Grind's no more pro-abortion than you are. He's just as much a misogynist also.
I am very pro abortion you retard. Nothing would be more horrifying to me than some deluded chick with baby fever trying to trap me into a life long commitment to a kid I don't want. I want abortions to be as common as getting coughdrops. I want it to be thought of nothing and no big deal.
Secondly, the vast majority of women that abort are poor. Giving birth to a future taker is not good for society. More abortions = More dead poor people. Another win.
But I am not delusional. First, society does get a say on whether or not you are allowed to have them. That is democracy, that is how things work. That's just a fact. Second, abortions, depending on what trimester, could very easily be argued as killing a baby. First trimester it's just a ball of cells, later on it's more debatable. In any case I don't care.