Pew- the more ppl know about religion, the less they like Evangelicals why???

Evangelicals can get a bad rap, because I do not think most people are clear on what is meant by Evangelicalism. It is a trans-denominational movement that includes many Protestant sects. Probably most people conflate Pentacostals and conservative southern Baptists with Evangelicalism, but the movement itself can include Prebsybetarians, Methodists, Anglicans, and non-denominational Protestants.

Not all Evangelicals are even neccessarily super conservative.

I think a distinction has to be made between conservative, bible-thumping, fundamentalist Protestants bent on carrying out a rightwing Jihad - and Evangelicalism more broadly. The former have a lot more in common with fundamentalist Muslims than they realize.

This is a very informative post, Thank you.
You guys constantly claim that blacks are all "liberals," yet most of the black ppl I've known attend or used to attend evangelical churches. Yes, they do tend to vote (D) but they are definitely NOT Trump supporters, with few exceptions.

As for your question about attending personally, I attended an evangelical church for over a year. That was in the late 1970s. Even then they were becoming political. The preacher was a nice guy but he had a virulent hatred for LGBT ppl. One Sunday his sermon was a horrifying rant against them, how they are all hell-bound, filthy, vile, etc. I sat there in shock and halfway through, took my children's hands and led them out the door. We had to wait for their dad since he had the car keys. The preacher came out and asked me why I left. I told him that my uncle was a dear sweet soul, a Sunday school teacher and devout Christian, a 3x-decorated sergeant who served under Patton in WWII -- and a gay man. And that if anyone was in Heaven right now, it was him. The preacher apologized and said that he didn't mean to refer to HIM specifically. But damage done. I never went back.

This is one person's experience in one church, of course. I doubt if they are all like that.

I, for one, never said "blacks are all liberals," I know many are not, just as other minorities are not.

I find that hard to believe that an Evangelical preacher would do that in his sermon. I was elected secretary for 3 yrs. in the late 70's so I was there every Sunday and never heard anything like that.
Any thoughts or feelings as to why this is??

I will add my 2cents off the top: Politics.. I believe other knowledgeable "Religious folks" see the politics much more than the "Religion"..

Was listening to NPR & wasn't real surprised to learn this..

By those that are knowledgeable about religion most found Buddhist & Jewish religions most favorably & Evangelicals the least..

New Poll Shows Young Americans Are Not Especially Knowledgeable About Religion (AUDIO LAST 20 Secs)


Here is the PEW study

Thanks for the post, this is very informative.
What's your point, dickhead?

Are you that fucking stupid?

Keep your religious discriminatory bullshit in and to your own church, moron, and there’s no problem. I don’t give a fuck whether your bigoted Leviticus allows gays in your church or not.

But when your ignorant religion denies civil rights in the SECULAR world, there’s a problem. A legal one.

The other? Keep your children’s stories to yourselves and you won’t be mocked for it publicly.

Comprende, halfwit?
You might want to click on Bill's link to the study. There is a place to take a 15-question quiz with the same questions they asked of the survey respondents. Guess who got the most questions correct? Jews -- and atheists. Amazing. Here is my result:


Good job. I’m a little under your score, but still beat the Jews, atheists and agnostics.
Here's the bit on views towards different groups. I just see "evangelicals," not "fundamentalists."

My mistake, to lazy to look back fir the right term.

Point remains though

But to answer the original question...

These are mainly general knowledge questions. Other studies have shown more educated folk shun religion. If this is true, they would likely more disfavor those more strict in nature. I think we can agree that evangelicals hold a tighted line to scripture than most.
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Are you that fucking stupid?

Keep your religious discriminatory bullshit in and to your own church, moron, and there’s no problem. I don’t give a fuck whether your bigoted Leviticus allows gays in your church or not.

But when your ignorant religion denies civil rights in the SECULAR world, there’s a problem. A legal one.

The other? Keep your children’s stories to yourselves and you won’t be mocked for it publicly.

Comprende, halfwit?

Sue me, dickhead.

Your “Christian” bakers and other “Christians” who chose to violate civil rights have been taken to the cleaners.

Yet it's ok if restaurants harass people to the point they have to leave because of their job or political beliefs.