Your "reasoning" is incredibly stupid and if true, does not paint any man in a good light. Any man who doesn't have enough respect for the woman or himself to use protection shouldn't be having sex.
I hold women responsible for using birth control too. But your example of what happens is ridiculous.
There you have it folks. KKKhristiefan admits that women just can't resist themselves when presented with a penis. Even if it is unwrapped and she risks getting pregnant sh wants the penis so badly she will take the risk.
Let me break it down for ya
Should a guy wear a condom? Of course. In a perfect world they would wait to have sex but I know we don't live in a perfect world.
The reality is that women have more at stake from having sex then men do. Therefore they hold a much greater responsibility. Is it fair? Of course not. But only a child would try to argue that it should be or that their responsibility is equal.
The equation is simple. No wanty preggy no fucky fucky
Trying to shift the blame to the man demeans women and paints them as lacking in self control