President Rodham-Clinton?

the republicans have cultured a base that now makes it nearly impossible for them to win a national elections.

they just have so many stupid ideas that are historically failed that no sane person who knows the facts wants them near power
It would be great if someone from the Democrat party showed concern for civil liberties. Without it you will probably lose.
Sorry but I doubt that will have anything to do with the outcome at all. In fact, with the Republican party consolidating itself as the "Solid South" party, no Republcan candidate may be tenable at the national level.
I didn't see Jimmy Carter speaking on behalf of Obama.

And yeah it's a big shocker George Bush didn't speak.

And ex-VP's rarely have the star power of an ex-President.

You missed it then because JC did speak via video at the convention, but you are correct, he does not have the star power Bill Clinton has. .
I Think Chris Christie will win the Iowa straw poll, go on to take New Hampshire, get crushed in South Carolina by which ever reactionary mouth breather from the South is competing against him. Christie will get hammered in the south but have smooth sailing in the rest of the nation but because the far right of the base, Tea bagger fanatics and the KKKristians down south will oppose him, the primary will drag on for far to long with far to many debates and far to many opportunities for Christie to shoot himself in the foot. In other words I think the Republican nomination will pretty much play out like Romney's.

If Hiliary runs we're probably looking at 8 more years of Democrats controlling the executive branch which probably would mean Dems gaining majority control of SCOTUS (Brennan and Scalia are up there), as well as, democrats consolidating control of the judicial branch.
The only difference between Christie and Romney will be that Christie will not run AS far right as Romney did, but the far right already hates him more.
I know its a long time between now and 16' but I am starting to wonder if anyone will challenge SoS Clinton for the Democratic Nomination. It appears she and her only likely opposition, VP Biden may have come to some sort of an agreement. Most insiders would agree that it is helpful for a primary candidate to have some sort of an opponent, but I wonder, incumbents usually don't have an opponent... I'm sure that H. Clinton will drum up a weak opponent if she feels its to her advantage, but the Clintons have become so powerful I wonder if they have effectively handicapped the field.

I'd prefer to see someone like Elizabeth Warren or Alan Grayson run; I like getting new blood into the mix. But if Hillary Clinton runs and gets Barack Obama's support, she'll be unstoppable, and I certainly will vote for her.

Don't see Weiner scandal affecting her at all. Means Huma Abedin probably can't be vp candidate, but that was pretty unlikely anyway.

On the republican side, no idea who they'll get. Guess Rubio? Or Susana Martinez, gov. of New Mexico?
how does that make it OK for him to be so dishonest he cant even spell or say the name correctly?

1. I have no idea if he purposely did it or not.

2. Coming from someone who calls the Republicans the cracker ass cracker party it's rather ironic you care about what political party's are called

3. No one is insulting your family here. It's the name of a political party.
the republicans have cultured a base that now makes it nearly impossible for them to win a national elections.

they just have so many stupid ideas that are historically failed that no sane person who knows the facts wants them near power
It's not really Republicans per se Desh. It's Solid South Republicans.

I like Chris Christie.....I'd seriously consider voting for him if it wasn't for them. I think over the last 20 years conservative southern politicians have shown they are incapable of governing competently. Christie, on the other hand, is a traditional establishment type, fiscally conservative, hump in mish Republican. I have no problem with that as long as he's an honest negotiator.
I edited it for you, fool. Who gives a shit.

then why did you edit it?

Its a republican bullshit insult designed to demean people who believe in democracy.

It fucking matters.

how do you think the republican party would feel about EVERY dem calling them the republic party?

do you think they would just allow it to happen?

why is it OK to do to the democratic party?
then why did you edit it?

Its a republican bullshit insult designed to demean people who believe in democracy.

It fucking matters.

how do you think the republican party would feel about EVERY dem calling them the republic party?

do you think they would just allow it to happen?

why is it OK to do to the democratic party?

Or just a simple error that you are making way too much of.
It's not really Republicans per se Desh. It's Solid South Republicans.

I like Chris Christie.....I'd seriously consider voting for him if it wasn't for them. I think over the last 20 years conservative southern politicians have shown they are incapable of governing competently. Christie, on the other hand, is a traditional establishment type, fiscally conservative, hump in mish Republican. I have no problem with that as long as he's an honest negotiator.

I wouldn't but he is more honest than most republicans

he still holds lots of historically failed ideas.
Back to the point, that desh always avoids, the Democratic Party needs to show some support for civil liberties. Crowning Hillary, the neocon, without a challenge is not the best way to do that. They should at least run a challenger that will pay lip service to civil liberties, like Obama did, even if they don't nominate that candidate.
The only difference between Christie and Romney will be that Christie will not run AS far right as Romney did, but the far right already hates him more.
I think that's a valid observation. Christie isn't an old money plutocrat either. That hurt Romney too. Regardless......I think if Hilliary runs, in a general election, I think she'd take almost every State outside of the South and probably Florida and Virginia in the south.

The problem establishment Republicans have is that if you let enough Southern and Tea Party conservatives speak publicly they'll inevitably say some incredibly stupid shit that will alienate vast swatchs of the nation outside of the South.
I know its a long time between now and 16' but I am starting to wonder if anyone will challenge SoS Clinton for the Democratic Nomination. It appears she and her only likely opposition, VP Biden may have come to some sort of an agreement. Most insiders would agree that it is helpful for a primary candidate to have some sort of an opponent, but I wonder, incumbents usually don't have an opponent... I'm sure that H. Clinton will drum up a weak opponent if she feels its to her advantage, but the Clintons have become so powerful I wonder if they have effectively handicapped the field.

That fck-face Cuomo wants it, but I don't think he's got the balls to up against the Clinton machine. And there is no way I am going to vote for a white male middle of the road DLC Onceler type. If I have to have that, I want a woman so at least I get something out of it.

Of course, we don't know if there's an Obama out there. Someone who hasn't thrown in yet, who can change the entire dynamic.