Poll: 'Roe v. Wade'.

Will new Supreme Court overturn 'Roe v. Wade'.

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Am I the ONLY fucking guy here that thinks the New Conservative Court will strike down 'Roe v. Wade' ?

It never should have become the law of the land. If you wanted an abortion and felt strongly about it, use a coat hanger.
Do you think Queers should be allowed to 'Marry' ? (I've started a Poll to get everyone's true feelings)
They are allowed....last I heard....
(Remember C.B. on Amazon?...she used to get so upset when I mentioned "pairrage" as an option...:laugh: Words are such fun sometimes...)I hope she's well these days...I miss our Amazon friendly banter...good thing so many are here;)
Does that mean the State will care for them? Pay all of the medical bills for a lifetime on a preemie? They usually end up with lung problems for life IIRC.

Hate to tell you but my youngest granddaughter was premature by a number of weeks and she is perfectly healthy. You do realize that many people would adopt a baby premature or not!
THey do not want to overturn R v. W, they only want it as an issue they can pretend to fight against while they line their pockets with money and keep the poor and uneducated voting for them.
They are allowed....last I heard....
(Remember C.B. on Amazon?...she used to get so upset when I mentioned "pairrage" as an option...:laugh: Words are such fun sometimes...)I hope she's well these days...I miss our Amazon friendly banter...good thing so many are here;)

'Pairriage'. Sounds like a legitimate compromise solution to me. :)
Jack's been to Tabasco Island, ... have you?
I have not... but since you were discussing "gays"..and I just got my order of Shaquanda's...it's so good....thought you might be interested in supporting small minority businesses...they need our help these days....)
It never should have become the law of the land. If you wanted an abortion and felt strongly about it, use a coat hanger.

Its shitty law that's for sure but sadly it's the law of the land. I think for every gun restriction leftist want to place on guns, one should be placed on abortion. Gun ownership is an ACTUAL right where abortion is a fabricated one created out of bad legal reasoning.
I have not... but since you were discussing "gays"..and I just got my order of Shaquanda's...it's so good....thought you might be interested in supporting small minority businesses...they need our help these days....)

'Shaquanda'. (shaking head) This is how you get your food spit into. :|
Its shitty law that's for sure but sadly it's the law of the land. I think for every gun restriction leftist want to place on guns, one should be placed on abortion. Gun ownership is an ACTUAL right where abortion is a fabricated one created out of bad legal reasoning.

I'm not arguing it isn't the law. There are lots of laws that are shitty (i.e. - Obamacare) that are the law.

It's interesting how lefties want to maintain something in an almost unlimited manner for which the Constitution specifically says nothing yet want to severely limit ownership of something for which the same Constitution specifically states is legal to do. They believe loosely interpreting something to support what they want has far more credibility and something written in black and white because they oppose it.
I'm not arguing it isn't the law. There are lots of laws that are shitty (i.e. - Obamacare) that are the law.

It's interesting how lefties want to maintain something in an almost unlimited manner for which the Constitution specifically says nothing yet want to severely limit ownership of something for which the same Constitution specifically states is legal to do. They believe loosely interpreting something to support what they want has far more credibility and something written in black and white because they oppose it.

Yeah the left doesn't give a shit about anything but their marxist agenda. They are terrorists
It never should have become the law of the land. If you wanted an abortion and felt strongly about it, use a coat hanger.

Is that what your mom tried? It would explain why you are so fucked up. Still, I can see why your daddy would want to get rid of you but I think it's an individual matter. Government shouldn't be involved at that point.
