It is clear you are being deliberately obtuse.
What's clear is that everything's a zero-sum game to you, and you can't stand to be challenged.
It is clear you are being deliberately obtuse.
did they buy a kid?.....I've heard that's a way to get a child fast......
so in the process of denying what I say you prove it true......I love liberals.....
if a woman who didn't want her child gave it up for adoption at birth, my guess is that it would be an infant......
you sound like a little bitch that presumably has left your balls in another women's purse. You absolutely have a right to tell her what to do. We live in this thing called a democracy, in which we collectively vote on and make decisions. If a woman can vote to take my money away, I can vote to control when she is allowed to kill her baby. That is how society functions. Furthermore, planned parenthood is in part funded by taxpayers ... which again.. it's your money, and thus you absolutely have a right to say where it goes. If women don't like it, they can get the money for their abortion somewhere else
you are alive because of a cunt
heres how its made fair
you have no rights to decide what a woman does with her womb
Your rights include using or not using your injection mechanism
I've read some lame analogies but this takes the cake. You have zero right to tell a woman what to do with her own body. Women may vote on taxes but they aren't pulling those taxes out of your nether regions. The day you can tell women they can't have an abortion is the day women can tell you that you must have a vasectomy.
IHA is posting a fantasy from his favorite porn movie and pretending it's how real women think.
I bet they both got someone other than a wife pregnant and were on the hook for child support, so now they're bitter.
These two are exactly like radical conservative mullahs, with their views of women's sexuality. need to come back to reality. You can't just say "you have no right" and hope that makes it a reality. The bottom line is, yes, I do have a right, and I have the full capacity to vote about how to legislate your womb. For example, partial birth abortions are typically illegal. This was determined by congress and the voters. Your womb comes under my jurisdiction.
And yes, you voting to take my money is the exact same thing.
I'm sure everything they did was legal and aboveboard, as I saw the papers from the lawyer. Why do you ask, did you buy your kids?
Listen carefully. Your body is not directly affected by taxes. A woman's body is directly affected by pregnancy. Are we clear now?
You just admitted that women can't control their sexuality. If a guy refuses to use a condom you will have sex with anyway. Given that level of irresponsibility you aren't capable of making that decision.
I don't want a DUI or kill someone, so I don't drink and drive
If you are a woman and do not want to get pregnant what is the most effective way to accomplish that goal?
I know you won't have the ovaries to answer because your entire world would come crashing down.
The bottom line is you want the freedom to be as sexually irresponsible as men. Just admit it. Everything else you say is deflection.
The other funny thing is that Grind is pro abortion but unlike you isn't a coward and doesn't hide behind euphemisms and platitudes.
And yes, some decisions are zero sum games. Sorry if you don't like reality precious.
You are the one who created the scenario that a woman is powerless to say no when she see's a man's junk, not me. You are the one who said a woman would demand to have sex anyway even if a man refused to use a condom, not me. You think I can't see that you're trying to put your words in my mouth, but you're wrong.
I already posted earlier in this thread that I hold a woman just as responsible as a man regarding birth control. You, on the other hand, hold the woman more responsible. You are no different from religious fundamentalists who view women's sexuality as a threat.
Grind's no more pro-abortion than you are. He's just as much a misogynist also.
You are the one who created the scenario that a woman is powerless to say no when she see's a man's junk, not me. You are the one who said a woman would demand to have sex anyway even if a man refused to use a condom, not me. You think I can't see that you're trying to put your words in my mouth, but you're wrong.
I already posted earlier in this thread that I hold a woman just as responsible as a man regarding birth control. You, on the other hand, hold the woman more responsible. You are no different from religious fundamentalists who view women's sexuality as a threat.
Grind's no more pro-abortion than you are. He's just as much a misogynist also.
You fucking illiterate twat. You didn't even understand what I wrote.
Let me make it really simple for you. Just answer this question.
Man and woman get ready to jump in the sack. She isn't on the pill and he refuses to wear a condom but wants to have sex anyway. Should the woman
A) say thanks but no thanks
B) have sex anyway and hope for the best
Two choices. You get to pick only one. Simple question. No tricks. If you refuse to answer we go back to old times.
While both are equally responsible for the results, what christie doesn't seem to get is the woman holds the power, so to speak, in that situation.
That is what is crazy. My scenario actually is pro woman and makes her the ultimate power broker. The woman ultimately decides.
But I suspect KKKhristiefan is afraid to have that much responsibility? Or she wants freedom from responsibility?
That has nothing to do with my comment. Why are people less likely to adopt an older child?
She IS the final decision maker, is she not?Sure you are, granuloma. That's why your #1 point was "I'd rather keep it illegal and let the woman's shitty judgment hang over her head."
No, not really. Because there is no rationalization.The rationalization... it's painful.