Poll: 'Roe v. Wade'.

Will new Supreme Court overturn 'Roe v. Wade'.

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Its shitty law that's for sure but sadly it's the law of the land. I think for every gun restriction leftist want to place on guns, one should be placed on abortion. Gun ownership is an ACTUAL right where abortion is a fabricated one created out of bad legal reasoning.

Seems a bit contradictory; I agree there should be no further restrictions on either. Anyone supporting big government control over individuals is not supporting what the Founders wanted for us.
Seems a bit contradictory; I agree there should be no further restrictions on either. Anyone supporting big government control over individuals is not supporting what the Founders wanted for us.

Why didn't the founders specifically mention abortion like they did guns?
Is that what your mom tried? It would explain why you are so fucked up. Still, I can see why your daddy would want to get rid of you but I think it's an individual matter. Government shouldn't be involved at that point.


Unlike your whore mother that was impregnated by a runaway black sperm donor, my mother wanted the children she helped to create.
Hate to tell you but my youngest granddaughter was premature by a number of weeks and she is perfectly healthy. You do realize that many people would adopt a baby premature or not!

So? WTF does that have to do with a person making a decision about their life? Don't give me the bullshit that "life is sacred". You and I know it isn't and anyone who does is a fucking moron or, like Trump, a liar and a fucking moron.

Why does the RW believe in individual rights and freedoms, including corporations dumping their waste into the water supply, but are against a woman making a choice about whether or not to birth a child or what consenting adults do in private?
Is that what your mom tried? It would explain why you are so fucked up. Still, I can see why your daddy would want to get rid of you but I think it's an individual matter. Government shouldn't be involved at that point.

Why didn't the founders specifically mention abortion like they did guns?

Unlike your whore mother that was impregnated by a runaway black sperm donor, my mother wanted the children she helped to create.
Obviously I'm a lot closer to the truth about you than you are willing to admit.
So? WTF does that have to do with a person making a decision about their life? Don't give me the bullshit that "life is sacred". You and I know it isn't and anyone who does is a fucking moron or, like Trump, a liar and a fucking moron.

Why does the RW believe in individual rights and freedoms, including corporations dumping their waste into the water supply, but are against a woman making a choice about whether or not to birth a child or what consenting adults do in private?

You say
Don't give me the bullshit that "life is sacred".
Then are you telling me that during your service you wouldn't lift a finger to save a comrade in arms? Sorry but life is sacred to me and all people of moral fiber. To support abortion of a non viable fetus is one thing to say life isn't sacred goes against everything the nation stands for.
Good luck getting anything but a bullshit response claimed to be true because he said so.

Yeah that is their standard of truth isn't it? They said it therefore it's true. Like racist joe said they choose truth over facts.
A request was made for a Poll.

In light of the Supreme Court gaining a new Christian Conservative member, how many here at JPP believe 'Roe v. Wade' will be overturned?

I do not. I believe they may revisit and update some portions (now that viability is so much earlier), but overturn? I don't think so.
I do not. I believe they may revisit and update some portions (now that viability is so much earlier), but overturn? I don't think so.

Yes. Christians have never cared much about 'Abortion Rights' or made much of a Big Deal about it. I guess you're right, nothing will change. (insert sarcasm emoji here)