
Fake Scientist Can't Figure Out The Point of Freedumb's Investigative Research

I think it shows an obsessive/compulsive personality disorder probably 5-7 times as severe as yours, tommy.

You're going to have to really step up your game to beat this shit!

Face it tommy, you are only ever even slightly amusing, and that's on your best day.

But this...this is top tier comedy here! This is comedy gold!

It is so damn hilarious that I have not been able to stop fucking laughing.

You can't this get this level of hilarity on television I will tell you that!

You're gonna have to get serious tommy to beat this shit!

Would obsessive be following Tom around the board like a love sick puppy?

What would you do if the Mods ever put you on Forced Ignore from Tom? I think your head would explode. What would be your reason to live?
You want to hear something really funny? This chimpanzee actually PM'd damo with this "theory" out of fear someone would see this incredible "thought" and say "Hey! I thought of that first!"

I mean, he basically copyrighted this. I might as well copyright the contents of my garbage can.

"Copyright the contents of my garbage can..." AAAAAHHHHHHHHH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.....WHHHOOOOOO!

It's astounding, isn't it?

The dim bulb felt so sure he had something he could use to "get" all you women, he actually felt comfortable boasting about PM'ing Damo with the info, and telling anyone dumb enough to bite they had to wait to hear his "BIG" news.
Holy shit! What a fucking psycho. Who in the hell would even waste their fucking time on this level of ignorance. IQ of 81 -- highly unlikely -- more like 21! The last number is 300, which totally undermines his whole stupid fucking claim. I can't believe anyone would actually spend time collecting this. WOW! The inside of his head must be like a garbage can or something. Really incredible and he is waiting until next Monday to see if he is correct. And he is going to be tabulating all this shit until Monday! And he notified Damo so that...

Why stop then, just keep going. Into infinity and beyond...

No wonder advertising works.

Dimbulb USF was so sure he was onto "something" he actually spent time going back and COUNTING posts.

WOW...just, WOW!
Would obsessive be following Tom around the board like a love sick puppy?

What would you do if the Mods ever put you on Forced Ignore from Tom? I think your head would explode. What would be your reason to live?

He is like Darla's maid called in to do the cleaning, he is so anxious to get that BJ she promised years ago that he will do anything she says.
He is like Darla's maid called in to do the cleaning, he is so anxious to get that BJ she promised years ago that he will do anything she says.

Let's not forget how "alluring" she appears in that Saran Wrap Bikini. :barf:

I wonder if she ever gave up her coin changer and had that quarter slot in her forehead removed!! :dunno:

It sure got Darla / Dante's all fired up. :chesh:

Before Xmas Dumb and Dumber promised that they were going to get me in the New Year so that accounted for January. When they discovered that I wouldn't stick to the script only Dantes could be bothered s there is a BJ in it for him.
Before Xmas Dumb and Dumber promised that they were going to get me in the New Year so that accounted for January. When they discovered that I wouldn't stick to the script only Dantes could be bothered s there is a BJ in it for him.

Well; Prak is going to have to use a surrogate, because there is no way Darla's going to the West Coast just to ply her trade.
The following are the post counts, for Friday through Sunday, from January to this past weekend.

From January 3rd through the 5th:
Darla / AnglScarlett - 18 posts / 3 posts
Dante's - 95 posts
Christiefan - 125 posts
Desh - 32 posts

January 10th through the 12th:
Darla / AnglScarlett - 42 posts / 0 posts
Dante's - 74 posts
Christiefan - 55 posts
Desh - 211 posts

January 17th through the 19th:
Darla / AnglScarlett - 52 posts / 0 posts
Dante's - 69 posts
Christiefan - 90 posts
Desh - 111 posts

January 24th through the 26th:
Darla / AnglScarlett - 12 posts / 0 posts
Dante's - 0 posts
Christiefan - 32 posts
Desh - 143 posts

January 31st through February 2nd:
Darla / AnglScarlett - 49 posts / 0 posts
Dante's - 61 posts
Christiefan - 0 posts
Desh - 81 posts

February 7th through the 9th:
Darla / AnglScarlett - 30 posts / 0 posts
Dante's - 97 posts
Christiefan - 64 posts
Desh - 109 posts

From January 3rd through the 5th:
273 combined posts

January 10th through the 12th:
382 combined posts

January 17th through the 19th:
322 combined posts

January 24th through the 26th:
187 posts

January 31st through February 2nd:
191 posts

February 7th through the 9th:
300 posts

Now; where is this going, you may ask.
I think the KKK/Sob Sisters are trying to "punish" JPP, by not posting as much and are hoping that the overall number of posts will drop (Mods would have to research the number of weekend postings); all because they're not getting their way for who they want to see banned, having the forced IA feature removed from certain posters, and trying to force the Mods to punish the EVIL men.

Just something that I've noticed. :D

Désh has been thread banned from many threads, so it would explain her lower rate of posting.

Darla rarely posts on the weekends.

Christie does post on the weekends occasionally, but she has been busy in her personal life.

There is nothing here to see but dumbassery.

I think this is hilarious!

What a maroon.

Why didn't you just ask, we could have told you.

Plus, the forum has just kind of been boring lately as far as topics to debate.

I don't debate abortion guns or climate change, so there is little to post.

People start other threads, but they aren't as popular as abortion, guns and climate change.
Désh has been thread banned from many threads, so it would explain her lower rate of posting.

Darla rarely posts on the weekends.

Christie does post on the weekends occasionally, but she has been busy in her personal life.

There is nothing here to see but dumbassery.

I think this is hilarious!

What a maroon.

Why didn't you just ask, we could have told you.

Plus, the forum has just kind of been boring lately as far as topics to debate.

I don't debate abortion guns or climate change, so there is little to post.

People start other threads, but they aren't as popular as abortion, guns and climate change.
