Portland: An open air insane asylum

Ah yes. The ‘defund the police’ solution. We tried that. Or some cities did.
Seems the ‘crisis managers ‘ were ineffective against crime. Actually enhanced it.

The "defend the police" is unfortunate label because they were not talking about completely dismantantling the system with no replacement.
Send a social worker to a domestic violence call and what you get is the social worker refusing to answer the call until they get police protection...
Portland was a great city just a few years ago, we liked it better than Seattle.

These cities have been destroyed on purpose.

But by who?

The CCP?

Possibly. Could be that the so called ‘progressives’ are an arm of the CCP. “Progressives” in “progressive “ cities continue with long term policies that continually destroy their cities with the eventual goal of causing a civil war in America . This is not far fetched.
Portland has been ripe as a starting point. It has spread.
Possibly. Could be that the so called ‘progressives’ are an arm of the CCP. “Progressives” in “progressive “ cities continue with long term policies that continually destroy their cities with the eventual goal of causing a civil war in America . This is not far fetched.
Portland has been ripe as a starting point. It has spread.

Michael Yon calls it WEF/CCP.....and he has a point....Also Vivek in WOKE INC says that China is part of it, but he thinks they are more being opportunistic than a driver, but maybe he is wrong. I know the Han....destroying America from the inside, a controlled implosion, is exactly the sort of thing they would do....they get off on working smart......destroying their enemies with smarts.
Homelessness is a real problem and PDX is suffering mightily. I'm curious, though, what would CBN report if the taxes were increased to help take care of the homeless? Would the good Bible Thumpers be onboard with that solution?

Portland is ALREADY TAXED to deal with the homeless, but it demoralized and defunded it's police dept and businesses are leaving.
There is no one to arrest the drug dealers and put them in prison for the people they've killed in this way.
What I don’t get is why is Portland in such bad shape compared to, say, Boise, ID? Or San Diego? It’s not like there’s that big disparity of income like in San Francisco or Seattle. It’s not known for being a Mecca for tech companies.
Downtown Portland has been a mess for at least two decades and I suspect it has to do with the high tolerance for criminal activity.

Have you forgotten Intel?? Epson?? Tektronics? Fluke? Microsoft? Amazon? Yes, all of those are in the Portland area (mostly out by Beaverton, away from the drugs and problems of downtown).

Yes. It's the high tolerance for criminal activity.
. Have you forgotten Intel?? Epson?? Tektronics? Fluke? Microsoft? Amazon? Yes, all of those are in the Portland area (mostly out by Beaverton, away from the drugs and problems of downtown).
Not in the same league as Seattle or San Jose is what I meant.

Yes. It's the high tolerance for criminal activity.
Yet LiAISi206 claims it’s PDX’s right wing local government that doesn’t tax high enough. :laugh:
Irrelevant. Replacing *some* police with social workers and violent crime increases. Imagine that. :doh:

Yes! If there's someone running wild with a sword randomly slashing people, call a crisis manager to defuse the problem. He'll be there in 30 minutes...
Not in the same league as Seattle or San Jose is what I meant.

Yet LiAISi206 claims it’s PDX’s right wing local government that doesn’t tax high enough. :laugh:

And he also blames "Bible Thumpers." Does he realize that Christians are the most charitable group in this country already? What more is wanted from us?
And he also blames "Bible Thumpers." Does he realize that Christians are the most charitable group in this country already? What more is wanted from us?

Charities can seldom if ever cover all the need. If your Thumpers were so good at solving the problems we wouldn't have them would we? But we do. And you and I both know that Thumpers will never support expanded welfare. They worship mammon too much to turn their backs on their only true god.
Not in the same league as Seattle or San Jose is what I meant.

Yet LiAISi206 claims it’s PDX’s right wing local government that doesn’t tax high enough. :laugh:

Considering that Portland is a much smaller city than Seattle, or the Bay area, that's understandable. The entire city is not in the same league as Seattle or San Jose and environs.
But, like them, Portland has a major drug and homeless problem. It is caused by these drug dealers and tolerance of them and other criminal behavior.

Each of these cities has walking dead zombies. It's like a scene out of a video game, but, sadly, it's real.

Taxes won't fix it. Supporting the police enforcing the law will fix it. That includes reducing dramatically the amount of fentanyl and other drugs crossing the border. We are already being taxed enough to do this.
Charities can seldom if ever cover all the need.
Charities can and have covered all the need.
If your Thumpers were so good at solving the problems we wouldn't have them would we?
Charities are not force. People are free to choose their own destinies for themselves. That includes choosing to fuck yourself up on drugs and becoming homeless.
But we do.
Because of freedom of choice. We are NOT free, however, of the consequences of that choice. NO amount of charity can take that away.
And you and I both know that Thumpers will never support expanded welfare.
Communism isn't welfare. Charity is. Taking money by force from the productive and giving it to the unproductive is neither charity NOR welfare. It is tyranny.
They worship mammon too much to turn their backs on their only true god.
You are describing yourself. Government is NOT God.

Enforcing the law is the answer. That means going after these drug dealers. That means stopping these destructive drugs from crossing the border as much as possible.
The walking zombies these drugs have produced are ALREADY DEAD. They are quite literally the walking dead. The drugs have caused permanent damage, and it's only a short matter of time before they are dead. Death occurs by asphyxiation.

You can try to detox some that aren't as far gone, and charity can and is already doing that. Charity does NOT force someone into detox.

Charity does a lot more than you know. That's because you worship government as God.
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