Pics from my trip to Thailand!

Aight I sent an message to Grind asking him to change my name to "Thai Sexpat" if he thinks it's a rules violation

If I get banned for it I guess that's that tho
I thot it was OK since it doesn't actually match Tom's name, I thought people would quickly recognize the difference.

Bullshit Watermark.

You've been here long enough (over 12 years) to know what you can and can't do.

You might be an idiot; but you're not stupid.

You did it to troll Tom and you knew exactly what you were doing.

11. No Posing. Definition: Creating a "troll" account that matches another user's account. These accounts will be banned, leaving your other account open. Unless it was done for the purpose of intimidation, you will likely lose permanently all access to the site if such is the case.
He once mentioned a guy who mocked him by calling him "Penderghastly", and he poked him with needles or something. I've been mocking him with the name ever since.

So it's mocking tom, and not a mimic account then. It's not like you're using his real name, or his account names. Tough call on the rules, but I don't see much being done, besides maybe changing your screen name.

Poor Tom.
Bullshit Watermark.

You've been here long enough (over 12 years) to know what you can and can't do.

You might be an idiot; but you're not stupid.

You did it to troll Tom and you knew exactly what you were doing.

11. No Posing. Definition: Creating a "troll" account that matches another user's account. These accounts will be banned, leaving your other account open. Unless it was done for the purpose of intimidation, you will likely lose permanently all access to the site if such is the case.

If it means anything ... I didn't know he was 'trolling' anybody, I just thought he was 'Tom Pendergastly and was posting some innocent enough pics of a few Thai girls.
So it's mocking tom, and not a mimic account then. It's not like you're using his real name, or his account names. Tough call on the rules, but I don't see much being done, besides maybe changing your screen name.

11. No Posing. Definition: Creating a "troll" account that matches another user's account. These accounts will be banned, leaving your other account open. Unless it was done for the purpose of intimidation, you will likely lose permanently all access to the site if such is the case.
If it means anything ... I didn't know he was 'trolling' anybody, I just thought he was 'Tom Pendergastly and was posting some innocent enough pics of a few Thai girls.

You just haven't been here long enough to know that Tom used to post under his real name; but Watermark knew it and knew what he was dong, regardless of his proclamation of being "unaware".

11. No Posing. Definition: Creating a "troll" account that matches another user's account. These accounts will be banned, leaving your other account open. Unless it was done for the purpose of intimidation, you will likely lose permanently all access to the site if such is the case.
lol usf's mad

And you're full of shit as usual; but then the immature only understand the basic emotions, such as glad / mad / happy / scared, and have never progressed in the ability to recognize that each of those has many sub-categories.

Now, I will be happy if you get spanked over this. :D
So it's mocking tom, and not a mimic account then. It's not like you're using his real name, or his account names. Tough call on the rules, but I don't see much being done, besides maybe changing your screen name.

Tom's un when he started here was his real name

Pretty sure you can still go back and look on his account and find it but I haven't bothered to check
Tom's un when he started here was his real name

Pretty sure you can still go back and look on his account and find it but I haven't bothered to check

Now you're a fucking liar, which isn't that far of a stretch from you being a leech; because you were around there and it's the only way you would know his last name.

Just admit that you did it to troll and except your fate.

11. No Posing. Definition: Creating a "troll" account that matches another user's account. These accounts will be banned, leaving your other account open. Unless it was done for the purpose of intimidation, you will likely lose permanently all access to the site if such is the case.

You're attempts to "save" yourself, are amusing. :laugh: