I respect
these evangelical leaders:
More than 500 evangelical leaders and pastors from every state in the country have signed a letter denouncing President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration.
The letter points to the role that local churches have played in helping refugees resettle in the United States. The leaders used the Bible to emphasize that welcoming the refugee is a Christian duty.
“As Christians, we have a historic call, expressed over two thousand years, to serve the suffering,” the letter states. “We cannot abandon this call now.”
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The letter was organized by World Relief, the humanitarian arm of the National Association of Evangelicals. World Relief is one of the nine voluntary agencies that work with the federal government to help resettle refugees.
World Relief collected signatures from conservative evangelical leaders who don’t often speak out on political issues ― such as Tim and Kathy Keller, of New York’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church, and the Christian author Max Lucado.
“For some people, embracing refugees is a political issue,” evangelical author Lynne Hybels said in a statement about the letter she signed. “For me, as a Christian, speaking up for and caring for refugees is more an act of worship and obedience to a God whose Kingdom is global and whose ‘mercies are new every morning.’”
Not the ones who scramble to give Trump cover:
"Donald Trump is a good moral person and an example to the nation" - Jerry Falwell.
"The commandment to be a Good Samaritan doesn’t apply to how the government treats refugees" - Franklin Graham.