President Rodham-Clinton?

I know its a long time between now and 16' but I am starting to wonder if anyone will challenge SoS Clinton for the Democratic Nomination. It appears she and her only likely opposition, VP Biden may have come to some sort of an agreement. Most insiders would agree that it is helpful for a primary candidate to have some sort of an opponent, but I wonder, incumbents usually don't have an opponent... I'm sure that H. Clinton will drum up a weak opponent if she feels its to her advantage, but the Clintons have become so powerful I wonder if they have effectively handicapped the field.
I see Jarod has been spending endless hours dreamily doodling "President Rodham-Clinton" on his notebook. Did you add the little hearts and unicorns?
so powerful they couldn't win the election from a new guy a few years back.

the left need the peoples votes to win

Its not like the right where they can just lie to their masses and cheat to win
Okay, let's see if I got this straight: are you saying the GOP did NOT lie and cheat in '08 and '12? Or are you saying that you lefties KNEW they were going to lie and cheat so you guys decided to get proactive and lie and cheat twice as much as the GOP before they got a chance to?
Remember this woman? She voted for Obama SIX times!!!
Or who can forget our friends at ACORN!
YOu really don't know it has nothing to do with her gender. It's pretty absurd to pretend that we can grow up in a sexist society, filled with sexist stereotypes, and they don't affect our thinking in any way. Personally I think it's bullshit. But I do like how you attempted to head off this criticism. It was cute.

What do I know. If saying she wants power is sexist then so be it. To me anyone who wants to hold the 'most powerful position in the world' has to have a serious love of power otherwise they would have never risen to that level to begin with.
What do I know. If saying she wants power is sexist then so be it. To me anyone who wants to hold the 'most powerful position in the world' has to have a serious love of power otherwise they would have never risen to that level to begin with.

So read Grind's post again and tell me which recent Presidential candidate you feel that doesn't describe.
What do I know. If saying she wants power is sexist then so be it. To me anyone who wants to hold the 'most powerful position in the world' has to have a serious love of power otherwise they would have never risen to that level to begin with.

dont get her started cawacko. how dumb as you? are you trying to turn this into a 2k post thread?
remember everyone, if someone says something you feel is wrong on a debate board meant for debating, only people that already agree should post in those threads so they can circlejerk each other. if you disagree, you should wait until the appropriate time when the issue is no longer relevant and has faded from the public conversation. it's so easy. duh.

Or just thread ban everyone like you do.
dont get her started cawacko. how dumb as you? are you trying to turn this into a 2k post thread?

So read Grind's post again and tell me which recent Presidential candidate you feel that doesn't describe.

how about any of them? did any of them randomly move to a state before running that they had basically zero prior ties to?

she threw a dart on a map on the wall.

or try and create movies about themselves in their campaign years?
Someone gave me some really awesome pot this weekend, and actually I was discussing vaping, and thought I might ask you again about that. So I would consult with you on some things.

how about any of them? did any of them randomly move to a state before running that they had basically zero prior ties to?

she threw a dart on a map on the wall.

or try and create movies about themselves in their campaign years?

I am sure others have done the moving thing, but really that is your only reason for believing she is in it "solely for herself"? Have you ever checked into her long record of public service?

As for the movie, are you serious? She had a terrible propaganda film released about her during the 08 this time she struck first. Maybe you remember the group that put it out? Do you need me to tell you their name?
Or just thread ban everyone like you do.

i only ban people i consider trolls from my threads, people that will just spam gibberish. you'll be happy to note that when i go to threadban people, you usually aren't on that list. neither is darla. howey sometimes is though.
I don't think she is genuine. I just think hilary is running for all the wrong reasons, I don't think she cares about anyone but herself and is in it for powers own sake. eg. running for senate in new york. it's just such an obvious political stepping stone move. Then you add that together with all the bullshit tv series about her in the year she is running, just irks me the wrong way. She will have been running for president for 16 years by the time of her next campaign.

I do think she cares about people and is not as "ungenuine" as you think. I will agree - like any other politician, in particular one who runs for president - she is focused, aggressive, and interested in power - and yes, ambitious. I just don't think this is any different from any other candidate who steps up and says they want to be president.

How long did Romney run for president? How long did McCain run for president?

She did a great job as Senator for New York; she did a great job as Secretary of State. Why wouldn't she have gone for those positions? Was she supposed to stay at home and not fulfill her ambitions just because her husband was president?

I don't know if you would say the same thing about any politician OR if it rubs you wrong this time because she is female. Certainly many of her detractors last time were blatantly sexist (as were many of Bachman's detractors).
how about any of them? did any of them randomly move to a state before running that they had basically zero prior ties to?

she threw a dart on a map on the wall.

or try and create movies about themselves in their campaign years?

Romney moved to Mass to run for governor although he was still filing taxes in Utah.