Portland: An open air insane asylum

Homelessness is a real problem and PDX is suffering mightily. I'm curious, though, what would CBN report if the taxes were increased to help take care of the homeless? Would the good Bible Thumpers be onboard with that solution?


CBN "News" is a joke and so is that Dale Hurd moron.

Not to mention Gordon Robertson, silver spoon progeny of his drooling goofball daddy.

Partisan right-wing mouthpiece for brainwashing what little bit is left of Bible thumpers' brains.

CBN "News" is a joke and so is that Dale Hurd moron.

Not to mention Gordon Robertson, silver spoon progeny of his drooling goofball daddy.

Partisan right-wing mouthpiece for brainwashing what little bit is left of Bible thumpers' brains.

Are you saying all those boarded up windows and tents on the streets of Portland were staged by CBN?
That the city is now cleaned up ?
Incredible turnaround! I’ll have to go visit again.
Are you saying all those boarded up windows and tents on the streets of Portland were staged by CBN?
That the city is now cleaned up ?
Incredible turnaround! I’ll have to go visit again.

Did it look like I said that?

My point was, aside from the fact that CBN is nothing but conservative propaganda masquerading as news, that they so obviously picked the one city in the US that is most readily associated with liberalism and the Democrats to do their hit piece on.

But they studiously avoided commenting on blight in red state cities like say, Dallas for instance...



Fuck CBN, fuck Dale Turd and fuck Gordon Slobbertson. :fu:
Did it look like I said that?
Strongly implied.

My point was, aside from the fact that CBN is nothing but conservative propaganda masquerading as news, that they so obviously picked the one city in the US that is most readily associated with liberalism and the Democrats to do their hit piece on.
I’ve been to Portland. Filthiest city I’ve ever been in. Maybe that’s why they chose to report on it?
But they studiously avoided commenting on blight in red state cities like say, Dallas for instance...
Dallas isn’t in the same league as Portland.
They “studiously “ avoided Honolulu, e.g. Even SF.
Honolulu is a deep blue city with a favorable climate to accommodate filth yet they do an excellent job of keeping it under control.
That’s the point of the thread. What is Portland doing wrong and Honolulu doing right?
Personally I think Ted Wheeler and his city council welcome what’s happened to Portland.
Kinda like rats would rather live in a sewer than a beach.
So all is good. :thumbsup:
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Strongly implied.

I’ve been to Portland. Filthiest city I’ve ever been in. Maybe that’s why they chose to report on it?
Dallas isn’t in the same league as Portland.
They “studiously “ avoided Honolulu, e.g. Even SF.
Honolulu is a deep blue city with a favorable climate to accommodate filth yet they do an excellent job of keeping it under control.
That’s the point of the thread. What is Portland doing wrong and Honolulu doing right?
Personally I think Ted Wheeler and his city council welcome what’s happened to Portland.
Kinda like rats would rather live in a sewer than a beach.
So all is good. :thumbsup:

And many say though things in Portland need improvement (like anywhere else) they aren't as bad as the right makes them out to be.

https://www.latimes.com/world-natio...howed Portland,resulted in an identity crisis.

A recent study showed Portland ranks about average compared with 40 other cities when it comes to homicide, assault and robbery rates. But the surge in crime has resulted in an identity crisis.

But as I said, CBN is a conservative mouthpiece that engages in hyperbole and propaganda on a regular basis.
Charities can seldom if ever cover all the need. If your Thumpers were so good at solving the problems we wouldn't have them would we? But we do. And you and I both know that Thumpers will never support expanded welfare. They worship mammon too much to turn their backs on their only true god.

No, they can't, but they give far more charitably than you do, don't they?