Poor Zappa - Waaaaaah!

Yes. I have a crush on Zappa, that's why he's my avatar.

How DO you guys think of this knee slapping shit? LOLOL You're SO funny! LOLOL

Who knows? This stupid shit seems to get you guys to come out of the woodwork every time.

Knee slapping? It ain't rocket science, Beefy.

Do try harder
Yes. I have a crush on Zappa, that's why he's my avatar.

How DO you guys think of this knee slapping shit? LOLOL You're SO funny! LOLOL

A better question is how come such pissy sour assholes insert themselves into a thread just to whine like a bunch of girls? This was obviously a thread meant to yank a chain dork...

NOTE to whiners...get a grip.
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Who knows? This stupid shit seems to get you guys to come out of the woodwork every time.

Knee slapping? It ain't rocket science, Beefy.

Do try harder

No No Loyal...it's only hyperbole, silly pics, and tic shit that's funny when THEY... You know THEM, the self appointed sour-pusses totally whiney girls like ms Grind et al do it...:cool:
A better question is how come such pissy sour assholes insert themselves into a thread just whine like a bunch of girls? This was obviously a thread meant to yank a chain dork...

NOTE to whiners...get a grip.

I was giving props to Zappa. My man owns the thread.

And I wholly pride myself on being a dork.

And I also have a grip, I use it every morning.
I was giving props to Zappa. My man owns the thread.

And I wholly pride myself on being a dork.

And I also have a grip, I use it every morning.

And I was mocking your props dork...your grip is aweful slippery...

taking out chalk offering it to beefy
Well just hurry up and get it over with! :eek:


Three men, one of which is blind are in a room with their faces to a wall.

There is a bin with two blue hats and three red hats. Each of the men knows this.

Mrs. Potter comes in and places one hat on each of the men's heads so he can see the other two hats, but not his own. (Except the blind man who cannot see at all).

Mrs. Potter then asks the first man "What, sir, is the color of your hat?"

He looks at the other two hats and replies "Mrs. Potter, I don't know the color of my hat."

Mrs. Potter asks the second man, "My friend, do you know the color of your hat?"

The second man answers, " I'm afraid Mrs. Potter, I cant tell you because I don't know.

Mrs. Potter asks the blind man, "Sir, I know you can't see, but do you know the color of your hat?"

The blind man replies "Yes, I know exactly the color of my hat." And he gives her the correct answer.

What color is his hat, and how did he know?