Portland: An open air insane asylum

So, what program or propose would you recommend to deal with the homeless population?

The documentary ’Seattle is Dying’ proposed viable solutions . Residents of the area have told me Seattle’s city council is full of 30 something’s that have an ‘anything goes ‘ attitude and don’t consider open drug use to be a problem.

LiAISi206 says raising taxes will solve the problem but the right wing city government in Portland won’t allow that to happen.
So Portland just needs to elect a democrat government to raise taxes and then the problem will be solved.
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You don't know much about Oregon politics if you think there's no one on the Right who impacts public funding in this state. Maybe you should learn more about the state of Oregon. Sure Portland is in the Blue part of the state but most of the land area of the state is solidly Red.

I know that. In fact the hillbillies in eastern Oregon make the Appalachian hillbillies look like high class debutants. I also know that several counties in eastern Oregon would like to secede and become part of Idaho because they have virtually no influence over state government.
The Right would fight it tooth and nail. If you honestly think there are absolutely no right wingers in western Oregon you are an idiot.

Sure, they’re everywhere. I even saw trucks in Boston with their Trump flags flapping. You think MAGAts have any influence in Boston politics where they canonized Ted Kennedy , a known alcoholic and murderer?

Idaho no doubt has a higher percentage of republicans than Oregon, no? Why hasn’t Boise become the sewer that Portland has?
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And yet CBN made it political.

They’re problem. Most cities are blue but Portland stands out as one that has spiraled down as one of the two or three worst if not the absolute worst. So my point is that it’s not the politics. What is it? 206 says it’s because of their right wing government. I think he’s wrong. The entire city council which includes the mayor is democrat.
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Sure, they’re everywhere. I even saw trucks in Boston with their Trump flags flapping. You think MAGAts have any influence in Boston politics where they canonized Ted Kennedy , a known alcoholic and murderer?

Idaho no doubt has a higher percentage of republicans than Oregon, no? Why hasn’t Boise become the sewer that Portland has?

I'm sorry but I've seen public funding demands go down in flames everywhere due to right wing pressure. The point being that CBN is right wing and you KNOW they would NEVER support tax increases to fix the homeless problem. They would, in fact, just like to use it to throw mud at the Left.

That's all that CBN cares about: they couldn't care less about the people suffering. Their base would lose their collective shit if someone said "The fix is more public welfare". That's because the Right doesn't care about anything but "I got mine" and mammon worship.

Regardless of what you think about Portland politics....that's the point I was making. CBN filmed that to inflame their viewers against people in pain but would never actually support the kind of fixes that would help.
They’re problem. Most cities are blue but Portland stands out as one that has spiraled down as one of the two or three worst if not the absolute worst. So my point is that it’s not the politics. What is it? 206 says it’s because of their right wing government. I think he’s wrong. The entire city council which includes the mayor is democrat.

DId you catch the one guy on the CBN report who was given a bus ticket from Billings to PDX? Yeah, maybe some of the "fixes" that other cities take is to simply make it someone else's problem.

That isn't a fix.
So, what program or propose would you recommend to deal with the homeless population?

Housing first and foremost.

THEN, let's either fund the community centers that were SUPPOSED to pick up the slack upon the closure of the mental health facilities in the 1960-1980's, or let's fund really good mental health facilities.

Let's then take some funding from the police to replace some officers with trained crisis managers and mental health professionals and put them on the streets as well.
The documentary ’Seattle is Dying’ proposed viable solutions . Residents of the area have told me Seattle’s city council is full of 30 something’s that have an ‘anything goes ‘ attitude and don’t consider open drug use to be a problem.

LiAISi206 says raising taxes will solve the problem but the right wing city government in Portland won’t allow that to happen.
So Portland just needs to elect a democrat government to raise taxes and then the problem will be solved.

No nothing regarding the documentary, can you phrase some of the “viable solutions?”

Just raising taxes isn’t a solution, does provide extra funding for such as targeted housing, but what is needed is an effective program, and none have been recommended as far as I’ve seen
The wotk or starve program

Appears you don’t believe what the Founders did, that the new Nation was to be based upon Judeo-Christian ethics

Murdoch demagogues anything he can find now and he’d have a field day with people starving to death on the streets
DId you catch the one guy on the CBN report who was given a bus ticket from Billings to PDX? Yeah, maybe some of the "fixes" that other cities take is to simply make it someone else's problem.

That isn't a fix.
For Billings it is. E.g., break the law in my city and you get a choice of going to an overcrowded prison or a one way bus ticket where what is against the law here is perfectly legal in Portland.
Question: do you think making car theft a misdemeanor increases or decreases the crime of car theft?
No nothing regarding the documentary, can you phrase some of the “viable solutions?”
To much to phrase but it’s all here:

Just raising taxes isn’t a solution
206 seems to think it is
does provide extra funding for such as targeted housing, but what is needed is an effective program, and none have been recommended as far as I’ve seen
None by local governments but a perfectly viable solution is suggested in Seattle is Dying
We in New England have a Portland too, about a two hour or so drive north of here.

Only about 70,000 people, but not a bad little town at all.
Let's then take some funding from the police to replace some officers with trained crisis managers and mental health professionals and put them on the streets as well.
Ah yes. The ‘defund the police’ solution. We tried that. Or some cities did.
Seems the ‘crisis managers ‘ were ineffective against crime. Actually enhanced it.
Citation, please.
Portland isn’t the only liberal city doing an about-face on police spending. From New York City to Los Angeles — in cities that had some of the largest Black Lives Matter protests, and some with an extensive history of police brutality — police departments are seeing their finances partially restored in response to rising homicides, an officer exodus and political pressures. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/portland-among-u-s-cities-adding-funds-to-police-departments
You’re welcome. There’s more. A lot more .