Portland: An open air insane asylum

I can tell you, long before San Francisco and Seattle went to shit Portland was already there. Nobody paid attention.
In an age where I am told what cheeseburger I should buy should be a political question why Portland was murdered is a political question.

True. Every topic, every question is political. We should have only one category of forums - political.
Our country has become filled with stupid people. The answer to all of these kinds of problems has always been right in front of us but few have the courage to actually just call it out for what it is. Almost all of these problems are rooted in moral decline and degeneracy. Drug use, alcoholism, sloth and lack of work ethic, kids having kids, criminality, women screwing everyone with a johnson only to end up with 5 kids from 5 different dads that they rarely if ever see,....men who breed children only to abandon them completely like a damn wild animal does. THOSE are the causes of the problem. Life isnt that hard,...it is what you make of it. This is the reason why the entitlements must end. Live right........or starve off and die. THAT should be the only choice. By babying these moral degenerates along all you are doing is making the problems worse . People need to have their behavior modified. Either get with the program........or cease to exist. Start that TODAY and within 10 years the problem is OVER. Continue as we are and the problems will last FOREVER. I KNOW which scenario I prefer.

IDK. Maybe you do .

Actually I DO. The Right (especially the Religious Right) would fight any tax increases which would help the problem. We've seen it thousands of times across the country. Because at the end of the day the main god of America is Mammon.
The thread is about Portland in particular. Nothing to do with politics. It’s why I put this in the off topic forum.
Why do YOU think Portland is particularly bad , especially for its size?

And yet CBN made it political. It says the reason is Progressivism.
And yet CBN made it political. It says the reason is Progressivism.

Of COURSE the Thumpers on CBN laid the blame at the feet of a political movement. So that they wouldn't have to face the very real fact that their support of lower taxes and elimination of the social safety net means they are responsible as well.

It's always easiest to point at a problem. It's harder to fix one. Especially when one's real God is Mammon.
Actually I DO. The Right (especially the Religious Right) would fight any tax increases which would help the problem. We've seen it thousands of times across the country. Because at the end of the day the main god of America is Mammon.

I didn’t know “the right “ had that much influence in Portland. Maybe they should start electing a democrat mayor and city council.
#206 apparently is from there and he says it’s because ‘the right’ won’t raise taxes there. I’ll take his word for it.

This is straight from their headline. :dunno:

"Portland's Meltdown: A Progressive Experiment That 'Has Gone Colossally Bad'"
Our country has become filled with stupid people. The answer to all of these kinds of problems has always been right in front of us but few have the courage to actually just call it out for what it is. Almost all of these problems are rooted in moral decline and degeneracy. Drug use, alcoholism, sloth and lack of work ethic, kids having kids, criminality, women screwing everyone with a johnson only to end up with 5 kids from 5 different dads that they rarely if ever see,....men who breed children only to abandon them completely like a damn wild animal does. THOSE are the causes of the problem. Life isnt that hard,...it is what you make of it. This is the reason why the entitlements must end. Live right........or starve off and die. THAT should be the only choice. By babying these moral degenerates along all you are doing is making the problems worse . People need to have their behavior modified. Either get with the program........or cease to exist. Start that TODAY and within 10 years the problem is OVER. Continue as we are and the problems will last FOREVER. I KNOW which scenario I prefer.

So, what program or propose would you recommend to deal with the homeless population?
I didn’t know “the right “ had that much influence in Portland. Maybe they should start electing a democrat mayor and city council.

You don't know much about Oregon politics if you think there's no one on the Right who impacts public funding in this state. Maybe you should learn more about the state of Oregon. Sure Portland is in the Blue part of the state but most of the land area of the state is solidly Red.
#206 apparently is from there and he says it’s because ‘the right’ won’t raise taxes there. I’ll take his word for it.

The Right would fight it tooth and nail. If you honestly think there are absolutely no right wingers in western Oregon you are an idiot.