Posting from My New Phone

What is wrong with the iphone? I was asking Top about this the other day, but he didn't see it. I've been kind of attached to my blackberry (back in the day, before you guys on this thread were born, we used to call it the crackberry! get it? haha. yeah, we were pretty gay) since I first got one years ago. But I feel that, at this point, there is much better smart phone technology out there, and I'm upgrading it this month. I want to get the best iphone - not that crap one they started giving out for 50 bucks when you sign a new contract. The best one. So if anyone can recommend the model, that'd be great. And also, why are so many here down on the iphone?

4gs the new Jesus PHONE
Iphones are for the cool people, droids are for the office types

survey show Iphones users have more sex, are better educated, make more money, and of course burn the best Herb.

Just like the apple commercials. The grovey sock head vs the suite
are you hip or buttoned down rightwing zellot
Iphones are for the cool people, droids are for the office types

survey show Iphones users have more sex, are better educated, make more money, and of course burn the best Herb.

Just like the apple commercials. The grovey sock head vs the suite
are you hip or buttoned down rightwing zellot

LOL I know, i am such a sucker, I think I really got brainwashed by that marketing, and that's why I want the Iphone.

One thing I am not it's buttoned down.
Those Apple commericals are about as reliable in gauging what is "cool" as those fucking Miller Lite commericals are to what is "manly" - its fucking piss water, people!! Everyone in the commercial has at least one strike.

I only read the first part but LOL, did you literally just type that statement into google and click on the first article that came up?

I love how it just brushes over the fact that the iphone rapes the galaxy in resolution and display quality. Smaller screen, STILL higher resolution. The pixel density crushes it, it's not even close.

Galaxy S2, simply because it sports a bigger screen.

They don't qualify that statement. It also means it's harder to fit in your pocket, it may be more difficult for some to easily access all areas with just the thumb while holding it, etc. Bigger is not always better, especially when it's lower resolution.

But I digress
Iphones are for the cool people, droids are for the office types

survey show Iphones users have more sex, are better educated, make more money, and of course burn the best Herb.

Just like the apple commercials. The grovey sock head vs the suite
are you hip or buttoned down rightwing zellot

Surveys show that most owners of iPhones are stuck in a High School mentality where they think that lying about how much money they make and how much sex they have is both cool and that people actually believe them when they say this stuff. Studies have also shown they have a need for escapism through drugs because their lives suck so much more than Droid owners who have a brain and don't have to go bragging about how they can actually use it to buy a better product rather than the one that makes them 'fit in'... they have proof, they bought a Droid.
I only read the first part but LOL, did you literally just type that statement into google and click on the first article that came up?

I love how it just brushes over the fact that the iphone rapes the galaxy in resolution and display quality. Smaller screen, STILL higher resolution. The pixel density crushes it, it's not even close.

[/FONT][/COLOR]They don't qualify that statement. It also means it's harder to fit in your pocket, it may be more difficult for some to easily access all areas with just the thumb while holding it, etc. Bigger is not always better, especially when it's lower resolution.

But I digress

I have seen both phones running videos and I really couldn't see any difference. The features that really work for me are 1) the ability of the Galaxy to be upgraded to 48 gig without buying a new phone 2) removable battery 3) scratch resistant screen and 4) better 3G/4G capabilities.
Surveys show that most owners of iPhones are stuck in a High School mentality where they think that lying about how much money they make and how much sex they have is both cool and that people actually believe them when they say this stuff. Studies have also shown they have a need for escapism through drugs because their lives suck so much more than Droid owners who have a brain and don't have to go bragging about how they can actually use it to buy a better product rather than the one that makes them 'fit in'... they have proof, they bought a Droid.

Holy Fuck. :burn:
Okay, so I finally spent some coin on a phone, and bought a Windows Lumia 950XL. Had to buy it unlocked, because Microsoft idiotically only offered it to AT&T, and I'm not switching carriers just to get a phone. Hopefully it doesn't become too big of a nuisance, not being an authorized T-Mobile phone.

My Nokia Lumia 625 was cheap, and I only got a year out of it. Zero storage on it was becoming a pain, plus it couldn't handle complex apps and browsing, had some weird functionality, and the camera was primitive. So far I am enjoying the new beast, and it's near-par to the latest Android products.