Poor Zappa - Waaaaaah!


Three men, one of which is blind are in a room with their faces to a wall.

There is a bin with two blue hats and three red hats. Each of the men knows this.

Mrs. Potter comes in and places one hat on each of the men's heads so he can see the other two hats, but not his own. (Except the blind man who cannot see at all).

Mrs. Potter then asks the first man "What, sir, is the color of your hat?"

He looks at the other two hats and replies "Mrs. Potter, I don't know the color of my hat."

Mrs. Potter asks the second man, "My friend, do you know the color of your hat?"

The second man answers, " I'm afraid Mrs. Potter, I cant tell you because I don't know.

Mrs. Potter asks the blind man, "Sir, I know you can't see, but do you know the color of your hat?"

The blind man replies "Yes, I know exactly the color of my hat." And he gives her the correct answer.

What color is his hat, and how did he know?

Depends on whose logic you want to use. :readit:
Wife found your doll again huh tom.


Even for you this is just pathetic, you'll surprise everyone one day and come up with something funny and original.
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Tom would rather have Bwarney Frank's picture pasted onto his doll.

Ya think? I always thought him as the "any ol' man will do" type.

I just can't believe some of these big ol' baby girly men getting all petulent and whiney over some pointed pokes~~~

You go and hold up the hypocrite mirror for 'em to take a gander at themselves and they run away crying even louder.
Who knows? This stupid shit seems to get you guys to come out of the woodwork every time.

Knee slapping? It ain't rocket science, Beefy.

Do try harder

It's just like driving by an accident scene. You can't look away.

You and AssCancer start spewing your ridiculously inane "taunts" and naturally people have to stop by and watch.
It's just like driving by an accident scene. You can't look away.

You and AssCancer start spewing your ridiculously inane "taunts" and naturally people have to stop by and watch.

Well I would imagine with you Zappa, the only things more used to getting stopped and looked at are the baboons at the zoo.

You can blame your compulsion on anything you like. That you are hooked every time is testimony to the plethora of weaknesses that so aptly describe the very essence of you.


That is, after all, the root of your problem. Your inability to just say "NO!"
Well I would imagine with you Zappa, the only things more used to getting stopped and looked at are the baboons at the zoo.

You can blame your compulsion on anything you like. That you are hooked every time is testimony to the plethora of weaknesses that so aptly describe the very essence of you.


That is, after all, the root of your problem. Your inability to just say "NO!"

But the food begs him to do it...it just can't be helped!

It's just like driving by an accident scene. You can't look away.

You and AssCancer start spewing your ridiculously inane "taunts" and naturally people have to stop by and watch.

"Asscancer" wasn't that your problem purrrrrrrrrick? Projection leads to post karma in your case huh fatso?:pke:
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