President Rodham-Clinton?

Or just a simple error that you are making way too much of.

Ok I forgive you for the mistake if that is all it is.

I just get sick of people doing it to trash my party and the idea of DEMOCRACY.

its rove crap to help Grover kill the country.

they strip the opposition party of the IC to make it sound less like democracy and then tell all their pablum lapping minions that we are not a democracy even though the very definition of the word includes representational government.

The lies are lined up to fuck with the power of the people

then idiots want to pretend it means nothing.

fuck them.

Call my party by it CORRECT name or face that you are a fucking slime bag propagandist.

Please understand this is just like what they do to blacks.

TRASH them as TOO sensitive after they fucking insult them on purpose.
That fck-face Cuomo wants it, but I don't think he's got the balls to up against the Clinton machine. And there is no way I am going to vote for a white male middle of the road DLC Onceler type. If I have to have that, I want a woman so at least I get something out of it.

Of course, we don't know if there's an Obama out there. Someone who hasn't thrown in yet, who can change the entire dynamic.

I use the phrase fck-face because I just read an aol story (I think aol) about Kristen Stewart having called a photographer a fck-face and I was like, man that used to be one of my favorite expressions! It really is very under-used these days. Awesome of Stewart to be kicking it old school. And really, we have so many fck-faces right here on this's just too perfect.
I'd prefer to see someone like Elizabeth Warren or Alan Grayson run; I like getting new blood into the mix. But if Hillary Clinton runs and gets Barack Obama's support, she'll be unstoppable, and I certainly will vote for her.

Don't see Weiner scandal affecting her at all. Means Huma Abedin probably can't be vp candidate, but that was pretty unlikely anyway.

On the republican side, no idea who they'll get. Guess Rubio? Or Susana Martinez, gov. of New Mexico?

Well, Warren would be a dream come true...but I doubt she will challenge Hillary. I love Grayson! But his personality...I don't know. He is one of those guys who can't tolerate fools, and isn't shy about saying so.
I doubt we'd lose just because of that, because not like Republicans are showing any concern. But I agree, would be nice. Would help us win.

But they are. Rand Paul, Justin Amash and even Ted Cruz are talking about the NSA, Patriot Act and the war on terror abuses. Things could change, but I think you will lose a ton of young voters and the election with a neocon like Hillary.
Hilary the Neo con.

wow now they think the way to defeat her is to label her as them

Dude, how are you unaware that Prof Bax is a Libertarian? You have 25,000 posts on this board. He is not a Republican. Have you not read his almost hundreds of posts against religion and social conservatives? He has literally said he hates them. Have you not noticed how many times he has spoken out in favor of civil liberties?

How do you miss all this and think he is a Republican?
But they are. Rand Paul, Justin Amash and even Ted Cruz are talking about the NSA, Patriot Act and the war on terror abuses. Things could change, but I think you will lose a ton of young voters and the election with a neocon like Hillary.

They're all "fringe" relative to mainstream repubs.

But we'll see what happens....
Back to the point, that desh always avoids, the Democratic Party needs to show some support for civil liberties. Crowning Hillary, the neocon, without a challenge is not the best way to do that. They should at least run a challenger that will pay lip service to civil liberties, like Obama did, even if they don't nominate that candidate.
she is indeed a neocon.
the Obama Triumvirate:
Susan Rice, Susan Power, and Hillary the uber-Hawk.
Dude, how are you unaware that Prof Bax is a Libertarian? You have 25,000 posts on this board. He is not a Republican. Have you not read his almost hundreds of posts against religion and social conservatives? He has literally said he hates them. Have you not noticed how many times he has spoken out in favor of civil liberties?

How do you miss all this and think he is a Republican?

yes and hes still being used by a tool by the right.
Will you share with us what historically failed ideas Christie holds?


In 1998 Christie registered as a lobbyist for the firm of Dughi, Hewit & Palatucci, alongside fellow partner and later, gubernatorial campaign fundraiser Bill Palatucci.[24][25] Between 1999 and 2001, Christie and Palatucci lobbied on behalf of, among others, GPU Energy for deregulation of New Jersey's electric and gas industry;[24] the Securities Industry Association to block the inclusion of securities fraud under the state's Consumer Fraud Act; Hackensack University Medical Center for state grants, and the University of Phoenix for a New Jersey higher education license.[26]
I still believe that in a nation of over 300,000,000 people we should look a bit deeper than 5 families for leadership talent.
I still believe that in a nation of over 300,000,000 people we should look a bit deeper than 5 families for leadership talent.

I agree with that; it kind of bothers me to see the same names surface time & again.

Hillary seems inevitable right now, but she also did in '08 for awhile. Hard to say what's going to happen, though anyone who thinks Weiner is going to make one iota of difference in the next election is a bit off.

I was WAY wrong in '08; I really bought into the Obama hype. Watching how Hillary handled the SOS position, and comparing that to how Obama has handled being Prez, it's such a no brainer in hindsight. She would have been so much better as President.

Kind of a shame.
it was part of the reason I voted Obama instead of Clinton.

Ill vote Clinton if she is the best choice this time
That fck-face Cuomo wants it, but I don't think he's got the balls to up against the Clinton machine. And there is no way I am going to vote for a white male middle of the road DLC Onceler type. If I have to have that, I want a woman so at least I get something out of it.

Of course, we don't know if there's an Obama out there. Someone who hasn't thrown in yet, who can change the entire dynamic.

Very Yurt-like.

Just so's you know.