable to be educated on those issues.

Willful ignorance is no excuse.
I suspect this is due to the left's constant and unrelenting mischaracterization of "evangelicals". ALL Christians are "evangelicals", the Bible instructs EVERY believer to "evangelize". So, this grotesque misunderstanding of "evangelicals" is due to a very effective propaganda campaign by leftist lunatics.

It shows the left's hatred and despise of Evangelicals has influenced the ignorant.
They claim everything is political about us, but that is far from the truth. None of
our sermons or classes promote politics in any way, we don't question those we help.
Maybe we should quit helping people, quit donating to local homeless shelters and
actually earn the "reputation" the left has bestowed upon us. But we won't.

You might want to click on Bill's link to the study. There is a place to take a 15-question quiz with the same questions they asked of the survey respondents. Guess who got the most questions correct? Jews -- and atheists. Amazing. Here is my result:

Do you think there aren't Democrats who attend Evangelical churches? I hate to piss in your Cheerios, but there are.
Have you ever attended an Evangelical church? Before you or Stone attacks us, maybe you should.

You guys constantly claim that blacks are all "liberals," yet most of the black ppl I've known attend or used to attend evangelical churches. Yes, they do tend to vote (D) but they are definitely NOT Trump supporters, with few exceptions.

As for your question about attending personally, I attended an evangelical church for over a year. That was in the late 1970s. Even then they were becoming political. The preacher was a nice guy but he had a virulent hatred for LGBT ppl. One Sunday his sermon was a horrifying rant against them, how they are all hell-bound, filthy, vile, etc. I sat there in shock and halfway through, took my children's hands and led them out the door. We had to wait for their dad since he had the car keys. The preacher came out and asked me why I left. I told him that my uncle was a dear sweet soul, a Sunday school teacher and devout Christian, a 3x-decorated sergeant who served under Patton in WWII -- and a gay man. And that if anyone was in Heaven right now, it was him. The preacher apologized and said that he didn't mean to refer to HIM specifically. But damage done. I never went back.

This is one person's experience in one church, of course. I doubt if they are all like that.
In 2016, 81% of white born-again Christians voted for Trump.

That's because he's such a shining example of a good Christian man! Did he ever repent serial (or parallel) adultery, kneejerk lying, cheating small-time contractors, bearing false witness, or anything else? No, because he never did it!

John 8:44

What does that have to do with Evangelicals?
When most people vote, they vote for who's policies (most, anyway) they support.
How many politicians, at that level, or some at the local level, are honest?
My opinion only.... Because evangelicals tend to take harder stances on things like abortion, homosexuality which became ‘causes’ the left got behind, politically. As a result the evangelicals sided with the right, which in this country, at that time, (on a national level anyway) was the Republican Party.

Exactly. Since those are primarily supported by the left more than Christians support them, we are the "bad people." Thanks for staying on topic.
Yeah, it’s tough to ignore discrimination of gays, against the freedom to marry who you want, denial of civil rights.

Yeah, it’s tough to ignore claims of a big boat with all the animals in the world on it, walking on water, virgin births and resurrecting the dead.

What's your point, dickhead?
Keep your fucking religion in your church and we’re all fine. When you “Christians” seek to deny civil rights to certain groups of people, you have a problem with me and many others who believe in equal treatment under the law.

You fucking idiots continue to misquote and misunderstand the law and are basically unable to be educated on those issues.

Willful ignorance is no excuse.

And which "certain groups" are those? I couldn't care less if you screw your own mother, just don't tell me I should agree with it, especially school children.
I suspect this is due to the left's constant and unrelenting mischaracterization of "evangelicals". ALL Christians are "evangelicals", the Bible instructs EVERY believer to "evangelize". So, this grotesque misunderstanding of "evangelicals" is due to a very effective propaganda campaign by leftist lunatics.

Could it be that education and critical thinking skills aren't stressed in the homes of you people
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