Planned Parenthood 1952: Abortion 'kills the life of a baby'

Grind's no more pro-abortion than you are. He's just as much a misogynist also.

I am very pro abortion you retard. Nothing would be more horrifying to me than some deluded chick with baby fever trying to trap me into a life long commitment to a kid I don't want. I want abortions to be as common as getting coughdrops. I want it to be thought of nothing and no big deal.

Secondly, the vast majority of women that abort are poor. Giving birth to a future taker is not good for society. More abortions = More dead poor people. Another win.

But I am not delusional. First, society does get a say on whether or not you are allowed to have them. That is democracy, that is how things work. That's just a fact. Second, abortions, depending on what trimester, could very easily be argued as killing a baby. First trimester it's just a ball of cells, later on it's more debatable. In any case I don't care.
Listen carefully. Your body is not directly affected by taxes. A woman's body is directly affected by pregnancy. Are we clear now?

my personal property is still an individual right, just as ones bodily autonomy, and it takes aways opportunities for me to do things in life. You are still robbing me of individual freedom and personal liberty when you take my money. Perhaps you should start opening your eyes and realizing what a hypocrite you are. You don't get to determine which is more important. To me, you stealing my money is just as important as killing a baby is to you.
If given the choice any created life is guaranteed under the rule of US LAW and common morality (the right to life, liberty and due process)....I am most certain that the left speaks for the child in the womb when it states that's it far more humane to take a set of medical forceps and tear the child to pieces (abort/kill/murder) than allow it to live as a "possible" orphan.

Makes sense to me. :) That is if I consider myself a social fascist in the mold of Hitler or Stalin. I must ask the question in defense of the child that clearly does not deserve due process according to the left......What difference does it make to the child if its a rusty coat hanger or a brand new shinny set of medical forceps (paid for by the taxpayer) that does the tearing and dismemberment? What happened to the Hippocratic Oath that all medical physicians must take that states "first do no (abstain from) harm....?"
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That is what is crazy. My scenario actually is pro woman and makes her the ultimate power broker. The woman ultimately decides.

But I suspect KKKhristiefan is afraid to have that much responsibility? Or she wants freedom from responsibility?

She has the it's my choice so butt out but if I don't like the results, it's someone else's responsibility mindset.