Posting from My New Phone

Okay, so I finally spent some coin on a phone, and bought a Windows Lumia 950XL. Had to buy it unlocked, because Microsoft idiotically only offered it to AT&T, and I'm not switching carriers just to get a phone. Hopefully it doesn't become too big of a nuisance, not being an authorized T-Mobile phone.

My Nokia Lumia 625 was cheap, and I only got a year out of it. Zero storage on it was becoming a pain, plus it couldn't handle complex apps and browsing, had some weird functionality, and the camera was primitive. So far I am enjoying the new beast, and it's near-par to the latest Android products.

The Windows OS isn't that bad. I have used it. I am an iPhone guy. I just prefer their ecosystem to that of google.
I go Windows because I am provincial, and because I like the familiarity and ease of the OS. Up until now, though, Microsoft wasn't really taking the smartphone market seriously. My HTC had been vastly superior to the Nokia I bought three years later. Despite poor marketing of the 950, I think they finally did something worthwhile and competitive.

It's been painful watching Google and Apple dominate the market.
Surveys show that most owners of iPhones are stuck in a High School mentality where they think that lying about how much money they make and how much sex they have is both cool and that people actually believe them when they say this stuff. Studies have also shown they have a need for escapism through drugs because their lives suck so much more than Droid owners who have a brain and don't have to go bragging about how they can actually use it to buy a better product rather than the one that makes them 'fit in'... they have proof, they bought a Droid.
Awh yuppie buhdist angst
Not cool
Not smart at all

Donald Trump called for a boycott of Apple Inc products until the tech company agrees to help the U.S. government unlock the cellphone of one of the killers in the San Bernardino, California, attack.

"Boycott Apple until such time as they give that information," Trump said at a campaign event in Pawleys Island, South Carolina. "It just occurred to me."

Trump made the off-the-cuff comment at a town hall-style event at a country club in Pawleys Island, a day before that state's Republican presidential nominating contest.

The Republican front-runner in the 2016 White House race has been a frequent critic of Apple.
Topper is talking from the perspective of an investor. And indeed Apple does charge consumers up the yazoo. They are a great company for investors. And that's the reason why they're losing among consumers.
Topper is talking from the perspective of an investor. And indeed Apple does charge consumers up the yazoo. They are a great company for investors. And that's the reason why they're losing among consumers.

You don't have a job partially because you are retarded
Millions of consumers love iPhones in every country
I seriously can't believe that Topper gave the fact that Apple is making profit off of the IPhone and screwing you as the reason you should choose it as the better platform. What a distorted perspective. This is why stock ownership should be banned and the workers should seize the means of production.

I seriously can't believe that Topper gave the fact that Apple is making profit off of the IPhone and screwing you as the reason you should choose it as the better platform. What a distorted perspective. This is why stock ownership should be banned and the workers should seize the means of production.


Nothing yells I'm poor and unemployed like your statement